Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Catch Me if you Can -- CIS Dominion of Trendivar Hex


Rain poured from the skies of Trendivar as dropships carrying soldiers, droids, and Knights Obsidian descended on the planet which bordered Ryloth and the Siskeen system. After the events which took place on both worlds one thing became clear.

The borders were not as secure as the Confederacy believed.

Most of the motivation behind the Confederacy First doctrine had been border security. For far too long the Confederacy had taken it upon themselves to police the galaxy while remaining vulnerable at home. Decisions had been made to rectify that, and the result was the accusation that such actions made them an empire? Suddenly the Confederacy was selfish for looking to the care and protection of their own people? The questions and accusations did not matter. What mattered was whether the CIS would remain true to its promise to secure their borders and protect her citizens.

In keeping with that promise, Trendivar had been approached with an offer to join the Confederacy. A trade had been offered. The Confederacy would help with the refugee camps which had resulted from the recent conflict on Ryloth and Siskeen, and the Hellknights would assist the CDF and Knights Obsidian track down the recent insurgent element which had been inspired by the uprising on Ryloth.

In a turn of interesting events, a bounty fob for Kaine Australis seemed to find its way into the dutiful hands of the OOM droid unit. Rumors swirled about the man’s wearabouts, still a wanted man for various war crimes which had earned him the moniker Butcher of Eshan. Taking it upon themselves, the B1 unit would deploy with any who saw fit to bring this criminal to justice.

The mission was clear, and purpose crystal. Today was simply a matter of logistics. To protect the Confederacy. To protect Geonosis and Ryloth, the CIS needed to look to her southeastern borders. They needed to be strong, and Trendivar would do their part in making the Southern Systems more secure.


The intrepid squad of B1 Droids led by Lieutenant OOM-001-JELLYBEAN have received intelligence that Kaine Australis, a wanted war criminal, was last seen on the planet Trendivar. While this hasn’t been confirmed by the Confederacy the B1 unit has obtained a bounty fob leading them to his last known whereabouts. Feel free to join in on this hilarity!


The Hellknight Corps stationed on Trendivar has been training and operating separately from the Confederate Military. In light of the events on Ryloth and Siskeen as well as Trendivar being used as a refugee facility, the Hellknight Corps has ended their seclusion with the arrival of fresh supplies from the Confederacy as well as members of both the Knights Obsidian and the Confederate Defense Force to take part in joint training operations, care for the refugees, and ensure that all enemy combatants have been removed.


Trendivar is before you, will you interact with the Hellknights in some other way, or go explore on your own? Search for the remaining enemy combatants which are on the loose? Or watch the B1s tear the place apart? Whatever you wish to do, have fun.

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Trendivar was what many could consider a backwater planet, sitting on the fringes of Wild Space; a place that not many went to willingly or found themselves with a deep desire to travel to and tour the world. However, resting upon the quiet planet was an order that had formed sometime during the last fifty years. Rather, it was the Order that its predecessors had formed into, and it had relocated to Trendivar some time ago to keep an ever-watchful eye towards Wild Space and the Southern Systems.

Years ago they had been founded as the Knights of Kal'Shebbol, who in turn became the Templars, then the Order of the Righteous Flame. It was these precursor organizations that eventually saw the rise of those known as the Hellknights. With each new iteration, their growth waxing and waning, the Hellknights stepped out of the crucible that had forged them into the Militant Organization whose primary focus was on the promulgation of Law. However, the Hellknights weren't just a singular group or organization, rather, they were a collective. They were formed from the strength of Seven separate Orders that came together to form what was known as the Hellknight Corps.

The Order of the Chain is known to hold to a creed that everything in creation plays a specific and crucial role in the cosmic fabric; holding that the 'Chain is Only as Strong as its Weakest link', any who would renege from their social duty to escape or take advantage of their social bond is looked down upon. Prisoners and Servants are seen bound to this creed, though the Order holds that chain binds both ways, and prosecutes Masters, Commanders, Merchants, and the Aristocracy who would exploit or waste the lives of those below them just as they would those that sought to disrupt the natural order. Among their members also include the lesser Order of the Scar, known for seeking out and removing assassins; and the Order of the Torrent, those that specialize in recovering victims of kidnappings, and hostages.

The Order of the Gate, so-called for their believed near-mystical appearance upon worlds - though deployed through their preferred means of utilizing Drop Pods. The hold that Punishment is a response to the failure of the Law, and thus true order can only ever be achieved when criminal behavior is quelled before it is committed. They do not utilize rhetoric to convince beings of free-will of a Lawful Society's virtues - rather deploying a stronger force to remove criminal elements on worlds overrun by them.

While among the Confederacy are the Witches of the Mandragora and the Force Users of the Knights Obsidian; among the Hellknights is the Order of the Godclaw. Known as Signifers, the serve as the Force Users of the Hellknights - however, they are not trained in merely one aspect of the Force. Their symbol, the 'Godclaw' is the foundation of the Order, marking the teachings of the Jedi, the Sith, Nightsisters, the Aing-Tii, and the Imperial Knights; as well as a collection of teachings from numerous other Force sects, groups, cults, religions, and organizations across the Galaxy. Much like the ancient Imperial Knights, the Signifers of the Order of the Godclaw seek a balance between the Light Side and Dark Side of the Force. Among their members is a more secretive sect, whose numbers are drawn from those that are naturally Force Dead or have been severed from the Force. Those of the Order of the Glyph oversee a hidden facility called The Archive of Redacted Histories - a place where dangerous Force Artifacts and Relics are chronicled, studied, and hidden away from the Galaxy.

