Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cast the Nets [Corvus and Thurion]

Late afternoon
[member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]​

The Oathkeeper broke through the atmosphere over Sanctuary, an ocean planet of much beauty and known for it wealth in aquatic life which graces the tables of most homes and restaurants throughout the galaxy. Thurion and Coci had spent the majority of the trip in preparations for the Silver Jedi, talking about a new direction the new grand master looked to progress the Order onward. There is still much sadness within the Order after the passing of Iella E'ron, but as Jedi they must move on as life does. She would have wanted them not to give in to such emotions and neglect duty.

And so after a meeting with the Grand Master Corvus Raaf, they had talked about strengthening the tires between the two Orders. Talks in the past had began with a sense of respect however, nothing got off the ground and this time hope is on there side. Coci had sent a message inviting Corvus to Sanctuary, they could have met in either Silver Jedi protected space or that of the Republic, but why not somewhere separate and held an atmosphere of relaxation. Besides Coci craved fish.

After she had dressed in light robes, she made her way to Thurion's meditation chambers, to find him sitting in repose. She entered without a word, and sat on the floor opposite him, just looking over his face as a smile crossed her face and teasing him, "Thurion it is time to wake up". Coci had always jested that meditation was just a Jedi code for a nap.
Corvus had never been to Sanctuary – but then she’d never visited the majority of the planets in the galaxy – and so she was looking forward to the new experience. Her last encounter with an ocean planet had been less positive – it may have been six years ago, but Manaan was still fresh in her mind as she exited hyperspace.

Punching the appropriate coordinates into the nav-comp, she left her astro-droid in charge and walked to her cabin. On the way she bumped into Corax, her protocol droid – the one [member="Kana Truden"] so generously helped to tweak the programming of. Ever since he’d developed a sarcastic side to him and insisted on opening every message she received and translating them – even though they were all in Galactic Basic to begin with.

“It’s a formal meeting but informal if you know what I mean. So not dress robes or anything but do I wear a dress or my usual robes?” Why she asked him, she had no idea.

“My input is…irrelevant. You will ignore whatever I say Master Raaf, so it is a drain on my energy reserves to even contemplate a solution to your conundrum.” And if a droid could walk off in a ‘huff,’ this one did.

She shrugged and considered he was probably right, but that wasn’t the point. You aired a question just to hear what it sounded like. His view was useful – if ultimately pointless. Droids, eh?

So she showered and put on her usual robes. Firstly she still hadn’t bought any shoes and secondly she still felt more comfortable dressed this way. In fact, none of her dresses had seen the light of day since that eventful barbecue.

Once ready, she heard the signal that landing was imminent and she reflected on her journey. Following that day she’d met Coci and Thurion once more – at the funeral –and they’d agreed to strengthen the ties between the Orders. Not on a cordial, very formal level but with the hope of genuine friendship between them. They were all Jedi after all.

She checked the local time - it was late afternoon. She'd not eaten on purpose and hoped the choice of venue meant a meal - because her stomach would be growling through the meeting if it wasn't.

[member="Coci Sinopi"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
There is no emotion, there is peace.

There was a reason he didn't care to recite the Jedi Code that often. Asha had raised him to think and feel for himself, something he valued above all else in others. With so many people dead in such a short span of time - some of which were close friends of his - how could he not feel something? Anything? Isn't that what makes us who we are, what makes us people? Such was his philosophy, even as a child. It was the reason why he now, upon opening his eyes after hearing the melodic voice of his beloved and seeing her adoring face, allowed a tear to be shed in memory of all the people lost in recent years. He wept for the galaxy.

It was but one tear, and before it could come into contact with his blonde beard he made sure to wipe it away. He offered Coci a faint smile which only grew wider as he dropped his gaze to the now considerable bump of her belly, and as he settled his palm upon it he could feel his son stirring. "I love you." His gaze returned to her eyes. "Both of you." Leaning forward his lips met hers in one drawn-out, lasting kiss. When it ended his forehead rested against hers, and deep breaths inhaled her scent. "Let's not keep Corvus waiting, shall we?" he told her before moving to help Coci get back up on her feet. While certain she could manage on her own, he wanted to help.

