Castor Vi’dreya
“The light shown in the darkness, but the darkness did not comprehend it…”
Name: Castor Vi’dreya
Alias(es): No.
Rank: Jedi Knight
Age: 29
Homeworld: Kiffu
Force Sensitive: Yes.
Force Alignment: Light
Species: Kiffar
Gender: Male
Height: 6’1’’
Build: Athletic
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Cybernetics: N/A
Alignment: Lawful
Personality Type: INTJ
Strengths: Strategic, Organized.
Weaknesses: Anti-social, Unprincipled.
+ Dedicated: Castor is dedicated to the Jedi, the path he has a chosen, and whatever cause he finds himself picking up. If you are looking for a loyal friend, then search no further than Castor Vi'dreya. He does not give up easily, and the times he is forced to leave him with a great amount of regret and loss.
+ Eidetic Memory: If he sees it, reads it, watches it, Castor remembers it. His eidetic memory allows him to recall things that he has spent even a few moments looking into. This has made Castor's mind a repository of knowledge that comes in handy on occasion.
+ Accomplished Duelist: Years of meticulous training have made Castor an accomplished duelist. His preferred forms are Makashi, and Ataru.
+ Survivalist: Castor is a skilled survivalist. Studying many different ways to survive in many circumstances has allowed him to do his work in peace. He enjoys being away from the temple researching and can stay away from his base camp for days at a time.
- Curiosity Killed the Cat: Castor has always been a curious person. While that usually could be a strength, for Castor it has always led to trouble. Unlike most, he cannot let go of something until he has had his curiosity satisfied. Once he has determined that he must know a mystery, he will see it through not matter the cost.
- Alone: Being an Inteovert has left Castor alone. He likes to be alone, but as a result there is no one he can truly call a friend. His mother is dead, and he hasn’t never met his father. While he lives among people, he does not truly know them. He has taken an extreme view on the idea of having no attachemenrs.
- Over Committed: Dedication is one thing, but Castor tends to over commit himself. He will see a thing through to the end even if the wise thing to do is quit.
- Trust Issues: Spending the first few years of his life in an orphanage, Castor has a hard time trusting people. This feeds the fact he is alone and has ensured that the only person he will truly trust is himself.
There was a time when Castor wondered about who is mother was, but that was a long time ago. It was enough to be peddled around from orphanage to orphanage, except that didn’t happen. They figured out he was force sensitive and sent him to the Jedi. That was about the biggest highlight of his life. Somehow the story had been told that his mother had died in childbirth and that was how he wound up with the Jedi.
At a young age he discovered the library. It was full of information and stories that intrigued his mind. As a youngling he would spend days in front old tomes, scrolls, data recordings, searching for anything he could find on old temples and historical sites. His dream was to visit each and every one before his life ended. It was the dream of a child who knew nothing of how the galaxy worked.
His innate curiosity eventually found him digging for things that he should not have been looking into as a youngling. That was when one of the masters touched him. In a moment he was taken back to a part of the man’s past. The vision scared him. This was not something that he knew he could do. The master helped him to calm down and breathe. When Castor looked up, it was another Kiffar.
He smiled.
For the next fifteen years the man would be his teacher. They found him the right kind of gloves that he liked. Time was spent learning how to control his gift, and studying every aspect of the force. Castor learned that the force could be used and channeled, but that it often came with risk, temptation, and greed. There were those who would use the force for their own gain, and Castor was warned about being that type of person.
In many ways he wondered if it had been his father he was being warned not to become. Despite the fact his mother had died, she had often talked to other about who the father of the child was. There were many in the galaxy that held the same name that Castor did, but little good it had done him at a young age. His father was a Sith, a man like those Castor was warned not to be, but was that truly wrong?
It was his curiosity about the type of man that saw Castor leave the Jedi order for a time at the age of twenty three shortly after his trials were complete. While he still considered himself a Knight, an educated Consular, Castor has chosen a path that is independent. His dream of visiting old temples and other historical sites morphed into something greater. Castor wanted to learn. He wanted to see what the truth of the galaxy was without learning from the Jedi, or Sith, or anyone that would try and teach him different.
He had a hard time at first since he was such a devoted person, but Castor eventually learned what he needed to in order to remain true to who he was. The galaxy was as cruel a place as the Jedi had suggested. Castor was only gone for a year, but he returned to his master a bit wiser, and less impulsive. His experience renewed his dedication to the light, though Castor refused to share with his master all that happened.
There had been a child. Castor had tried to save it, but he could not. The young girl slipped from his hands and he could not react fast enough. Even with all he knew of the force, and he could not save a girls life. The vision would haunt him, plague him for all his life. Castor’s life was now dedicated for repaying the penance of that failure. His devotion to the Jedi, to learning and studying, all of it was repay the life he could not save.
Still, his curiosity still held him greatly. Castor knew that while there was nothing he could have done to help the girl, perhaps there was some secret hidden or tucked away that he could find. The galaxy was a large place after all, and now that Castor had found his purpose, to seek and acquire knowledge, he would not fall or fail. Perhaps, he would one day meet his father as well.