Laminanium (( Objective : With two or more other writers, complete a role-play in reverse, starting with it’s end and ending with it’s beginning –OR-- complete a role-play from an NPC’s perspective who is accompanying your character. ))
Charlie Mgoo stood in front of his Grandfather's ship, in a small Mos Eisley landing lot, looking through the odd crowds of the Spaceport. He and his grandfather had taken a contract for the Beast Hunter's Guild to assist Mrrew, the Guildmaster, in hunting a Kryat Dragon. However, after Xavier came down with something or other, he was unable to hunt. With much begging... Charlie was allowed to go with Mrrew. His grandfather had known Mrrew from Kashyyyk, that's the only reason he was allowed to go alone with him, but he was ecstatic. Now the young human stood in the landing lot, waiting for Mrrew... His grandfather had described him as a 'Giant two-legged Nexu'. He... wasn't sure what to expect.
Charlie Mgoo stood in front of his Grandfather's ship, in a small Mos Eisley landing lot, looking through the odd crowds of the Spaceport. He and his grandfather had taken a contract for the Beast Hunter's Guild to assist Mrrew, the Guildmaster, in hunting a Kryat Dragon. However, after Xavier came down with something or other, he was unable to hunt. With much begging... Charlie was allowed to go with Mrrew. His grandfather had known Mrrew from Kashyyyk, that's the only reason he was allowed to go alone with him, but he was ecstatic. Now the young human stood in the landing lot, waiting for Mrrew... His grandfather had described him as a 'Giant two-legged Nexu'. He... wasn't sure what to expect.