Even among the Orders of the Hellknights, the belief that Civilization is under siege is not held widely, though it is the Order of the Nail that are the most reverent believers in this thought. They see Trendivar and their hidden bastions at the border of Lawful Societies as bastions of Light against the Darkness of corruption, savagery, and lawlessness. They hold firm that barbarity must be answered with barbarity, are the truest believers in the Hellknight doctrine that "Savagery must be quelled, in the land, home, and mind". They push against the destabilizing factors that would otherwise seek to exploit and overrun established civilizations.

"Reason's Flame consumes the Shadow of Corruption", the Doctrine held closest by those of the Order of the Pyre; the Hellknights that form the bulk of the standing core of the Hellknight Corps. They seek out what many consider the fanatical and blasphemous elements of society; specifically, those that would threaten the fabric of society such as radical beliefs, outlandish convictions, and philosophies devised by madmen. They see themselves as 'The Law', and often it is the Order of the Pyre that marches first unto the field of battle to protect Civilization and Society. Yet, even among the Order of the Pyre are those that seek out not the sentient threats to Society, but those creatures that prove a threat to colonist, or such creatures that venture too close to established settlements and cities. The Order of the Pike maintains a massive library that contains the collective knowledge of thousands upon thousands of tomes of a more naturalist focus. They hold the knowledge of hunting grounds, weaknesses and strengths, environments, habitats, and all manner of knowledge of those creatures and beasts that the members hunt.

The Order of the Rack focuses more on what is often considered "Traditionalist Values", with their members keeping a close watch on groups of Malcontents, Unions, Guilds, and Revolutionaries that would threaten to bring harm to innocent lives. Though they see that Art and Technology have their uses and their place, they keep a wary eye on their development while ensuring that their advancement does not come at the cost of lives. Many see them as defenders of the 'Status Quo', yet, the Order of the Rack sees themselves as the careful Shepeard ushering its flock to safety. While they are seen as some of the harshest of the Orders, they are also known as one of the most caring, following the doctrine of "Acting without Hesitation for the Good of All", they are known to focus highly upon aiding the injured and relocating displaced refugees. Among them is the Order of the Coil, those that assist in exploring and colonizing new worlds. They ensure that technology does not fall into the hands of more primitive natives of worlds to prevent their own technological growth from leading to catastrophe. The Order of the Coil even goes as far as to hunt down those that trade in Native Relics and Artifacts, imprisoning those individuals that often stole the item while returning the item to the tribe it belongs.

"With anonymity and no consequences, every being becomes a Criminal", and it is these lawless tendencies that lie within every being's heart that the Order of the Scourge seeks to curb with its ever-present watchfulness and a brutal reminder that no crime will go unpunished. Its members seek out corruption, political manipulations, and abuses of power. However; their efforts also include an endless war against Organized Crime. While at the fringes of society it may seek out gangs of burglars, cutpurses, and smugglers - at the heart of Society the Order of the Scourge marches for an endless crusade against Faceless Guides of Thieves, Sprawling Criminal Organizations, and Noble Family's whose crime has become the family business.

It was these Orders that came together, following their Inperantike, the Grand Marshal Amelia von Sorenn; and with the Confederacy turning their attention to Trendivar - and potentially further into the Southern Systems - the Hellknights sought to once more marshal their banners and strike out in their every continuing march towards Law and Order. Having heard of the recent events on Ryloth and Siskeen, the Hellknights were more than eager to assist the Confederacy in hunting down those that had caused so much death and destruction to the innocent denizens of those worlds. Nor were they accepting or willing to sit idly by as the Agents of Chaos apparently ferried their 'Slaves' to Trendivar under the guise of a humanitarian effort or relocating them to a 'safer world'.

The Hellknights were not alone either; as others had come to their banner and joined the Orders, their numbers eventually serving to form what they were known now as, the Hellknight Corps. Among them were the Erinyes, an Order of Women clad in Power Assisted Armor, standing alongside the Mecharius, who gave out the mighty roar of UTINNI, as they scrambled over the ramparts - no doubt they would be interested in the gathering of B1s that would soon find their metallic feet planted upon Trendivar. Others still gathered, the Battle Angels - Human Replica Droids and Self Propelled Droids, Special Organizations such as the Void Angels, Jaeger Corps, Nova Corps, and Hurrikane Legion; as well as the MedCorps who worked alongside the Order of the Rack in their objective to assists the Refugees that had arrived on the world.

It had been some time since the Grand Marshal had been on Trendivar; though it had finally come time to return to the world and raise the banners of the Hellknight Corps. They sought a closer working relationship with the Confederacy; more than willing to be the first to aid in securing the Southern Systems against the Chaos that had reigned across the Galaxy. How many days it had been since Ryloth was still difficult to compile and come to terms with; as it seemed like the events of that day had overshadowed the days that had followed in its wake. All that mattered was that the Confederacy and the Hellknights were assisting one another in their endeavor, and it seemed like Amelia could finally have a moment to breathe.

Location: Just Outside A Drop Ship w/Battle Droid Fam, Razor, and Honest Moe


JELLY’s vocabulator almost screeched while the robotic voice reached a pitch that only some canines like Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner , Redd Redd , and a few other members of the Zoo Crew™ would be able to hear. Within the thin metallic digits remained the salvation and redemption of the unit. It could only spin around in an unsteady half-circle, exuding simulated glee, while it rushed back to tell the rest of the crew the good news. They were all waiting just outside the dropships that had birthed them to Trendivar.

