Avalonian street traffic was as congested as ever thought Mr. Branneth, Armand Nathael "Nate" Branneth. He detested his given name and often when by the second, a Galidraani man of little to no importance. Rather he was the middle man often sent to integrated others into the First Order. It was a nice enough gig, it paid well and he supposed the perks of it were alright. A nice flat to come home to with a lovely view of the city, but for now he was on his way to pick up a newcomer Wes Gryffon and speak with him. Branneth had his briefcase with him and inside were the portfolios of opportunity. Wherein he was able to offer up different deals to help Mr. Gryffon integrate into the empire.
It was mid-Autumn which meant that Avalonia had begun to cool down, a true four seasons city and Mr. Branneth loved it. Unlike Galidraan where the planet seemed to be a cold, wet and dreary experience all year round. Avalonia offered a wonderful change of pace, the crisp autumn air, the smell of caf, and the aromas of the various shops around downtown as he headed for the starport. Armitage Intergalactic Starport was always busy and perhaps with the onset of the Coronation in combination with the upcoming Festival of Thanks and then inevitable Life Day merriment it had gotten busier.
He hailed a cab and was thankful for the quick approach, however; he noticed a woman had been trying to hail a cab. "Here you go ma'am," he offered and she was ever so gracious with her gratitude and hopped into the cab. She then told him the cab driver wouldn't mind taking him as well. Fantastic, always love the helpful mindset of Avalonians he thought to himself as he joined the woman in the cab. Closing the door he settled into the seat and as the woman began to hand the sovs to the driver.
"Just put it on me, I'll cover it, no worries ma'am."
Again she was gracious and Branneth was only ever happy when her trip wasn't as long as he at first thought when she tried to explain where she needed to go. The cab driver managed to figure it out between the three shops she mentioned. Finally, he was taken to the starport and he handed the man an extra twenty sovs for his trouble. Sliding out of the cab, briefcase in hand he adjusted his coat, suit and tie and headed toward the arrivals area to greet Mr. Gryffon.