Grabbing his black leather jacket before exiting the room, he casually tossed it over his shoulder as he took Coci by the hand.

[member="Coci Sinopi"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"]
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"]​
"I love you too", she said caressing his face, before he took her hand and led her off The Oathkeeper now docked at the starport near their accommodation. The afternoon is warm still as the sun settle low on the horizon casting long shadows from the buildings over the streets. Such a pleasant place and the air crisp, her head turned to look down into the natural harbour, the view settling her mind somewhat from the recent sad events, the memories of those etched on her heart and time would be the way to cope, but now they looked forward to brighter days.

Thurion and Coci, had made their way to their room, Corvus would have equal lodgings and soon they would meet on the view platform before partaking of a meal together. After unpacking what little personal items she had brought for the trip, Coci turned to take in the sight of the room. Most impressive to say the least, as she watched the aquatic creatures lazily swim passed the massive thick window. She walked to the very edge of it, marveling at the colour of the reef, the coral electric with it, astounding in the variety of life.

"Thurion this is wonderous", she said without taking her eyes off the view.
Corvus packed a small bag – anything she forgot she could come back for. She was in two minds to carry her box of candles and ball-bearings, in case she got a chance to practice Faalo’s Cadences but decided better of it. The rooms were probably a little small.

So she bade Corax farewell – or rather shouted goodbye as he was clearly sulking and had hidden somewhere on the ship, before she disembarked Raven 2 and took in the clean air. Despite spending her formative years in Coronet, she always preferred to be out in the open. Ossus offered her that freedom and her newly built home on Tatooine was quite literally in the middle of nowhere. But there it was desert as far as the eye could see whereas here she could see water as far as the horizon.

The room was definitely comfortable and she checked the time. She had a spare thirty minutes and so decided to practice a new variant of Meditation she’d learned recently from one of the Jedi Holocrons. Heji tal was about balancing control, sense and alter in such a way as to bring about a state of restful clarity. It was early days, but she could already find inner peace by using it.

Finally she knew the time was right to meet the others and so she took one last look at the beautiful scene the wall to wall underwater window afforded. It was teeming with life and so restful too. But she tore her eyes away from it and headed to the view platform where they’d agreed to meet.

[member="Coci Sinopi"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Their room was indeed a marvel to behold. Most impressive was the underwater aspect as above and around them the ocean wildlife swam by minding their own buisness, which only added a sense of serenity to it all; as much as the galaxy had been plunged into a state of chaos, nature will always prevail in the end. In awe Thurion stepped forward and placed a hand against the transparisteel window and caught the attention of a small fish who stayed to observe him a while. "This is place of healing for the soul, Coci..." he said, turning to face her across the room. The fish went on its merry way without a care in the world, and Thurion smiled.

Once the spectacular nature of their room had been taken in, the two began to prepare for their meeting with Grandmaster [member="Corvus Raaf"] of the Jedi Order. Both parties had decided upon an informal gathering on a neutral planet. A friendly dinner in the eyes of strangers yet coupled with the discussions that could potentially shape the galaxy, and hopefully for the better. So it was that the Grandmaster of the Order of the Silver Jedi alonside [member="Coci Sinopi"], Master of the Order, found themselves at a restaurant dealing only in foods of the sea, specifically those native to the waters of Sanctuary.