Oh, what a sad, sad world. It was very lucky that JELLY and the OOM’s had come to save it!

Destroy it? Liberate it? Protect it? JELLY’s processors were firing at full capacity and the rest of their given orders had been placed on hold. They could wait. This bounty puck took full precedence. It was of the utmost importance and could not have any sort of delay. Oh, late. JELLY was late. Late late late late late for a very important date.

“OOM!”, the 001 Battledroid called in an attempt to get its brethren to pay attention. They were all milling about in multiple colors and shades. Some had new chassis and some had old. They seemed to be unloading things for the refugee camps. It was their primary objective. Or—It had been. Other battle droids would fill that position now. They had a new job. “Nuuuh I need you guys! Come here!

JELLYBEAN held more-advanced cognitive abilities than some of the basic B1 infantry and operated more like a pilot droid. Independent function and reasoning seemed to operate at extremely high levels. It was occasionally annoying. JELLY wanted to focus. All it could do was hold the bounty puck of K Kaine Australis over its head, gleeful, that they finally had a purpose. “Honest Moe! ( Moe Uilor Moe Uilor ) We will need your technical services! Droids, friends, walking toasters. Lend me your spark plugs! We have new marching orders effective immediately!”

JELLY could picture it now. PIE standing triumphantly with the captured Mandalorian criminal while HONEY tried to seduce a filthy human, likely rotund, bar matron. He seemed to prefer organics with more meat on their bones. He claimed that it meant he needed fewer partners to alternate as their gelatinous rolls meant there was more to love. JELLY could not understand. It would only ever hold a candle for fellow automatons. Even that, was based on the ability to elevate for a potential promotion.

The rather animated Lieutenant moved toward CUPCAKE and tried to flag down ROSES, JMP, OREO, GINGERBREAD, KIT-KAT, NOUGAT, ASTRO, MARSHMELLOW, GEM, ÉCLAIR, and LOLLIPOP. Sometimes there was a rather snarky BX droid that hid among them. RAZOR was supposedly named after a series of hygiene products. JELLY hoped that he provided a less than clean shave. Some organics needed a lot taken off the top. A beheading, here or there. It was all the rage.

DOUGHNUT!, JELLY shouted, clearly, noting that this was not to be confused with DONUT. They were very similar and while JELLY’s memory banks stored a great deal of favorable information about DONUT it was only the chassis of the former that made JELLY want to show they could bring home the bacon. Maybe, then DOUGHNUT would see JELLY. “Bring me your shiny metal posterior before I unlawfully appropriate it. We have a mission!”

The excitement was palpable.

As the B1’s gathered around, just outside of a drop pod, JELLYBEAN dutifully began to do the dance of its people.


“I hold the Bounty Puck of Kaine Australis!”

JELLY paused to let the absolute gravity sink in. It was believed that the mastermind of a failed attack on Talay was actually hiding out here among the common and vulgar. Uh, refugees. Totally. Innocent and perfect refugees. “We stand on the brink of destruction my OOM. None can escape it. We must unite or we will fail. This criminal cannot be destroyed by any craft that we here possess. This heathen was made in the fires of Manda. Only with that, can he be unmade. We must take him to Darth Metus Darth Metus who has eaten the Manda. Only he can cast him back into the fiery chasm from whence he came!”

“One of us must bear this puck as a burden. It holds the secrets of an evil that does not sleep. He is ever watchful. He could decommission you and you’d never see it coming. It’s a target on your back for a slugthrower that has your name on it. Who will take it? Who will bear this puck until we locate and apprehend Kaine Australis?”

“One of us must do this.”

JELLY was very proud of its speech. It was very impassioned. Clearly, the OOM had seen it in a holo-vid once.
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Location: Just Outside A Drop Ship w/Battle Droid Fam, Razor, and Honest Moe

“One of us must bear this puck as a burden. It holds the secrets of an evil that does not sleep. He is ever watchful. He could decommission you and you’d never see it coming. It’s a target on your back for a slugthrower that has your name on it. Who will take it? Who will bear this puck until we locate and apprehend Kaine Australis?”

Yes, that was quite the burden, to carry the puck of Kaine Australis, the Butcher of Eshan, the Liar of Ryloth, the Eater of Babies, the Clubber of Baby Seals, the... okay, so maybe, just maybe he wasn't all those things after the 'Butcher of Eshan' part and GEM had heard them elsewhere in not to hushed tones by organics that had their own problems with the er... um... was Kaine a He or a Thing? Honestly, it was so difficult to tell when organic's programming seemed to predisposed with a fascination for their fleshy dangling bits.

Still, the question remained, who among them would carry the burden?

There was only really one true answer.

"I Will!"

The voice rang out and somehow - even GEM would wonder just what was happening - the clouds seemed to part, a ray of sunlight shown upon their Glittering Green and Black Chassis, and a heavenly chorus and trumpets sounded. GEM stepped forward, in one hand she held a Censer, a mixture of sweet-smelling incense and oil burned, and draped over his shoulders was a Stole; colored beautifully with the brilliant purple of the Confederacy and embroider with golden trim. On each end of the Stole was embroidered a golden Gear, the symbol of the Greater Tinkerer.

Again, GEM's voice rang out as she stepped forward, a hand carefully reaching out towards JELLYBEAN.

"Give me the puck, and I shall take upon my chassis this greater burden, for I have seen the will of the Great Tinkerer, and they have bid me carry this burden."


