Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cassius Droma



NAME: Cassius Droma
AGE: Early Twenties
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 160lbs
EYES: Dark Green
HAIR: Dirty blonde
SKIN: Caucasian


[+] Sharp as a Tack: If Cassius is proud of one thing, it’s his intellect. His flexible and logical mind allows him to come up with solutions and strategies while also applying imagination and creativity into every plan he has.
[+] Calm, Cool, and Collected: Cassius is a cool-tempered, level-headed man. He always tries to find the best solution to a problem before acting upon it, but this by no means makes him a slow mover. On the contrary, his nimble mind allows him to react to situations in a fast, but logical, way.
[+] Determination is Key: When Cassius sets his mind to something, he does everything in his power to get it done. This makes him a valuable ally and a loyal friend to anyone who returns the favor.
[+] Flyboy: Having flown as a starfighter pilot for three years, Cassius is rather adept at flying, and can tangle with some very skilled pilots. However, the most he has ever faced are pirates.
[+] Survival of the Fittest: As a pilot, Cassius had to go through a series of survival courses in order to make sure he could take care of himself in the event of a crash-landing. This, coupled with his harsh background on Rinn, makes him a resilient man.

[-] You Think Too Much: While being a logical thinker can have its benefits, it certainly has drawbacks. His Jedi training, for instance, deals a lot with the ethereal, things that he cannot see or feel. These are hard concepts for him to grasp.
[-] A Bit Blunt, Dear: Cassius tells it like it is, even if it may hurt someone’s feelings. That isn’t to say he doesn’t care about one’s emotional well-being, but he puts honesty and the truth over emotional comfort.
[-] Tunnel Vision: While his determination and can-do attitude gets the job done, when Cassius focuses on something, it’s easy for him to get so wrapped up that he forgets about other things.
[-] Lady Killer: He’s absolutely terrible with women. Just… awful.

APPEARANCE: Cassius is a decent-looking man – someone you might look at twice on the street, but would probably forget as soon as you got home. His athletic build can look unassuming under a flight suit or his typical civilian garb, but you’ll know you’ve crossed him if you meet his piercing, dark-green gaze.

Cassius was born on the Outer Rim world of Rinn, a harsh, unforgivably cold world where staying outside for more than an hour meant certain death. It was a wonder that anyone would have wanted to settle in an environment so hostile, but when valuable ores and minerals had been found just below the surface, the first mining colonies began to spring up hundreds of years ago. Many of the inhabitants lived in settlements that were completely enclosed and had their own environmental controls.

Early life had been fairly simple – Rinn was so isolated and travel was so difficult that everyone lived in a sort of bubble. Cassius’s parents were scientists on the engineering team that was responsible for maintaining the settlement’s systems, and seeing as how they were always busy making sure everyone didn’t freeze to death, Cassius had to find ways to entertain himself. This lead to his very solitary nature, as he was used to, and very good at, being alone. Cassius read constantly, especially historical records, and found himself to be very studious.

Around the time of his eighteenth year, Cassius began to seriously think about a career in the Rinn Starfighter Corps. These pilots were responsible for patrolling the system, as well as escorting freighters to and from trading posts, as resources were so valuable on Rinn that a single shipment lost could mean a settlement without food or power for weeks. Nearly every young man and woman tried out for the Starfighter Corps, and many washed out. Not Cassius, though – he not only passed the initial tests, but excelled, having found his naturally quick thinking and reflexes to go hand-in-hand with piloting. His reaction times were so quick, that he was designated as an A-wing pilot, specifically for dogfighting missions. He had no idea that it was his affinity for the Force that allowed him such skill. Cassius carved out a name for himself amongst the Starfighter Corps – flying numerous missions and being able to hold his own in pirate attacks, however few there were.

Always having been an avid lover of history, Cassius began to study archaeology when he wasn’t on a patrol tour. Eventually, he started to take solo expeditions into the long mining tunnels under the settlement after hearing about supposed ruins and artifacts from miners whom had been down below. Incredulous at first, Cassius soon discovered that the stories were true – some kind of ancient temple lay beneath the surface of Rinn. The ruins were so degraded and eroded that it was hard to tell just who had occupied it and when. Artifacts were few and far in-between – a corrupted data disk here, heavily degraded robes there, but no matter where Cassius went, he had a strange feeling, as if he were being drawn further into the temple, towards its center.

Eventually he found it – a grand hall, where the greatest concentration of artifacts had been found. In the center of the room was a pedestal, on which a small, ornately decorated tube sat – a lightsaber. Drawn to it, Cassius picked it up, and the hologram of a hooded female cracked to life. She identified herself as a Jedi Master, programmed to train younglings in the way of the Force. Cassius asked the hologram about the mystical “Force”, something he had heard about from traders, but was unsure of what it was.

It wasn’t long before Cassius was able to give himself rudimentary training in the Force, with help from the hologram and various records strewn about the ancient temple. Three months passed, and a team of miners came down to the temple to look for him since he had missed a tour of duty. At that time, Cassius had used up very record, data disk, and holographic training module that hadn’t been completely degraded. He knew that it was time to leave – not just the temple, but Rinn itself. Cassius packed up everything he owned, including downloading the main training hologram into a small, cracked holocron. He managed to scrounge enough credits together to buy his old A-wing from the Rinn Starfighter Corps and set off, hoping to find a way to continue on the path of a Jedi.

Cassius's Lightsaber
A180 blaster pistol

Personal Transport: Stardust Melody
Starfighter: RZ-X A-wing Interceptor



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