For some reason, Thurion felt nervous even as Coci remained close to him. The office of Grandmaster had been thrust upon him by his peers after the untimely death of Iella, and he was now experiencing the pressure of doing right by his Order and the people who thought him fit for the job. He took comfort in knowing his soon-to-be wife was with him and would remain so in more ways than one, now. Stood outside the restaurant while waiting for Corvus' arrival, he couldn't not put both arms around Coci and hold her in loving embrace.
[SIZE=12pt]The position she now held equally new to her as the mantel of grand master to Thurion. Sensing his nervousness only served to remind her of her own and she took comfort in his arms as they waited for Corvus. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Before the death of Master E’ron, Coci served as Master of the Silver Shadows, a position she still holds, but after the title of Master of the Silver Order had been placed on her shoulders, she now stands as one responsible for the Silvers, only second to Thurion. It all happened so quickly, and no small amount of self-questioning had occupied her mind. Is she right for the position? Or is it too soon for her to hold such a high office?, and more importantly can a Jedi that lives in the grey of the shadows of the darkness, help lead an Order of Light?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]These are the issue Coci will need to meditate on over her time on light duties. But this is the way of the Jedi, to seek knowledge of Self alongside all else. There is no questioning her loyalty to the Silver Jedi or loyalty to those that she considers to respect or love, after all the girl is Corellian to the core, but break that trust she gives and again the Corellian will rise about that of the Jedi and there is no second chances. What is that old saying? You can take the girl out of Corellia, but you can’t take Corellia out of the girl. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Coci let out a long sigh with her mind in thought of her home planet. “Thurion, after things have settle down somewhat and the Silvers are healing from so much pain of late, I need to go to Corellia, I need to see it for myself”, she is of course referring to the destruction of her home. “I need to see if I can help there in any way or that all hope is lost for my home”. Yes she still considered Corellia her home, it is in the blood.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“But now is the time for other matters, I sense Master Raaf approaching”. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]She turned to stand next the Thurion and straightened her light robes before lacing her fingers through his hand to hold. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"][/SIZE]​
Corvus was as old-school as they came. She'd met the couple before and sensed their love and devotion - but with no reference point found it difficult still to understand their relationship. She had a best friend and maybe a handful of other people she could call friends - albeit there was no social aspect to their situation. So as she looked at the two, standing there waiting for her, she wondered what it was like. Unlike the last time she'd tried to have a conversation with someone on the subject and started the meeting by making herself look and feel foolish, she was wary of her words this time. Perhaps over dinner, she might be able to introduce the subject.

Or perhaps not.

So she simply walked to them, smiled and bowed politely. "Thank you for inviting me here, it's truly beautiful." Her eyes swept to the vista by way of proof. "And I understand a whole variety of congratulations are in order - but I daren't list them, for fear of giving them the wrong priority. I may be a cold-fish, but even I know we all value different things above others." There was a twinkle in her eye and it was clear she wasn't taking herself too seriously.

[member="Coci Sinopi"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Thurion was about to answer Coci when Corvus appeared, prompting him to ignore his previous thought and instead greet her with a bow. "Master Raaf, a pleasure as always! I trust your journey here went well?" Sanctuary was just about as far away from Voss as it was Ossus, after all.

"I thank you for your kind words. It seems the galaxy could use with more of those than usual, lately, with all that has happened." He looked to Coci, sensing the pain she still felt after losing Corellia. He placed a hand on her lower back, rubbing it gently with his palm. "I'm sorry I never had the pleasure of meeting your predecessor, Master Grayson. I hear she was a strong leader and great Jedi. I am sure you will do her proud."

A waiter appeared from behind, inviting the group to come inside. "Shall we?" The three Jedi Masters then stepped inside and were shown to their table.
"Thank you Master Raaf", Coci smiled appreciating her kind words.

She took Thurion's hand and they entered the restaurant surrounded with underwater vistas. This place is a gem and could not but impress. They are approached by the manager and shown to their table toward the back of the room, more private than most which would allow them to talk with freedom.

As Coci took her seat, she looked to both Thurion and Corvus. This meeting would go towards strengthening the tires between the two Orders and Coci and Thurion would be prepared for any questions or concerns that Corvus may have. She had no doubt there would be some, much history had passed between the two Orders but it is time for change.

"Shall we order before we start the meeting?".

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus smiled at the couple. Which was unique for her and it immediately struck her. Everyone else she knew were individuals. Not that Coci and Thurion weren’t – but she saw them first and foremost as a couple. It was different and it was good – but for Corvus mostly different. She’d been at an Academy since she was 4 and only knew one way of life.

“My journey was good thank you, I trust yours was too. And yes, so much sorrow in such a short space of time. As for Kiskla, we still hope she’ll return one day. She was always strong and a recent encounter with Darth Vornskr gave me hope. Not in what he said, rather in what he didn’t say – but I should not live in false hope and rely on the facts. Until I see otherwise, I’ll assume she’s still alive.”