Location: Outside Dropship


Another planet, another mission…another chance to chase that elusive dream of droid superiority. While they had both the longevity and intellectual superiority over the fleshy organics his friend was so obsessed with. CUPCAKE wasn’t happy with that though, no to prove that droids were superior he would beat those organics at their own game, every game. If that meant that he had to suffer through that phenomenon they called getting high, well then maybe this would be the planet that finally yielded that edge he needed to complete his mission.

The droid tilted his head back, letting the falling rainwater stream over his face, dripping over the droid’s bright photoreceptors and solid metal chassis. This wasn’t exactly a resort world, it wasn’t the most luxurious of planets, but it mattered not. For the greater good of the Confederacy and the will of the Vicelord, may he forever be high, the Noble and Mighty droids would answer the call.

CUPCAKE’s head dropped down smoothly as he watched GEM step forward to claim the bounty puck, and the grave responsibility that came with it. GEM truly was the best of droid kind, to be willing to put his chassis on the line for the good of the mission. CUPCAKE conveniently glossed over the fact that those chassis could be replaced in a heartbeat, the lander behind them had bodies to spare, all waiting for an active droid consciousness to download into them.

None of that mattered though, not to the droid as he hefted his rifle into a ready position, peering around at their surroundings, as if that Mandalorian, their target, was waiting in the wings and would come flying out spewing laser and flame. But CUPCAKE would be ready, he would be the one to gun him down and bring glory to the squad and the Confederacy. He might think them easy targets but little did he know he was dealing with battle-hardened veterans here. No easy prey to escape from, they would hunt him to the ends of the plane and beyond.

The droid pivoted to face the energetic lieutenant as she approached, composing himself quickly into a smart pose of attention. Take that organic meatbags, none could match droid superiority.

“Blast him down and drag him crying and kicking to the most mighty Vicelord who will use the might fires of Manda to unmake him…do you think he’ll be happy with us?”

Perhaps if they did a good job the Vicelord would use the mighty power of the manda to give them the ability to get high. That would be nice. Rifle raised CUPCAKE peered around.

Here Mandalorian Mandalorian Mandalorian. Come out and play.

Location: Just Outside A Drop Ship w/Battle Droid Fam, Razor, and Honest Moe


LOLLIPOP carefully lifted a crate and set it atop another one before giving it a slight twist to align it perfectly. The droid stepped back to admire its handiwork before JELLY's cry for attention screeched in LOLLY's audio receptors. That was fair, however, because LOLLIPOP was exceptionally colorful today. Literally. Literally, exceptionally colorful. It was a matte finish so sunlight didn't blind fellow OOMs or give away their position, of course. Not that it would help blending in with any landscape other than an abstract artist's studio.

Sounded like JELLY had something to say. Probably a mission. Did they have to? There were so many other crates they could stack perfectly until an organic came along and started harassing them. Very well, LOLLIPOP registered internally, perhaps it wasn't all bad news. The mission could be to build a monument worthy of OOMs everywhere.

No, that'd never happen. They never got fun missions like that.

"But I need my spark plug," LOLLY responded to JELLY's request. Besides, didn't JELLYBEAN have functional spark plugs? Why couldn't Honest Moe replace JELLY's spark plugs?

Once assembled -- also literally in some cases -- with the troops standing by, JELLY launched into their epic and inspiring speech to pursue the violent criminal of Kaine Australis across land, over mountain, and under the seas... To never give up. Never surr-- By the Great Tinkerer what was the ...+++ [CORRUPTED] +++... matter with this ###@@@ [CORRUPTED] @@@### utter %%%... It was enough to make a droid go Triple Zero.

A soft 'cough' was vocalized by LOLLIPOP as she stood at attention polite as could be.

"Perhaps we cannot carry the burden... But we can carry you!" With that, LOLLIPOP stepped forward to lift GEM up high along them atop her shoulders. Okay, yes, this was not what she had in mind. Probably the same fault in her code as the rest. This was humiliating. Just play it off, LOLLY. Play it off. It would be alright. They'd probably all get blown up at some point -- such was their lot in life -- but at least they had plenty of spare chassis.

But it was such a pain repainting hers and it could never be the same each time, how boring would that be?
Location: Outside Dropship


Everything had been too quiet since the events on Ryloth. Despite what everyone thought, HONEY was having an existential crisis. Rejection was something he was used to in regards to his affections toward female fleshbags, but never had he been so rudely denied as to be shot through the chest. Had he done something wrong? Was he no longer enough? Were his days as an expert romancer now behind him? Would he continue to wallow in such a lack of Mojo that, the great tinkerer forbid, CUPCAKE become the resident ladies droid? These questions had been the only place HONEYCOMB had been able to keep his mental processing unit for the past several days. There must have been something faulty with the new unit his programing and personality had been downloaded into.

It was always a startle when JELLY came into a room excited about something. The loud and high pitched screee of her vocal processors was enought to shatter glass if the B1 was not careful. Apparetnly they had a new mission, one which could bring their small band into great favor with the Vicelord himself. Maybe this was the exact thing HONEY needed to prove he still had what it took to woo and attract the humanoid females.

"You have my rifle," HONEY commented after JELLY made her impassioned speech. He had seen the same holo-vid after all. The answer was quite appropriate. "It is a shame the female with the pointy ears will not be joining us on this mission. I am certain that my skills as a warrior would be enough to impress her," HONEY attempted to whisper to CUPCAKE who seemed to be more concerned abot the Vicelord giving him the abliity to experience what the fleshbags called, "getting high."

