Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cartel Rules (Newcomers Please Read!)

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I'm Sexy and I Know It
This faction follows two, simple rules. First rule: Follow the rules for SWRP: Chaos found here and listed plainly below.


  • Keep your posts constructive and on the topic your post is in.

  • Harassment and abusive behavior is absolutely not allowed. This includes trolling members and racial, sexist, religious, ethnic, sexual or political remarks that can be considered derogatory.

  • Swearing is strongly discouraged. Excessive and unnecessary swearing is not allowed. This board is rated PG-13.

  • You will not impersonate another writer.

  • Do not use "alt-padding". This is defined by using additional character or writer accounts under one person's control to support the opinion of the first account in any manner in any out-of-character discussion.

  • All political, religious or social debates on real-life topics on the board are to be confined to the Water Cooler forum.

  • Prohibited: Committing or Promoting any type of illegal activity including fraud, mailbombing, denial of service attacks, storing and/or housing and/or linking to illegal content, including but not limited to, "warez", "hacking"/"cracking"/"key generators". One may not encourage or enable illegal behavior.

  • Do not offer the services to traffic in illegal drugs, gambling and/or obscene materials.

  • Additionally, SWRP Staff reserves the right to terminate your account if at any time you post pornography and/or nudity of any kind, including but not limited to, adult pornography, Anime, child pornography, "adult content" and/or the written word of a pornographic, sexual nature.

  • Attempts to circumvent any of our security policies or rules.

If you find any other members in violation of the above rules, please use the Report button in the bottom right of the post in question.


  • Role-Playing (RP) is the main activity of Star Wars RP: Chaos.

  • Posting Out-of-Character (OOC) messages in a role-play thread should be kept to an absolute minimum.

  • Cross-Over Role-play, or using elements from other fictional universes other than Star Wars, is limited to ONLY [Non-Canon] Role-play Threads.

  • You may not portray rape, pedophilia, etc. in any form. This is absolutely out of the question. Please use common sense.

  • Show respect to everyone in the role-play. Your post count does not establish you as a veteran, your attitude does.

  • The staff reserves the right to lay out any consequence they see fit for the breaking of these or any other site rules.
  • Do not create threads about what is perceived to be a lack of activity in role-playing. Create a new, [Public] role-play instead.
  • You may not kill another character without that character's permission.

Second Rule: Have fun and be respectful to other board members.

Now get out there and roleplay.
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