Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Castor Ren


Well-Known Member
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Name: Malachi Zevran
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Height: 188 cm
Weight: 87 kg
Eyes: Hazel
Skin: Fair
Alias: Castor Ren
Faction: Order of Ren/First Order
Rank: Knight of Ren
Homeworld: Skye
Force-sensitive: Yes
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single
Alignment: Lawful Evil
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"Pain is nothing compared to the indomitable will of the Supreme Leader."
- Castor Ren
If nothing else Castor Ren is patient. Unlike his juniors who are impatient and rash, Castor has learned the value in biding his time, waiting for the right moment rather than making impulsive decisions. That isn't to say he is slow to take opportunity however. Patience and Logic are two of his most prevalent traits, valuing cold and calculating tactics to outwit an enemy from physical combat to the art of speechcraft. While he is cold and calculating, he also commands an aura of gravitas, though he is but a Disciple, his peers tend to defer to his judgement in what little free reign they are given. Perhaps due to his patience, Castor has learned how and when to use information, truthfully he is a bit of a social engineer. As far as other traits he plays them very close to the chest, as many of the Order of Ren do, their individuality rarely shared with those outside of the Order itself.

As a rule, he keeps himself distant from those outside of the Order. Most of the time they keep their distance anyway, the Order has a reputation for being dark and mysterious as well as their direct subservience to the Supreme Leader which keeps most people at arms length to begin with.

While his peers look to him for guidance he is not one to coddle. Instead he values strength and to teach through strength. This commonly means that he will teach through testing his fellow Disciples. It is not uncommon for Castor to teach through pain, his personal philosophy in learning is that 'pain retains' knowledge.


- Logical: One of Castors strengths is his practiced ability to apply logic in situations where it may be lacking. By thinking logically, he is better able to see the big picture and plan accordingly. Though it may seem he has either lost or been defeated it is likely instead a feint, designed to win the longer game.

- Agile Fighter: Growing up on Skye has allowed him to be conditioned physically much more than his peers from more low altitude cities and environments. In addition, the proficiency with weapons deemed either unnatural or unorthodox he has learned due to his upbringing on a primarily S'kytri planet have given him an edge over the much more traditionally minded.

- Gravitas: Castor commands attention and respect through the very way he carries himself and conducts himself. While still a Disciple of Ren, one would argue that he has already heavily committed to the philosophies of the Ren. Exuding an aura of confidence and power, he is able to sway and influence minds when coupled with his logical thinking skills.

- Dominance through Strength: Coupling his skills of logical thinking and Agility he uses his full size to his advantage, laying down a beating when faced with combat either real or simulated. His powerful strikes and careful strategy allow him to apply the most pressure exactly where it is required. By overpowering his enemies with strength applied to the right areas, he is able to shatter his foes.


- Struggle of Balances: Being that he is grounded in logic, it can be difficult for him at times to reach his emotions. On the flipside once he loses himself to his emotions it can be difficult for him to see logic. Most of the time he is able to find a balance but is still prone to swing from side to side. It is in the struggle to remain balanced that he has yet to fully learn what it means to belong to the Order of Ren.

- Dark Side Corruption: While only 36 years old, he appears somewhat older due to the corruption of the Dark Side. Whether this will continue to manifest itself or hold steady for a time, Castor does not know. Despite the Corruption, he has not experienced any other ill physical effects.

- Zealous: As part of the Order of Ren, Castor has fully embraced an unwavering loyalty to the Supreme Leader. This loyalty blinds him from seeing anything the Supreme Leader does as questionable, fully believing that it is for the greater good, even things that would be likely to make others balk.

- Remorseless: Castor cannot be burdened with feeling remorse, it is a weakness to feel such a trivial emotion when order hangs in the balance. Order at any cost. This trait causes him some difficulty in empathizing with others or feeling their pain unless he is close to them which even then he tends to logic it out rather than feel sorry or pity for others.

