In Umbris Potestas Est
Name: Carsonium Bastius
Species: Human
Age: 67
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 187 Pounds
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Gray
Skin: Caucasian
Force Sensitive: Yes, but is too old to conciously use it
Experienced: He has seen it all in his years travelling the galaxy, and is difficult to fool.
Wealthy: He found a sizable, century old cargo ship whose crew had been long killed by the Gulag Virus. He took all the valuables he could fit onto his ship, and can barter for nearly anything with them.
Good Shot: He has almost supernatural aim, thanks to his latent force sensitivity.
Unpredictable: His mind has deteriorated with age. He often does things for seemingly no reason, and is very volatile.
Secluded: He is aware of his weakened mind, and willingly avoids human contact as much as possible, ave for extreme circumstances
Overly Attatched: His vast material wealth has led to him being paranoid about people stealing it. If he suspects people are out for his treasure, he will not react well.
Carsonium has a sizable cargo transport ship. However, he used his wealth to convert much of it to a luxury moblile home, thus creating the Opulence 1. Whatever room is left is filled to the brim with supplies from the cargo ship he found unattended, detailed above. He outfitted the ship with exterior blaster cannons, torpedo launcher, and a homing missle bay. He kept all of these manual weapon systems locked, only accessable through a password only he knew. He also filled the intrior with laser turrets, which would shoot at any unauthorized people, should the ship be boarded. As a final resort, he also installed a remote self destruct system that could be operated from any escape pod, through the same passcode for the exterior weapon controls. The ship has weak shields he jury rigged from the shield components on the abandoned cargo ship mentioned above, that can'thold off anything stronger than a blaster rifle.
Barconius was born on the Carrier's Folly, a cargo ship that mostly dealed in delivering food to isolated communities on planets that were thought to be destroyed by the Gulag Virus. However, early on in Barconius's life, tragedy struck. The ship was raided by pirates, and he was taken into slavery, at the age of 8. He spent 19 years in chains, before the ship he was working on was raided again by the Artisian Empire. Barconius, in the ensuing chaos, managed to slip onto an escape pod, and hid there until the fighting was over. however, once he realized the empire wasgoing to remove the cargo and then destroy the ship, he snuck out of the pod and into a cargo container, stowing away on the Imperial warship and then, being moved onto an Imperial cargo ship. He soon decided that he would be discoovered if he didn't change his location, so he relocated to a utility closet until the shiplanded, at which point he waited until the crew exited and comandeered the vessel. Now wanted by the Artisians, he lived a fugitive's life going planet to planet on the Opulence 1, scavenging, trading, and generally trying to stay alive, all while maintianing the luxurious lifestyle he has grown accustomed to. Foruntately, he has managed to successfully dupe the OSA into thinking he is Carsonium Bastius, a drifter that Barconius found dead in an abandoned escape pod. Life is looking up for Carsonium, with a steady job, and an opulant life. Of course, he lives under the hope that his past shall not catch up for him
Species: Human
Age: 67
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 187 Pounds
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Gray
Skin: Caucasian
Force Sensitive: Yes, but is too old to conciously use it
Experienced: He has seen it all in his years travelling the galaxy, and is difficult to fool.
Wealthy: He found a sizable, century old cargo ship whose crew had been long killed by the Gulag Virus. He took all the valuables he could fit onto his ship, and can barter for nearly anything with them.
Good Shot: He has almost supernatural aim, thanks to his latent force sensitivity.
Unpredictable: His mind has deteriorated with age. He often does things for seemingly no reason, and is very volatile.
Secluded: He is aware of his weakened mind, and willingly avoids human contact as much as possible, ave for extreme circumstances
Overly Attatched: His vast material wealth has led to him being paranoid about people stealing it. If he suspects people are out for his treasure, he will not react well.
Carsonium has a sizable cargo transport ship. However, he used his wealth to convert much of it to a luxury moblile home, thus creating the Opulence 1. Whatever room is left is filled to the brim with supplies from the cargo ship he found unattended, detailed above. He outfitted the ship with exterior blaster cannons, torpedo launcher, and a homing missle bay. He kept all of these manual weapon systems locked, only accessable through a password only he knew. He also filled the intrior with laser turrets, which would shoot at any unauthorized people, should the ship be boarded. As a final resort, he also installed a remote self destruct system that could be operated from any escape pod, through the same passcode for the exterior weapon controls. The ship has weak shields he jury rigged from the shield components on the abandoned cargo ship mentioned above, that can'thold off anything stronger than a blaster rifle.
Barconius was born on the Carrier's Folly, a cargo ship that mostly dealed in delivering food to isolated communities on planets that were thought to be destroyed by the Gulag Virus. However, early on in Barconius's life, tragedy struck. The ship was raided by pirates, and he was taken into slavery, at the age of 8. He spent 19 years in chains, before the ship he was working on was raided again by the Artisian Empire. Barconius, in the ensuing chaos, managed to slip onto an escape pod, and hid there until the fighting was over. however, once he realized the empire wasgoing to remove the cargo and then destroy the ship, he snuck out of the pod and into a cargo container, stowing away on the Imperial warship and then, being moved onto an Imperial cargo ship. He soon decided that he would be discoovered if he didn't change his location, so he relocated to a utility closet until the shiplanded, at which point he waited until the crew exited and comandeered the vessel. Now wanted by the Artisians, he lived a fugitive's life going planet to planet on the Opulence 1, scavenging, trading, and generally trying to stay alive, all while maintianing the luxurious lifestyle he has grown accustomed to. Foruntately, he has managed to successfully dupe the OSA into thinking he is Carsonium Bastius, a drifter that Barconius found dead in an abandoned escape pod. Life is looking up for Carsonium, with a steady job, and an opulant life. Of course, he lives under the hope that his past shall not catch up for him