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Approved Species Catarri

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  • Intent: To enrich Centerra with a cat-like species.
  • Image Credit: I drew this
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Centerra
  • Name: Cattari
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Centerra
  • Average Lifespan: 80 to 100 standard years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: The Cattari are a humanoid species with distinct feline features. They have cat-like ears, a long, bushy tail with a mottled pattern, and sharp claws on their hands. Their hair is typically long and can be styled in various ways, often reflecting their cultural identity. Their skin is adorned with spots and markings similar to those found on big cats. They possess a lithe, agile build, suited for swift movements and agility. Their eyes are large and expressive, often in striking colors that enhance their feline appearance.

  • Breathes: Type I atmosphere
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.5 to 1.8 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Tawny brown, sandy yellow, charcoal gray, snow white, midnight black, reddish-orange; often adorned with spots, stripes, or rosettes.
  • Hair color: Golden blonde, rich auburn, deep brown, silvery gray, jet black, pure white, orange-red; often with highlights or streaks.
  • Distinctions: The Cattari have cat-like ears, a long bushy tail, sharp retractable claws, and a lithe, agile build. Their skin is adorned with feline patterns, and they have large, expressive eyes with vertical slit pupils.
  • Races:
    • Desert Cattari: Sandy or tawny skin with dark spots or stripes, lighter hair colors.
    • Jungle Cattari: Darker skin tones like deep brown or charcoal gray with vibrant patterns, green or amber eyes.
    • Snow Cattari: White or silvery skin with pale gray or black markings, white or gray hair.
    • Urban Cattari: Wide range of skin and hair colors, often with less pronounced patterns.
    • Force Sensitivity: Standard
  • Enhanced Agility: The Cattari possess incredible agility and reflexes, allowing them to move swiftly and gracefully. This makes them excellent climbers, runners, and fighters, capable of performing acrobatic feats with ease.
  • Keen Senses: Their feline heritage grants them heightened senses, particularly their sight and hearing. They can see well in low light conditions, and their acute hearing allows them to detect sounds that others might miss.
  • Natural Stealth: Cattari are naturally adept at moving silently and blending into their surroundings, thanks to their patterned skin and agile movements. This makes them excellent hunters and spies.
  • Claws and Fangs: They have thick, heavy claws that grow into points and sharp fangs. These natural weapons are strong enough to tear through flesh and light armor, making them formidable in close combat.

  • Fragile Physiology: Despite their agility, Cattari have relatively fragile bodies. They are more susceptible to physical injuries compared to more robust species, making them vulnerable in prolonged combat situations.
  • Sensitivity to Cold: Most Cattari are sensitive to cold temperatures, except for the Snow Cattari race. They thrive in warmer climates and can become sluggish and uncomfortable in the cold.
  • High Metabolism: Cattari have a high metabolism, requiring them to eat frequently to maintain their energy levels. Prolonged periods without food can weaken them significantly.
  • Light Sensitivity: Their enhanced vision makes them sensitive to bright lights, which can be disorienting or even temporarily blinding in sudden, intense light conditions.

  • Diet: Omnivore, with a preference for meat. They primarily consume small to medium-sized animals but also eat fruits, vegetables, and grains. Foods high in toxins or synthetic chemicals are harmful to them.
  • Communication: The Cattari communicate through a combination of spoken language and body language. They have a melodic, purring language called "Chittercall" which includes a range of vocalizations like growls, purrs, and hisses. Body language, such as tail movements and ear positions, also plays a crucial role in their communication.

  • For example:
    • Tail Movements: A twitching tail may indicate irritation or curiosity, while a slow, sweeping tail suggests relaxation. A puffed-up tail indicates fear or aggression.
    • Ear Positions: Forward-facing ears show interest or attentiveness, while flattened ears signify anger or fear.
    • Posture: An arched back and puffed-up fur denote aggression or a defensive stance, while a relaxed, sprawled posture indicates contentment.
    • Facial Expressions: Narrowed eyes can signal displeasure or suspicion, while wide, open eyes suggest curiosity or surprise.
    • These non-verbal cues are deeply ingrained in their culture and are as important as spoken words in their interactions.
  • Technology level: Slightly below Galactic Standard. They excel in bio-technology and environmental engineering, creating sustainable living spaces that integrate with their natural surroundings.
  • Religion/Beliefs: The Cattari revere the natural world and believe in a spiritual connection to their feline ancestors. They practice rituals that honor the cycles of nature, such as seasonal festivals and rites of passage for young Cattari.
  • General behavior: The Cattari live in close-knit communities, valuing family and social bonds. They are nocturnal, most active during the night. They are skilled hunters, builders, and artisans, often creating intricate artworks and structures that reflect their environment. They value independence and self-sufficiency but are also deeply loyal to their kin and community. Inspired by feline behaviors seen in the musical Cats, their body language and social interactions include:
    • Grooming: As a sign of affection and bonding, Cattari often groom each other by brushing hair taking care of nails ect, similar to how cats lick each other's fur.
    • Playfulness: They engage in playful activities to strengthen social bonds and practice hunting skills, often seen chasing or pouncing on each other.
    • Territoriality: Cattari have a strong sense of territory and will mark their boundaries, though these are more symbolic in their culture rather than physical.
    • Social Hierarchies: Their communities have social hierarchies similar to feline colonies, with leaders respected for their wisdom, strength, and agility.
    • Cuddling: To show trust and affection, Cattari often cuddle with family members and close friends, creating a sense of warmth and security.
  • Touch: Physical touch is an integral part of Cattari social interaction and acceptance. They frequently touch one another to express affection, support, and solidarity, using various forms of tactile communication to strengthen social bonds and establish trust within their communities. This includes:
    • Gentle Pats and Nuzzles: Common among friends and family, gentle pats on the shoulder or back, and nuzzles with their noses, are ways to show casual affection and camaraderie.
    • Reaching Out for Acceptance: When a Cattari seeks acceptance or reconciliation, they may approach another with open, extended hands or a lowered head, signaling vulnerability and a desire for connection. This gesture invites the other to reciprocate with a reassuring touch, such as placing a hand on the head or shoulder, symbolizing acceptance and forgiveness.
    • Supportive Touches: In times of distress or need, Cattari offer comforting touches, such as wrapping their tails around each other or embracing. These actions provide emotional support and reinforce the strength of their social networks.
    • Ritualistic Touches: During cultural rituals and ceremonies, touch plays a significant role. For instance, during rites of passage, elders may place their hands on the heads of younger Cattari to bless them, or during communal gatherings, they might hold hands or link arms to symbolize unity and collective strength.
HISTORICAL INFORMATION The Cattari evolved on Centerra, adapting to the planet's diverse environments. Their unique feline traits developed as survival mechanisms, allowing them to thrive in various habitats. Over centuries, they built a society that values harmony with nature, emphasizing sustainable living and respect for all life forms. Major historical events include the unification of their clans under a single leader and the development of their bio-technological advancements. Despite occasional conflicts with neighboring species, the Cattari have maintained a peaceful existence, focusing on cultural and technological growth.

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