Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Cassius Cole

Cassius Cole

Cassius Cole


NAME: Cassius Cole

FACTION: New Imperial Order

RANK: Imperial Page


AGE: 22

SEX: Male



EYES: Green

HAIR: Black

SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :


  • Quick Learner
  • Athletic
  • Adept at using blasters/rifles
  • Thievery

  • Quick to anger
  • Arrogant with things he thinks he knows
  • Addictive personality


Cassius has an often brooding look on his face but not intentionally. He is above average height but relatively thin. He does not wear the nicest of clothing because he cannot afford much. When he is around people he likes he is often laughing and making jokes to try and lighten the mood. He has black hair that he keeps pretty close to his head, especially after his time in the military. He is also proud of the fact that he does not have any scars or tattoos on his body but he is not sure why he is proud of that.


Cassius was born to a Spice Dealing father and a mother who ran away from her super religious family in an act of rebellion. He was raised in the slums of Corellia and from a very young age he was constantly around the violence of the drug trade. His father and his fathers brothers were all notorious thugs and he was often in and out of prison. His mother, who tried her best, was often overwhelmed with the world around her and was quick to overreaction. When his younger brother was born, Cassius was forced to resort to the same life as his father in order to bring in credits to support the family while his father was incarcerated.

He was always slender and quick and was often used for heists. He quickly began to make a name for himself as he was able to successfully rob multiple other spice dealers in the area and not only not get caught but not be identified in the theft. This was short lived as notoriety was not a good thing for a thief as all thefts would be subsequently blamed on him whether he had done them or not. His first brush with death came when one of the rival gangs in the area kidnapped him and beat him nearly to death, only sparing him when he promised he could steal a large shipment of spice for them.

Though he was successful in his endeavor, he realized he could not continue this life for a long time, so he made his first attempt at going straight. He worked as a mechanic on ships in a shipyard but he realized he was losing money doing this so he returned to petty theft very quickly. During one of his break ins he made a mistake and came face to face with his first life or death decision. He had always carried a blaster with him on his missions but this was the first time he had the opportunity to use it. Doing something he did not think he was capable of, he pulled the trigger, and killed his first man.

He carried this with him but it was not guilt that upset him. It was the fact that he barely felt anything in doing it and had rationalized the idea that it was either him or the man he had killed. He was able to find moderate success as a thief for awhile until he pulled a job trying to rip off an Imperial Ship. He was, of course, caught and given the option of prison or to serve in the Imperial Military. He chose the military and it was here he found his first feelings of family. He also started to realize that he could do things with his mind on specific occasions. When the chips were down and all felt hopeless or lost he was able to accomplish things no one should be able to do like lift heavy objects off his comrades or jump higher than normal.

It turned out that this was the Force acting through him and he was quickly recruited, forcefully, to join the Sith.




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