Brief Bio
Born to two parents of little importance and of whom he had little memory, young Malachi Zevran came into the world. It was a violent and bloody affair, the labor lasting far longer than it should have, the strain nearly killing his mother. His mother bore two children that day but only one survived. Twins. It was both a blessing and a curse, the young family left with an empty place in their hearts where their second child had been. As a result of the tragic loss of their child, the mother succumbed to her grief, ending her life in a fit of unhappiness. Left alone to father the child, her husband gave it his best. Life was hard for the next few years, long periods of time alone began to shape Malachi's personality, patience becoming a very large part of who he was. He would wait hours upon hours for his father to return home and then leave again.

In the shadows a pair of amber eyes watched. There were rumors of an old Sith lord living just above the foothills of Mount Derren'dek which loomed above the small village where Malachi had spent his first few years of life. Under the strain of working a full time job and providing and caring for a child his father began to buckle, slowly but surely being ground into the dirt. After 7 years of life, Malachi's father followed in the footsteps of his mother and ended his own life. The experience was traumatic to the young boy in some senses, forcing him to grow up quickly. Cast into the world he had nowhere to go, he was a curse that no one wanted. At least, that's what he had thought.

Watching from the shadows there was one.

The night his father had met his untimely end he'd heard a sharp rap on the door to their abode. When he opened the door a hooded figure stood before him, the bearer of the news of his father's death. Who was this man? How did he know Malachi's father? The man gave none of these answers aside from the claim that he was a friend of his father's, whether that was true or not Malachi had no idea but it was all he had left. If it was true, his father was in fact dead... he had nothing left. At the man's suggestion the young Malachi found himself following the man into the foothills of the mountain, tracing along an old and forgotten path towards a small hovel hidden in the rocks. Taking the young boy into his care, the old man raised him as his own. It was not long however before the young boy questioned where his father was and demanded proof of his father's death. Perhaps it was a shred of kindness left in the old man for there was a sinister demeanor about him, but he agreed to sate the young boy's curiosity.

Winding their way towards the cliffs the old man brought the boy to the site of his father's death, the corps splayed out on the sharp rocks below. From where they stood the body could not be identified but it was enough for the young Malachi. Bursting into tears the boy sobbed uncontrollably until the old man shouted his name. Around the boy small pebbles and clumps of dirt suddenly fell to the ground. Unknowingly the boy's emotional outrage at the confirmation of his father's death had shattered something.. and invisible barrier of the mind. Upon the old man's face was a grin, his entire demeanor changing before the boy's eyes. The canted sloop the man had while standing had gone, his posture perfect. As the man stood tall his face became visible, wrinkled lines slowly fading. The boy, bewildered, watched as the man seemed to be pumped full of a strange force, energy and life returning to his body like a corpse re-animated.

The man was much more than he had let on. Over the next several years the man raised Malachi as his own. Since that day on the edge of the cliff, his new guardian challenged him, forcing the child to learn about the Force. They spoke rarely at first, the man teaching through practical application and by using a form of mental instruction. Over the years the old man would simply disappear, gone from the small hovel for increasingly long amounts of time. At first it was just a few hours, then later a few days. Farther along still it would be a week or maybe two until one day he simply vanished, never to return. The now somewhat proficient Malachi had become self sufficient, living off the land for years before finally venturing back to civilization. At first it was difficult, but then he began to integrate himself, concealing his true origin. By now the people had forgotten the young boy and his afflicted parents.

- Enraged by Idiocy
- Knight Templar
- Even Evil Has Standards
- Manipulative Bastard
- Married to the Job
- Obliviously Evil
- The Resenter


[Faction] - The Ren: Initiations
[Faction] - [First Order] Raid at Virgilia

[Public] - The Ren: Expedition to Lothal - The Crystal Quest

[Dominion - Failed] - Borders Aren't the Only Thing Expanding [First Order T2 Dominion of Askaj and Subterrel]
[Dominion - Failed] - Welcome to the Gun Show [First Order T1 Dominion of Zonju V]
[Dominion] - A Blaze in the Endor Sky [First Order Dominion of Endor Hex]

[Private] - Crystals are a ship's best friend
[Private] - Prologue: In Sieger's Name

[MISC] - Border Surveillance [ GA Dominion of Asmeru & Barkhesh ]
[MISC] - Border Surveillance Part II | GA T1 Dominion of Rutan

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