Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Casting Call!

Have you ever wanted to be famous? To have your face seen in holotheaters all across the Galaxy? To get a firsthand experience in the holodrama making industry?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then I, Director Edmund Blastfodder, have the perfect opportunity for you! Me and my crew are currently in the casting process for the next great franchise of holofilms: Metalmorphers. The franchise’s premise is that a race of massive shapeshifting droids called Metalmorphers are invading from a distant Galaxy. A few roles I would like to fill include:

  • A “Everyman” protagonist who gets swept into the chaos of the Metalmorpher Invasion.
  • A gunship pilot who provides comic relief with some snarky quips.
  • A survivalist who has to survive behind enemy lines in Metalmorpher territory.
  • An older military officer who leads the fight against the Metalmorphers.
  • A “Evil Scientist” who sells out the rest of the Galaxy to side with the Metalmorphers.
And do you what the best part of all this is? Absolutely no acting experience is required! In fact, I encourage everyday people to sign up! So, what are you waiting for? Sign up now!
Totally down for auditions.

If that means IC then that sounds like storytelling fun no matter which character gets the shindig after the shenanigans.

If that means OOC dice roll or something then I’ll just be the survivalist instead no problem but too lazy for dice lol

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