GEM seemed to take on the burden of the fob.

"Better him than me..." HONEY said aloud. Truth be told before the day was over JELLY would find something to add what she called a "HONEY DO LIST." The concept was not as exciting as it sounded. In fact, it was simply a list of chores he was expected to complete on a timeframe which was known only to JELLY. If his photoreceptors could roll, they would.

HONEY waited for the others to gather around the drop ship. They had a mission, and they had a target. If they worked together perhaps they would actually succeed for once. HONEY was optimistic that today JELLY would not be the only one getting a promotion. His number 002 after all, and if anyone was next in line, logic and math dictated it was him.


LOCATION: Outside Dropship

Srina Talon Srina Talon was right there. The award, shining in her hand. Reflecting the light of the sun into the world.
The award?
The Marshmallow Super Omega Awesome Hero Moment of Ryloth Award For Marshmallow.
And why not?
Marshmallow recalled diving into the cave, heroically telling JELLY that it would be okay. HONEY lie disabled on the ground, PIE, poor fool that he was, held the delusions that he matched up to MARSHMALLOW. It was cute, of course Marshmallow understood.
He was Marshmallow.

The Lyleks and Twi'leks that filled the cave ran in sheer terror upon spotting the hero that was Marshmallow. Despite the walls being rock, Marshmallows insane skill with a blaster allowed him to endlessly ricochet a blaster bolt into the cave, hitting every enemy with a single blast! Then, knowing that the dome was in danger thanks to Darth Metus Darth Metus , his best buddy, teaching him to use the Force, then immediately recognizing Marshie as the strongest force user in not just this galaxy but ALL galaxies, Marshie reached out with the DroidForce and fixed the Dome, saving the city!

So of course, following the battle, the immaculate Lady Talon met with Marshmallow with this readily available award, they had one for each planet Marshie might go visit. Marshie lean his head over, receiving the award, and once again, Lady Talon asked him, Marshmallow, what she could do for him.

"Well....Lady Talon....after all this time All I want is just one single ki-"

“Nuuuh I need you guys! Come here! Droids, friends, walking toasters. Lend me your spark plugs! We have new marching orders effective immediately!”

MARSHMALLOW's photoreceptors blinked back on. He reacquired his surroundings. His actual objective appeared inside his mind.
OBJECTIVE: Capture Kaine Australis

A low, monotone sigh emanated from his vocabulator. He'd never get a kiss on the cheek from Lady Talon.

Marshmallow dejectedly listened to the briefing, and groaned sadly when GEM jumped at the chance to carry the Puck.
He then heard CUPCAKE speak referring to Metus:

" you think he’ll be happy with us?”

Then Marshie could see it. The allure of the puck. He had to have it. It was his, by right.

"It is a gift...." he said, meeting his thumb digit to his first digit on his hand. "A gift to the droids of the Confederacy! Why not use this Puck? Long has my lady, Srina Talon, and Bestie Forever, Darth Metus, kept the forces of Australis at bay! I should have this puck! Give MARSHIE the item of the enemy! Let me use it against him!"

Marshie knew that if he were the one to apprehend Kaine Australis, if he were the one to bring the Butcher to Lady Talon and Darth Metus....
He wouldn't have to pretend! He'd BE the hero!

Then, disaster! LOLLIPOP started advocating for GEM to carry the Puck! DISSENSION IN THE RANKS! DISUNITY! CIVIL WAR!

He frantically opened and closed his droidhand, begging for the puck to be placed within.



Razor Watches.​


Having been plucked from sortie on Ryloth, the repairs which had been afforded to Razor were lackluster at best. As a synthetic being, priority was not given to restoring its...his form to perfect working condition. Rather, the wounded organics took precedence - as it should be. Razor had the fortunate reality of being able to be backed up, should destruction happen. Yet, organics could not plug themselves in and be placed inside another body. Due to this, Razor's chassis was given welds to repair the most grievous damages. But internals were more or less given a once over. In truth, the Commando was hurting - but there was nothing to be done about the situation.

Commando units were, by default, placed in position of authority over B1 and B2 units. However, given how shoddy Razor's internal condition was, he was in no position to lead. Rather, his role was observationary. Make sure his "kin" did not get themselves in too deep of chit. Make sure that things didn't go completely to chit. Given their performance on Ryloth, Razor was more or less confident that they could handle a bounty hunt. But his confidence parameters were plummeting by the second. Upon disembarking from the dropship, the unit's photoreceptors took in the sight before them.

Patience.exe has encountered a fatal error.

It was going to be a long day.​



Location: Outside of drop ship.

ROSES was just simply sitting upon a crate, nodding her head to the sound of the music that was playing through the comms. Some flesh bag was sharing music while they work on a specific channel, so she held this comm unit up to her audio receptors to listen as she relaxed. This droid was new to the group and while this group had its own little interesting field of traits that made each OOM stand out on their two mechanical legs, she just felt too lazy to mingle. With each bob of her mechanical head, she swung her legs against the crate that she sat on and occasionally drew some annoyed looks from the working flesh bags that moved around her. What? She was working, working on some beats. Or as she called them, some inspiration for some random poem that was still in the works.

“Hey droid! Get to work!” Called out one of the flesh bags and she looked to one of them and shook her head in time to the beat that was playing through the comm. ”I am working, my job is to sit here on this crate and make sure that you don’t move it. Did you want to hear a rhyme?” The droid nodded her head as she downloaded a poem that she had been working on from her memory bank. ”Roses are red, this poem is dead. If you don’t get back to work, I’ll murder you instead.” The flesh bags stared at her with gaping jaws for a moment and then slowly took a couple of steps away from her before scurrying off to continue on with the job that they had previously been doing.