She saw the waiter and politely followed him to their table. Once more they were blessed with views of the ocean from under the surface. It was so natural and serene yet at the same time vibrant.

Corvus probably picked up the menu with indecent haste but it was fractionally after Coci had suggested they order – so she felt sure they wouldn’t have noticed. Today was not a day for salads – or blue milk. Today she would delights in the fruits of the sea and in the privacy of the table they’d been shown look forwards not backwards and ensure she did everything in her power to ensure those that served the Republic called those of the Silver Order brothers and sisters every bit as much as they did those that resided on Ossus or Ruusan.

“Is there anything you’d recommend?” Hunger she had in abundance but her knowledge of seafood was sadly lacking.

[member="Coci Sinopi"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

As she looked over the top of the menu at Corvus, Coci had felt like fish on arrival but now her craving had changed, the idea of fish turned her stomach. Pregnancy is so fickle. "Sorry .. no I don't know the cuisine here", she struggled to even talk about, for all accounts she could have swore she had motion sickness but she managed to control her nausea.

Taking a sip of the water placed on the table, she began to feel better immediately. "Master Corvus you must forgive me, it has been a long time since I had any dealings with the Jedi Order. I had .. have a lot of friends there, as did a lot of the members that left to follow Master E'ron. We never stopped holding them dear to our hearts, how is everyone?" she genuinely asked, although Corvus would not know of whom she spoke, but that did not matter, all Jedi are friends to her mind.
While the two lovely ladies spoke, Thurion glanced over the menu with one ear ever attentive on their conversation. "Fish, fish, fish..." he murmured while flipping through the menu pages. Can't say he didn't expect it from an aquatic planet. "Ah, there we go," he said aloud upon finding the dishes he was looking for. "Veal, beef, lamb..." the murmuring continued. After a while he looked to find that the ladies had stopped talking. "Sorry," he apologised as he awkwardly put the menu back down on the table, cheeks a bit more red than before. "Found the thing, though..." he mumbled while playing with his fork.

Truth be told, Thurion always felt somewhat uneasy whenever at a fancy restarurant such as this one. He'd grown up poor and homeless, forced to steal to survive at a young age. His brother and he would often linger outside the fancier establishments hoping for scraps or a chance to sneak inside. Being a Jedi didn't necessarily mean you knew how to act in every situation, and this was one where his confidence in how to behave was shot dead in its tracks.

But when he looked over at Coci and her being pregnant with their son, he couldn't help but smile. He casually reached for her hand just to feel its softness against his rougher. Soon they would be married.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus spoke to Coci first. “The past six years has taken its toll on the Jedi of the Republic. Many have decided to act more independently – and I’m happy if that’s what works for them. I’m sure they’ll be around if the Republic need them.”

“And – as is the case – I suspect a new wave of Jedi will come through and assume leadership positions. My task, I suspect, is to ensure they see other Jedi as part of one family as opposed to when I was a Padawan when insularity felt commonplace.”

“And I hope things are as well as can be expected given the sad circumstances for the Silver Jedi. A transition can be a good thing, but for some it can be a case of too much, too soon.”

And turning to Thurion, she smiled. “I am a creature of habit, but for once I will be swept away by what this place is famed for. I think a shell-fish risotto has to be the ticket for me. It sounds warming yet delicate.”

“So, is everything sorted for the wedding?”

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Coci could not help but grin as Thurion mumbled through the menu, she knew what dish he looked for. Given the multitude of choices, he would go for the favourite. Her appetite changed with every passing second, pregnancy is so fickle when it comes to food. However, everything looked good and her choice was made as well. Before the waiter would come to take there order, it gave time to talk more.

"The Silver Jedi have been around for some time now and like most we have had our more quieter moments, but we grow steady and strong. I dare say this is the same for most Orders and with new blood, as they say, come new ideas that are more progressive and will move everyone forward. It is precisely this that has prompted this meeting, a first step to a more unified approached to the issues and situations with the galaxy, not just the Sith. Although they are of primary importance, so is all the other evils that plague us. Crime Lords, slavers anyone that moves to remove the freedom and welfare of others".

