Caseek Vadu

[Extended Information:]
| Social Information |
[*]| Current Titles |
[*]| Former Titles |
[*]| Faction |
[*]| Rank |
[*]| Homeworld | Bastion
[*]| Living Situations |
[*]| Sexual Orientation | Heterosexual
[*]| Marital Status | Single
[*]| Languages Known |
[*]Droid Speak: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
[*]| Voice Sample | (Coming soon)
| Physical Information |
| Force |
| Personality and Traits |
Caseek Vadu is an ambitious young Togruta boy, his biggest goal in life is to become a powerful Sith so that he can get the recognition he feels he deserves. He is always focusing on his surroundings a trait passed down from primal Togruta's who were hunters. If anything out of place happens in his area, he will be quick to notice. Though he's very focused he is also easily excitable which can cloud his judgement of situations, and his focus. He will do alot to achieve his goals and he doesn't give up easily, but does always want to keep things fair, even for a Sith. He doesn't like to rely on many others, but he himself is very reliable. He will never break a promise or his loyalty as long as you don't give him a reason to. He isn't the smartest kid out there but his primal instincts quickly make up for his lack of intelligence.
Caseek doesn't let himself go down easily, even when he's clearly underpowered. He will never give up without a fight. Sadly this can also lead to some foolish actions and unnecessary confrontations. He is often overconfident which brings him into trouble aswell, not that he minds. Caseek loves the thrill of adventure and hates doing nothing. Despite all of this he isn't too good around people, he often doesn't know the right things to say, which he hates. He wants to be menacing but he's not to great at it, mainly because he's still quite young and awkward. But when push comes to shove he can certainly be a force to be reckoned with.
Caseek can also be very stealthy, he can easily board a ship unnoticed. He also has a bit more knowledge of technology than the average being, He is able to build his own weapons, albeit simple ones. He even built his own pet droid bird, for which he cares deeply. Caseek may seem cold and ruthless most of the time (or atleast he likes to think so), he cares greatly for those dear to him.
| Powers and Abilities |
Caseek also likes to use his Force powers in combination with his lightsaber, though he finds it difficult to find the right balance between the two.
[*]Other Skills
| Possessions |
(Coming soon)
- | Name | Caseek Vadu (Pronounced Kah-sheek Vah-doo)
- | Alias |
[*]| Current Titles |
- None
[*]| Former Titles |
- None
[*]| Faction |
- The Sith Empire
[*]| Rank |
- Sith Acolyte
[*]| Homeworld | Bastion
[*]| Living Situations |
- (coming soon)
[*]| Sexual Orientation | Heterosexual
[*]| Marital Status | Single
[*]| Languages Known |
- Galactic Basic: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
Low Basic: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native - High Basic: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
[*]Droid Speak: Broken - Semi-Fluent - Fluent - Native
[*]| Voice Sample | (Coming soon)
| Physical Information |
- | Species | Togruta
- | Age | 17
- | Gender | Male
- | Height | 165cm / 1.65m (5'40")
- | Weight | 55kg (121 lb)
- | Eye Color | Brown
- | Montral | Grayish-Blue
- | Skin | Light-Blue
- | Marks & Scars |
Various white face and montral markings - Dark-Blue tattoo on left shoulder/chest
| Force |
- | Force Sensitive | Yes
- | Force Rank | Acolyte
- | Force Alignment | Dark Side
| Personality and Traits |
Caseek Vadu is an ambitious young Togruta boy, his biggest goal in life is to become a powerful Sith so that he can get the recognition he feels he deserves. He is always focusing on his surroundings a trait passed down from primal Togruta's who were hunters. If anything out of place happens in his area, he will be quick to notice. Though he's very focused he is also easily excitable which can cloud his judgement of situations, and his focus. He will do alot to achieve his goals and he doesn't give up easily, but does always want to keep things fair, even for a Sith. He doesn't like to rely on many others, but he himself is very reliable. He will never break a promise or his loyalty as long as you don't give him a reason to. He isn't the smartest kid out there but his primal instincts quickly make up for his lack of intelligence.
Caseek doesn't let himself go down easily, even when he's clearly underpowered. He will never give up without a fight. Sadly this can also lead to some foolish actions and unnecessary confrontations. He is often overconfident which brings him into trouble aswell, not that he minds. Caseek loves the thrill of adventure and hates doing nothing. Despite all of this he isn't too good around people, he often doesn't know the right things to say, which he hates. He wants to be menacing but he's not to great at it, mainly because he's still quite young and awkward. But when push comes to shove he can certainly be a force to be reckoned with.
Caseek can also be very stealthy, he can easily board a ship unnoticed. He also has a bit more knowledge of technology than the average being, He is able to build his own weapons, albeit simple ones. He even built his own pet droid bird, for which he cares deeply. Caseek may seem cold and ruthless most of the time (or atleast he likes to think so), he cares greatly for those dear to him.
| Powers and Abilities |
- Lightsaber Combat
Caseek hasn't had alot of experience with lightsabers yet, but when he does fight, his fighting style mostly resembles the Djem So and Niman forms of lightsaber combat. He is quite agressive in his fighting style, yet focused at the same time. He prefers using a double bladed lightsaber. He focuses mainly on offensive strikes but because he mostly uses a double bladed lightsaber he defends himself alot aswell.
Caseek also likes to use his Force powers in combination with his lightsaber, though he finds it difficult to find the right balance between the two.
- Force Powers
Caseek isn't very well trained in the ways of the Force. He has weak control over basic things like Force Pulling, but His Force Explosion ability is quite strong and accurate. This mostly comes thanks to his extreme focus and excitement mixed with anger and fear.
[*]Other Skills
- Caseek also has some basic skills in terms of technology (mainly droids) and weaponmaking. He is also very stealthy and able to easily go unnoticed.
| Possessions |
(Coming soon)