She was feeling a little lazy, more than a little lazy, but there was never a dull moment when she didn’t want to lay back and simply stare at the sun for extended periods of time while thinking about word play. This one was not one of the droids that had been on Ryloth when things went south and she hadn’t been on Talay either because she hadn't been built yet. ROSES was one of the newer models off of the factory line. It was because of this, that she hadn’t seen the live fire of battle and it was making it harder for her to develop poems about it to encourage momentum.

JELLY called out to her fellow OOMs and a buzz sound was emitted by ROSES, for it meant that JELLY wanted her to do something. She didn’t want to do anything except sit on this crate, listen to music and create some poems. The droid hopped off of the crate and tossed the comm device upon that crate she had been sitting on. She picked up her weapon and made her way out to stand next to HONEY. That was when JELLY declared that they had the bounty puck for Kaine Australis. ROSES looked to GEM who offered to be the sacrifice and automatically, she began to work on her new poem to upload to her memory bank.

CUPCAKE toned in before LOLLIPOP offered to carry the sacrificial droid. ”To catch a Kaine, we need to gain, the power of the puck, to secure our luck. A sacrificial droid, is needed to fill the void and the rest of us will be merry and salute to JELLY!” Then another droid joined in on the puck holding mission and her head began to slowly shake. Now she had to create a new poem. Selfish MARSHMALLOW, creating more work for ROSES. ”Upload file to memory bank disrupted, disrupted by a reflection of disappointment.”

The droid loads a magazine into her weapon. ”Roses are red. MARSHMALLOW is dead. Your sacrifice is unnecessary and that is not your puck to carry.”

Last edited:

ASTRO let out a bit of a sigh, finding himself glad he didn't really remember the events of Ryloth as he sat spinning boredly in the pilot's seat on the dropship. Glancing out the rain-streaked glass he saw JELLY approach the squad and groaned, it appeared it was time to go and see what asinine mission they got roped with this time.

He didn't really catch what was supposed to be going on, but if he could raise a brow he would have at GEM volunteering to carry something, then get carried by LOLLI, and MARSHMALLOW's whining about wanting it, "Oh brother..." he groaned, as he facepalmed and shook his head at the behaviours of his borderline moronic brethren. Though no matter how glitchy they all were, he did 'love' the squad, he really did question what meatbag had screwed with their coding, deciding to make the batch as... unique as they had turned out, then he shrugged, probably better not to guess what meat bags thought process' really were.

Glancing between each of the others he went over to the weapons crate and grabbed himself a heavy blaster rifle, if the last operation did teach ASTRO one thing, screw going in first, get the big gun and shoot karking everything.

"You point boss, I'll shoot."

General Kalypso


The sole bridge of the C.N.S. Salvator was cold, eerily so. It was a chill that ran through one's bones and froze the blood in one's veins, yet never appeared to be more than a light breeze on all known sensory equipment. However, cold is nothing without quiet, and quiet the bridge was. There was not a more terrifying place for one to make their command on.
Though it was in the halls of this Grievous-Class Star Destroyer that the Field Marshal, styled General, Kalypso felt most comfortable. The systems of the Salvator were of nominal familiarity to the prototype, so much so that some of the droids might consider the ship a second body to the Droid General. Though, this was, of course, false.
He was the concept of perfection devised by the most ingenious team of robotic scientists, according to the Droid's data banks. He combined the knowledge and strategy of the greatest military leaders known to the Galaxy, most notably the late Admiral Trench, with the unrivalled ferocity of the Galaxy's greatest warriors, in no small part the also late General Grievous. He did not have a body, he was an intelligence so great it could hardly be considered artificial.
If Kalypso felt base, weak, organic emotions, then he might have laughed. Might have. However, instead of spending time laughing and indulging in the emotions that so often brought the downfall of the greatest of the Galaxies... he was revising, calling historical records and data to the forefront of one of his processing units.
Trendivar. By all accounts, a weak, pointless, backwater planet that hardly deserved note. The only major occurrence that Kalypso could find was of little detail, a minor skirmish during the final years of the Galactic Empire, as ruled by the late Emperor Sheev Palpatine. It had been a skirmish between the Hutt Clan of Vanderijar and the mercenary group Grim Destiny.
What was notable, however, was the recent battle of Siskeen, a battle the General had been unfortunate enough to miss. Perhaps something of interest might happen here, something more interesting than providing aide and supplies. However, he had received his orders directly from the Minister of War, rather a secretary's envoy, though the difference was negligible, as they came from the same source. And the Minister of War was not a man to be brazenly denied.
As the C.N.S. Salvator exited hyperspace with it's entourage of assorted medical, supply and droid carrier ships, the General placed a hand on the Captain's terminal, interfacing with the ship and hailing Grand Marshal Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn of the Confederate Naval Command.
"Grand Marshal von Sorenn, this is General UTD-001 'Kalypso', holding the rank of Field Marshal and Captaincy of the C.N.S. Salvator, in service of the Ministry of War acting under orders of Minister of War Caesarius Alexander Kenway. We have brought supplies and ships to set up multiple F.O.B.'s and staff them with medical personnel and supplies. We relinquish command of said supplies, ships and personnel for your oversight."
And with a simple afterthought, the connection was closed and orders were transmitted to the small fleet of supply and medical ships to split off from the main force of two destroyers, and multiple droid carrier ships. Grand Marshal, it was a mere title, yet one coveted by the General. Perhaps then he would style himself Grand General... Grand General Kalypso of the Confederate Droid Armies. It was a worthy name for a worthy title.