Before any further talk could continue, the waiter appeared to take their orders. Water would be the drink of her liking for the evening, although she could murder an Ale. "I believe I will have the bantha steak ... and the grilled juggerhead fish please, oh and a side of green vegetables, roasted not steamed, some bread .. lots of it. Do you have any dips? Oh good, dips for fours please. Yes I think that is it". Well.. so .. she is hungry.

Coci placed the menu back on the table in front of her so the Thurion and Corvus could place their orders.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Corvus did her best not to notice as Thurion deliberated over his choice of food and instead focused on Coci.

As the waiter approached she was able to give him her full attention. Following Coci, she placed her order, “I’d love the seafood risotto please. But can I have extra berbersian crab and no dac anchovies and extra nyork but no exosquidar, and with a side salad please. And could I have…a bottle of blossom wine please.”

Blue milk was not an option, and Corellian Whiskey was hardly any better. Water was possible but she wanted to be different tonight and she’d had some blossom wine before on Naboo and enjoyed the fragrant taste. She smiled and also lowered her menu, allowing Thurion to order.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Once the ladies had placed their orders, Thurion put the fork back down and checked the menu one last time. "I'll have a glass of blue milk and the... I'm not even gonna try and pronounce that. I want this one," he said and showed the waiter his desired dish, who offered them all a sharp nod before turning on a dime and disappearing. Already he could feel his own tummy doing the rumblies. Looking around him at the many people enjoying their meals, he noticed their posh appearance clashing against his own. He doubted they saw many Jedi dining here.

His attention returned to Coci and Corvus. They both looked like they belonged in a place like this, a place where he could never fit in. "Ironic, isn't it?" he broke the silence. "Three Jedi, all leaders of their respective orders, now placing orders at a restaurant." Probably the worst excuse of a pun in past, present and future. "Boy, can't wait for that food to arrive. I'm starving." Again he picked up his fork and drummed it lightly against the napkin on the table. Stupid.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Masters [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"]​
Now they are at leisure to talk freely once more, only the bringing of their meals would interrupt. Yes Thurion is correct, most assuredly the worst pun ever known. However, she could not help but laugh softly, she could sense his discomfort in the situation, but because of the company but the setting, Coci would remember that for next time they are to meet privately with Grand Master Raaf. However, this is not the first time Coci and Thurion had dined in a restaurant, she recalled their first date on Laekia and events of through the night. Their walk along the ocean something she will never forget, as the two had embraced on the sand only to be drenched by a wave neither had sensed coming.

Coci allowed a moment to regard Thurion as he drummed his fork on the napkin, a firm steady rhythmic beat, yet another talent is revealed to her. But now was the time to turn their attention to the reason for their meeting.

"Corvus", she began dropping the necessity for protocol. "I am hoping we can speak on progressing relations between the Jedi Order and the Order of the Silver Jedi. Regardless of the past. It is time now to join forces, so to speak, because we are all aware of the constant thread of the Sith and others, and in this we need to come together to fight it". She would leave the opening there, for them both to add to if they wish.
Corvus felt relaxed with their company. The situation and the setting could easily have put them on edge but the down-to-earth manner in which they’d approached the meal had definitely put Corvus as ease.

As Thurion ordered, Corvus wished she’d gone for the blue milk, but was distracted from dwelling on this for too long by Coci. Corvus smiled. “As an historian, I am fascinated by the past, but sometimes it is only a rear-view mirror, telling you what has happened, not what is on the road ahead.” It was if a switch had been flicked. Corvus the person had been put away for a while and instead Corvus the Jedi was sitting here – and this aspect of her was entirely comfortable with the situation.

“Coci, I couldn’t agree more.” She couldn’t help but bow when meeting and leaving any company, but she too had dispensed with the use of titles unless the occasion called for it. “I know Kiskla had progressed this cause and I simply wish to continue the conversation. We are all Jedi – that for me is what is important. We keep the peace and oppose the Sith. And we can never turn a blind eye to the other terrors of the galaxy, be it slavery, crime, anything that threatens peace in fact.”

Now she turned to Thurion. “I’m a creature of habit. So a phrase I use often is that we spend too much time observing what’s different about us and don’t spend long enough on what makes us the same. What are your thoughts?”

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

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