Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Carmen

Intent: I already screwed up. 2024 will be my year for sure.​
Image Credit: Art by Terry Wei. Made perfect by Arage Bao Arage Bao .​
Permissions: The wind called for my re-return.​

Age: Early thirty-something​
Appearance: Blonde hair, blue eyes. Stern demeanor. Facial scars. Mindful of his appearance—keeps himself neatly groomed. Tall with an athletic physique. Has several tattoos of various meanings and styles. And, oh man, he looks so devastatingly cool with that cigarette.​

Name: Carmen​
Alias: Carm, Carmy, Chef​
Affiliations: The boys​
Wealth: Desperate​

  • Talented and knowledgeable chef.
  • Knows his way around ships, speeders, and most other things that drive or fly.
  • Decent fighter. Efficient, trained.
  • Cool and unbothered. Calm in stressful situations.


Stoic, taciturn. Pragmatic. When he does talk, Carmy is scathingly frank and has a black sense of humor. He possesses an amoral philosophy about life. He’s an unscrupulous merc, thief, or anything else that will nab him a payday. He reacts primarily through his eyebrows and nods as a short means of communication and, rarer, to express sarcasm.​


[ + ] Quick on the draw. Accurate shooter – handy with small blades.​
[ + ] Durable. Can withstand pain that most others might find debilitating.​
[ - ] The mesolimbic reward pathway demands a smoke.​
[ - ] Not a people person. Shoot first, questions later.​


Carmy prefers pistols and short-bladed weapons but will make do with whatever he can to win a fight. Has a pragmatic approach to combat and centers his style around speed and agility.​
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