Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Carlyle Rausgeber

NAME: Carlyle Rausgeber
FACTION: The First Order
RANK: First Order Naval Captain
AGE: 43
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 93 kilograms
EYES: Green
HAIR: Graying brown.
SKIN: Carlyle's skin is pale, thanks to years of having been aboard the bridges of various starships.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Dedication: Carlyle is a dedicated man, with pronounced loyalty to his cause, and to the welfare of his men. He'll always be found, either commanding his ships from the bridge, or writing a constant stream of reports from his personal quarters. What this translates to into battle, is Carlyle often offering to stay behind and covering the retreats of his comrades and allies.
+Charismatic: Like any good commander, Carlyle is a charismatic leader. He often cracks jokes at his own expense in order to secure crew morale. This continues, even when under fire he'll steel his nerves and try to reassure his crew as much as humanly possible.
-Stubbornness: Dedication leads to stubbornness. On more than one occasion, Carlyle has been the last man to realize a battle is to be lost, and this has translated into Carlyle's ships sustaining more casualties than necessary.
-Lapses in Judgement: Carlyle's long hours often have a toll on him. This may lead to him making tactical areas, conceding objectives when he could have taken them, and an inability to appropriately respond to threats and changes in the situation in time to counter them.
Carlyle is always on duty in his mind, and it shows with his attire. He will never be found dressed in civilian clothing, and is constantly found attired in the neat black uniform of a naval officer. Although age has made his hair grey with the stresses and natural aging process, he ensures it's groomed in a way that commands authority. His face is dominated by the wrinkles, though he's aged gracefully enough to look like a warm uncle. Carlyle's sharp green eyes are another focus of his appearance, and the fact they roam. He never gives the appearance that he is in fact listening to the speaker in front of him.

Carlyle was born on Avalonia, the son of an imperial bureaucrat and a mechanic. He grew up on the planet in a middle class suburb, fed propaganda by his father and having learned of starships from his mother, Carlyle enlisted at age 12 to the First Order naval academy. His aspiration to become a pilot was destroyed when it was realized he didn't have the reflexes for the job. However, his determination and willpower earned him the intrigue of the First Order Officer Academy. Although initially disappointed his dream job slipped from his fingers, Carlyle persevered and graduated at age nineteen, with the rank of ensign. Carlyles first job was to organize fighter attack patterns, a job which he excelled at. Due to his tactical nature, he slowly grew up the ranks, becoming more and more involved in the chain of command till he reached captain at age 36. Due to the rank, he was granted Resurgent class star destroyers with the mission of maintaining, and extending the Order's grip on their territories.

Carlyle commands eleven personal ships:

Imperial-x Class Star Destroyer:Vindicator

Imperial-x Class Star Destroyer: Imperator

Imperial-x Class Star Destroyer: Defiant

Victory-x Class Star Destroyer: Gallant

Victory-x Class Star Destroyer: Castameer

Victory-x Class Star Destroyer: Command

Empire-class Frigate: Brutality

Empire-class Frigate: Survivor

Dagger-class Escort Frigate: Gladius

Dagger-class Escort Frigate: Slash

Dagger-class Escort Frigate: Blade

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