The Blood Hound
Dohmus Prime. A lovely planet, maybe. Madalena was not going to land on it today. Instead, she was walking down the hallway that led to the space station’s casino, her combat boots making surprisingly little noise with every step. She hadn’t known what to expect on her way here, and to be frank, she still wasn’t entirely sure what to expect a mere few moments from now.
Down to her last crate of her precious Baby Hutts, the Sithling decided it was time to bring her Hutt Breeding Porgram to an end. She had new ideas, ideas that were bigger and better, and while her precious little slugs were an amazing tool for her, it was time to upgrade. But that didn’t mean she’d just kill the little critters. Not randomly, anyway. No, she had a much better plan that; she was going to sell them.
Which was exactly why she’d arrived here. A middleman had done the theoretical introductions and she was to meet her new contacts here. Credits were to be exchanged for her last little slugs.
She’d taken great care in picking her dress out, over twelve Czerka knives hidden in the bottom part of her dress, as well as the hilt of her lightsaber hidden discreetly inside her cleavage. It was weird to hide all her weapons like that again; until recently, that was how she always went at it, but with her advancement within the CIS ranks and her growing abilities as a Warrior, she’d started to wear all her weapons out in the open. This… Was strange.
Madalena also wore her slugs on her. Ten Baby Hutts, some of them the size of a finger, others slightly bigger, were riding her shoulders, on her head, clinging to her curves. Some of them were laughing. She was often laughing with them. It was a sight to behold, though there weren’t any bombs strapped to any of them at present. That would come later. “All right little sluggies,” she said with a little coo, “now’s the time to be on your best behavior so that we can find you a new mommy and a new daddy! No poodoo'ing on my hair!”
Making sure her bright red lipstick hadn’t smudged, Madalena Antares entered the casino, emerald green eyes scanning her surroundings for her contact.
Down to her last crate of her precious Baby Hutts, the Sithling decided it was time to bring her Hutt Breeding Porgram to an end. She had new ideas, ideas that were bigger and better, and while her precious little slugs were an amazing tool for her, it was time to upgrade. But that didn’t mean she’d just kill the little critters. Not randomly, anyway. No, she had a much better plan that; she was going to sell them.
Which was exactly why she’d arrived here. A middleman had done the theoretical introductions and she was to meet her new contacts here. Credits were to be exchanged for her last little slugs.
She’d taken great care in picking her dress out, over twelve Czerka knives hidden in the bottom part of her dress, as well as the hilt of her lightsaber hidden discreetly inside her cleavage. It was weird to hide all her weapons like that again; until recently, that was how she always went at it, but with her advancement within the CIS ranks and her growing abilities as a Warrior, she’d started to wear all her weapons out in the open. This… Was strange.
Madalena also wore her slugs on her. Ten Baby Hutts, some of them the size of a finger, others slightly bigger, were riding her shoulders, on her head, clinging to her curves. Some of them were laughing. She was often laughing with them. It was a sight to behold, though there weren’t any bombs strapped to any of them at present. That would come later. “All right little sluggies,” she said with a little coo, “now’s the time to be on your best behavior so that we can find you a new mommy and a new daddy! No poodoo'ing on my hair!”
Making sure her bright red lipstick hadn’t smudged, Madalena Antares entered the casino, emerald green eyes scanning her surroundings for her contact.