Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Castle on a Cloud

The Silent Temple
The full majesty of their jungle home was not lost on Jyn, not even after so many years of residing there. The panoramic vista gained from their vantage point, high upon the plateau where the Silent Temple was situated, was breathtaking, and the rush of water which cascaded over the edge tantalized the senses. They were lucky to have access to such a haven, it was like nowhere else in the Galaxy.

And it fell to her to look after its interests.

As she wandered through the Sunken Courtyard, as she was want to do rather frequently since the Temple had come alive with Je'daii from all across the known worlds, her mind was locked on the issue of Aurum. While great efforts had been made toward its rejuvenation, she could not help but worry all the same. A few planted trees, and a little bit of Ithorian magic, was not enough. She did not doubt that further trips to the desecrated homeworld of their modern Order would be required.

Another thing to organize.

"And then there is Tython..."

What to do about Tython. While it was not currently owned by any major Galactic power, it lingered eerily close to so many that would scrub them from existence if they gained a chance. At least, that was what the more active part of her brain was trying to indicate today. Whether it was true or not remained to be seen.

You promised to take them to the Tho Yor... A small group of pilgrims will not be noticed, Jyn, we managed to get to Bakura did we not?

Her head turned slightly at the sound of another's approach. It was early, far too early for most to be out of bed, with the sun just peeking over the horizon and casting the sky into a multitude of brilliant colours.

But the individual who was there was not someone who had seen a dawn on Teth before. They had landed back on world just a few hours before, when all the Temple and its surrounding landscape was set in black. Now? Now it was a wonder to behold.

"Come, join me... Watch the dawn, and allow the serenity of our home to wash over you, my Jedi friend."

Jyn was not one to push, if Jade was willing to learn about their Order and embrace some of their ideals, then who was she to turn her away simply because she identified more as a Jedi? If they turned away everyone who did not entirely meet the requirement of Balance, then Sargon would not be welcome here, in fact none of them would be.

That is why we are Journeyers... Balance is achievable, but with time...

Perhaps, with time, Jade would identify as a Je'daii too.
[member="Jyn Sol"]

Jade followed the woman, with both arms tucked into her sleeves. The Jed'aii were obscure to most, but she'd spent a great deal of time plumbing the depths of the Archives both on Voss and Galactic Alliance territory. She felt the Jedi of the Republic, and even the Silvers in their own way were like apples falling far from the tree.

"I can see a vested interest in going back to your roots." She said, watching the sky break into a brilliant dazzle of crimson and orange. The sun was coming up, which in many culture represented rebirth. Would she be reborn? She did not know, as she did not know much about this balance that the Jed'aii claimed to seek.

For one who was strict with her moral and ethical codes, it flirted almost with darkness. But it begged the question. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

"Tell me more of your Order Journeyman Sol. From what I have gathered they are the forebearers of the modern Jedi and Sith alike. Some could argue their version of the force is default and extinct. Still others could argue it's the true version."

She paused, chewing her words over. Jade never spoke without a purpose, earning the title of "The Silent One."

"I've read up on many traditions. White Current, Dark Current, Lightside, Darkside and even the Pagan spirits of the Dathomiri Witch Covens. Where does a Jed'aii fall. What do you hope to accomplish."

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