Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Castus Theirin

Castus Theirin


NAME: Castus Theirin

FACTION: Silver Jedi

RANK: Youngling


AGE: 13

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5' 4"

WEIGHT: 105 lbs

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Blond

SKIN: Fair


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Charismatic (+): The boy has a certain charm and finds that making new friends and setting others at ease come as naturally as breathing.

Paragon (+/-): Castus has strong feelings on right and wrong and holds his views on what is just and what is unjust to be objective truth, regardless of external influence. For better or worse, he sticks to his guns.

Aggressive (-): In the face of a perceived injustice, Castus will fight tooth and nail to set it right. Unfortunately, seeing a galaxy of gray in terms of black and white often leads to conflict.

A More Concise Look at his Personality

Castus is calm, cool, and personable. He has a great respect for authority, especially higher ranking Jedi. He loves interacting with others, and holds his friends close to him as his own beating heart. He is a fair diplomat for his age, able to connect with other beings easily.

However, in the heat of battle or when otherwise provoked, the boy's anger rears its ugly head. He is brash and impulsive, rarely thinking before acting. He could be an even greater diplomat if he used his words before his lightsaber. When spoken to in a condescending manner, he loses all respect for the speaker, regardless of rank. In his eyes, the speaker is now his equal, and he will deal with the offender as such.

His sandy hair hangs loosely over wide, blue eyes. There is a gentle harshness about his features that seems to show his dual, fire-and-ice personality. His face, while kind, seems to say that if he is angered the offender is going to have a bad time.

Castus was born on Reytha in 3617 to Bretyn and Aiden Theirin. Aiden was a dock worker, earning his living by the sweat of his brow. Bretyn had been a fishmonger’s daughter. It was not her appearance that drew Aiden to her. Though she was pretty, she wasn’t what one might call a ‘remarkable beauty’. No, it was an incident in the market that made the young merchant notice her. A small child, running through the crowd as children are wont to do, had lost his balance and went careening into a nearby GNK droid. The resulting scrapes on the child’s forehead and hands set him into a fit of tears. Bretyn was there in a heartbeat, calming the boy. When words seemed to fail, she began to sing. Everything around Aiden faded as the soft lullaby reached his ears. In that moment, he was lost. He would forever belong to that kindhearted girl who sang the Fisherman’s Lullaby.

Exams had shown the infant to be attuned to the Force, and the Silver Jedi were contacted. Although it pained them to give up their new child, the Theirins were a noble sort of folk, and they swelled with pride that their son could be one of the galaxy’s great protectors. He arrived at the Temple just a few weeks before his first birthday where he has trained, made friends and rivals, and worked hard to ultimately be chosen as a Padawan one day.





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