Location: Outside Dropship


ÉCLAIR was very, very, oh so truly, bored.

There hadn’t been any big bombastic battles recently. No opportunities to fire a few shots of a new blaster cartridge and immediately switch it out. Those next few shots after the first few didn’t seem to be as accurate or hit as hard. That was his opinion anyway. The other OOMs had tried to conivince him otherwise. They all much have lose logic modules. Only he knew the truth. Only he knew the true folly of the blaster cartridges! It was why his accuracy ratings was .0001 percent better than the average of the group! He had cracked the secret.

This did mean that ÉCLAIR went through quite a few blaster cartridges. Quite a few. More than anyone else. By a lot. JELLY had gotten cross with him once or twice over that. Told him that his reckless reloading was cutting into their special oil budget. She didn’t understand. None of them did!

Her displeasure did mean that ÉCLAIR had to cut a deal to get his needed amount of blaster cartridges. Moe Uilor Moe Uilor , the little sentient creature they had seemingly just decided to keep around, drove a very fair bargain. At least ÉCLAIR thought it was a fair bargain. He didn’t have much programing in the ways of sentient deal brokering, but allowing the jawa first crack at his destroyed carcass for him to carry a few extra blaster cartridges for ÉCLAIR seemed like a steal! Those extra cartridges would mean he would never die, so obviously he was making it out much better in this situation.

JELLY’s voice proclaiming out loud their mission made the B-1 turn from his examination of his current ammo count. The two ammo belts slung over his shoulders bounced lightly up and down, clattering against the metal chassis as ÉCLAIR made his way over to the rest of the OOM’s. Whatever audio dampeners had been installed in his hand were being strained to their limits as practically all the other droids began speaking up. Some clamored for the puck, others lifted up their brothers to get the puck, and others just seemed to not care too much about getting the puck. ÉCLAIR was finding himself falling into that other camp. He just wanted to be the one to shoot the Kaine in the face. With his .0001 percent better aim, he was a shoo-in to get that reward! Assuming there was a reward. There had to be a reward. Hopefully it wasn’t more special oil. HONEYCOMB and CUPCAKE had fought over that stuff for hours.

For the moment, ÉCLAIR just passed time by humming lightly, swinging side to side on his feet as he awaited the move out order. The killing shot would be his, so there was no reason to clamor over the puck for now.

Caesar Kenway




Black, uniform, officer's shoes tapped against the metal ramp of the Minister's shuttle as Caesar marched down to the planet below. To some politicians, the environment of Trendivar would be seen as appalling and unfit for their glorious presence. However, that was not the Minister of War. He had grown up as royalty on an Ordnance Depot planet, a planet of rocks, dust and mines.​
Once you had grown up like that, nothing was too low for you. It was not the first war-torn world he had been to, and would not be the last if he had anything to say about it. Though he had not come to assume a role of command like he might've, he came to take part in the hunt for Kaine Australis, as his sources informed him.​
Naturally, one might expect such a personage as the Minister to be accompanied by a host of guards. Naturally, they would be wrong. Two IG-100 Magnaguards was sufficient for the Minister, who wore the more protective Officer's Uniform of the Confederate Army Command with a blaster in his hip holster.​
Not that he had any cause for concern, of course. He was accompanying a platoon of B1 Battle Droids, surely they would prove more than sufficient protection, when combined with his Magnaguards. As he stepped off the ramp and looked around, he waved his hand, the ramp raising as he marched, flanked by his magnaguard escort, towards the OOM Platoon.
Officially, he was in his office in the Ministry of War Headquarters on the snowy planet of Zaadja, heavily occupied by paperwork. Unofficially, he was on Trendivar.​
He offered a wry smile to the OOM Platoon as he approached them, halting his march at edges of the group. It took not even a minute for the Minister to realise his grievous, grievous mistake at joining with the platoon for this mission. It took all of the Old Man's strength and professionalism not to winch and cringe away from the scene.​
Instead, he offered his hand out to the Lieutenant, that maybe first impressions were not all that they seemed, and this was but a brief and momentary phase. Surely he would be perfectly fine in their company. After all, what could go wrong?...​

Pulling the helmet of his Beskar'gam over his head, Haastal exhaled as the filters activated and fresh air filled the metal bucket. He'd spent the better part of the trip to Trendivar working on the filtration system on his helmet. The damned thing had taken a blaster round and had been on the fritz for weeks, hopefully it would be fixed now.

"Heads-up." He muttered into the helmet's mic. The view through Haastal's visor came to life with a blue shade. The sensors embedded in the helmet worked to quickly scan all of the items in the shuttle before it finally went into standby mode. The image the visor showed shimmered for only a moment, causing Haastal to tap his hand against it, however it quickly went back to normal. "Karkin' junk." He said.

Once his helmet was working right, Haastal made his way over to the lowered ramp in the rear of the shuttle. This time his ward was a Minister going at things low-profile. Well, as low profile as they could manage. He let a hand rest on his blaster pistol while he walked behind the two IG units who stood behind the Minister.

They joined groups with a number of standard battle droids. Their call signs all came to life on his screen, causing Haastal to arch a brow. It was pretty odd for a single unit of Battle Droids to be tasked out with someone like a Minister, but Kenway didn't say anything so Haastal didn't feel any need to.

