Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cass Tarentill


NAME: Cass Tarentill
FACTION: The Republic (Jedi)
RANK: Padawan
AGE: 18
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 110 lbs.
EYES: Bluish-Green
HAIR: Sandy Blonde
SKIN: White as Snow :)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Determined - Cass is a very focused individual. If her eye is set on something, she will fight until it gets done, one way or the other. Her determined attitude is what wakes her up in the morning, as she sets off to do what must be done in the day. If the task is important to her, she gives it her all.

Agile - Growing up poor with her brother gave Cass a very agile body. Dodging in and out of crowds is easy for Cass, even more so now that she has the Force on her side. Quick as a fox, she loves to go running, and finds herself in the lead when competing with others in races.

Bull-headed - Stubborn as an ox, Cass likes to do things her way and has no problem making you understand that. A product of very little discipline as a child, she trusts her own instincts better then anyone elses in the world. It takes either authority or serious begging for her to listen to someone elses ideas.

Physically Weak - Cass may be agile, but that comes as a cost. Shes not very strong and has trouble lifting or carrying heavy objects. Without the Force guiding her, Cass has very little strength of her own.

Cass is a very young and vibrant girl that just turned 18. With blonde, curly locks that drape over her shoulders and blue eyes that dazzle in the sun, some would even call her pretty. She does her best in the morning to look good throughout the day, feeling more confident if she has time to make herself look pretty in her own eyes. Slim and athletic from all the running she does, Cass tries her best to look good. Whenever she is concentrating, she bites her bottom lip, which many make fun of her for.

Much of Cass's life is an odd blur to her. She does not have many memories of life before she arrived at the temple. Foggy and broken in sequence, Cass tries hard to remember on a daily basis, but has had no luck in recent years. Dropped off at the temple by her brother at an incredibly young age, Cass has been at the temple ever since, training and wondering why her brother abandoned her to the Jedi. She secretly wishes to forgo the ideals of the Jedi and search for her older brother, but understands that other events are much bigger and must be dealt with first. Having no memories of her other family, Cass has no attachment like that in life, nor understands why other Padawans miss their families. She shares an odd emotion of anger and sadness over her brothers disappearance.

What Cass can remember is very basic and barely connected. She vaguely remembers living on a populated world filled with cities, and also remembers not having very many credits to live on. Basically a street scoundrel, she remembers living day to day on a few meager credits and even fewer meals. Her childhood must of gifted Cass with the ability to sneak and even pickpocket, as she finds that she can be incredibly quiet when she wants to be. Connected the dots on her own, Cass figures that she pick-pocketed credits or valuables in an attempt to continue living along with her brother.

To this day, Cass does not understand why her childhood is in bits and pieces. When asked by others, she just tells them its because she was young, etc., but even she doesn't believe such a lie. When actively trying to recover the memories, they seem blocked or otherwise distorted. She doesn't understand why, but will eventually track her brother down and find out herself.

Since arriving to the temple however, Cass was an exemplar student of the temple. Not too learned, but not incredibly dumb either. Her arrogance and stubbornness sometimes got her on the wrong side of the various teachers but over all, they could see the compassion in her, and knew that she would do good for the order. Now a Padawan, Cass watches the war unfold before her very eyes, and wonders how she can help. She wants to pass her training quickly, so she can fight the good fight against the reinvigorated Sith menace





None yet :3

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