Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Carlos Del Otero


Name: Carlos Del Otero​
Faction: None​
Rank: None​
Species: Human.​
Age: 42​
Sex: Male​
Height: 1.2 meters​
Weight: 134 kg​
Eyes: Deep brown.​
Hair: Long black hair, usually tied up at the back.​
Skin: Tanned/Olive​
Force Sensitive: No​
+ Salesmen - Although he doesn't look like much, Carlos is able to persuade even the most mighty of Hutts to purchase his divine wears.​
+ Hygienic - He seems like a dirty man, but Carlos is very hygienic, he needs to be if he wants to stay in business.​
- Overweight - Due to his weight, Carlos finds it very hard to move around quickly.​
- Doesn't know when to stop - When Carlos is in the moment, he can sometimes get carried away.​
Carlos most commonly wore a dirty apron, which protected a fine suit. His face showing the signs of his age. Most clothes fitted him quite tightly due to his weight and he always seemed quite sweaty. His hair was commonly seen tied back and he sported a very nice mustache.​
Carlos grew up on the planet of Tatooine, assisting the locals in the creation of foods. Sometime in his life, he decided that he would create a food empire. He eventually managed to set up his own stall, selling a variaty of foods such as womp rat stew, flatbread, bantha jerky and other forms of food. Carlos managed to scape up enough credits to purchase a HWK-290 Light Freighter and he began to sell his products off world. And this is where Carlos Del Otero's journey begin...​
An old, rusty and barely function HWK-290 Light Freighter
Bounties Collected:
To be updated​

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