He wanted a smoke though.

Caesar Kenway



Location: Outside of Drop Ship
NOUGAT had zoned out, a bit too much as the words around him were recieved but not understood. The photoreceptors stared off into the distance. The dance put on display by JELLY made the droid turn his head and actually attempt to pay attention. Noticing that his position in line was a little off, NOUGAT shuffled an inch closer to ASTRO, looking around to see if anyone had noticed, while pretending that no one had. It was better that way. There was no need to torment NOUGAT with explosive duty again. Nope. None at all. His last chasis that performed that duty had been his favorite..
Turning his head, a search was conducted to ensure the location of a particular droid, DONUT. While NOUGAT adored all of his fellow B1's, he had thought DONUT was.. questionable. Their love for all things explosive would keep NOUGAT at a safe distance.... normally on the other side of the ship in some cases. The thought of being stuck by one of the sticky detonators made the droid's chasis shake. What accursed maker had crossed his wires to make him so afraid of such things?! Certainly not the Great Tinkerer! Perhaps the engineers of the droid factory had done it on purpose! Yes, that's it! Some kind of prank! Well, it wasn't so funny to this droid.
Photoreceptor settle onto LOLLIPOP and MARSHMALLOW wanting that puck thing. NOUGAT was tempted to take it himself, prove that just because he's afraid of explosives he can still be a brave droid! Not that his fellows thought any less of him...
... Right?

It was a long time since she worked with the Confederacy, years ago since she was in Naboo doing some mischief as the party continued. She remembered that time with some affection from time to time, often she could only remember how much she had drunk together with the other mandalorians and woke up with one of the biggest hangovers she had ever felt in her entire life. Memory tried to exclude the animals she had 'borrowed' from the planet to sell to her black market contacts, but that was fine.

She worked for a lot of odd governments during the time that passed Ursula did unspeakable things for a lot of horrible people, as for the rest she did it mostly to herself for own personal gain, like those days in Jedha robbing and pillaging before cutting her own arm off. In a way, it felt good to be back working with them, almost a familiar feeling that she never had in her life with her mandalorian allies and family, now long lost to her, while in the Confederacy she was well-treated and adored talking to those droids, they had the most clever things to tell her as they spoke.

"This is a very nice day.", Ursula said looking at the sun, still lying on the floor from that high position at the top of the canyon with the mounted turret of the MX-1 Sniper Rifle to the right side of where she was. Almost wide on the ground, dressed in his red mandalorian armor but without his helmet, leaving the piece to the side while her eyes remained focused on the sky, so clear of clouds that it looked more like the reflection of a mirror, with only a few clouds at her side. around, her lips kept a delicate smile on them and although she was definitely alone, Ursula talked to her S19 astromech droid, called Nineteen, like he was a real person.

“Why would I go after the others? It’s a hunt and I have the high ground, I will wait here for them.”, Ursula declared to the droid with a impatient tone of voice and in response he started to beep for a long time at her, almost as if he was angry. “I know, I know… but what was I supposed to do? Is a beautiful day and I don’t want to run. If the dummies come this way, they will have to pass through this canyon and then I will shoot them down, okay?”

The droid beeped a few more times and the ginger woman ignored him, focusing on a cloud passing through the sky, noticing how much she resembled a small baby boma, making her open her mouth to unleash a huge sound as she yawned to the point where your eyes water with laziness.



Equipment: The Blood of Dathomir Armor | Nightmother's Ward | Water of Life Potions

Tag: Open​

Space tore open on the planet of Trendivar, and through it passed the Nightmother of the Mandragora dressed in her blood-red armor. The emerald gaze swept the land before her as the tear sealed in her wake.

Perhaps she had been too accepting of late. Outsiders seemed to respond to passion more than reason. Her fingers curled into a fist soon set alight by the green ichor of the spiritual realm. Perhaps it was time to remind people why the Nightsisters were feared. Time to set free that which she had hitherto kept secret and out of reach. Her fingers spread out as she swept her hand before her and cast a wave of energy across the land. The green mists fanned outward. It crept and crawled upon the surface at a gallop before dissipating once it sunk its teeth into what had been sought.

Soon the ground fifteen feet away began to crack and rise into a mound. It grew until a skeletal hand shot out into the air. Slowly the undead tore itself free from its deep, earthen slumber.

Vytal strode across the unbroken ground until she stood before the fleshless creature. It stood awaiting her presence or a command to return to the nether. A mere fragment of its former self. Much time had passed since the body had taken eternal slumber, and much of its spirit had gone on -- likely partially reborn or perhaps still entrenched in the depths of the Source. It hardly mattered. She had plunged her hand into the abyss, and what still remained had answered, and that was all that mattered.

"You know why I've come. You know what it will take for you to sleep once more," the Nightmother intoned to the skeletal remains held together through mystical power alone.

A dim green energy slowly grew with intensity and the corpse's head lifted then turned to regard the Witch. There was a moment of silence between them before its right hand lifted and a bleached finger pointed the way. The jaw then dropped and an ear-piercing screeched filled the air. If able to withstand it, or those forced to endure it with heightened senses, there would be fluctuations and variance in the held screech from the risen.

The pale woman turned and began to move in the direction the skeleton had pointed. Without batting an eye the corpse collapsed into a pile of bones on the surface of Trendivar, and the glow of unlife faded from it once more. There was no need to bury the dead again, nor cover her passing. There were secrets in the galaxy once found could not be found again -- and it was one of these that had drawn the Nightmother here.

Template By: Darth Metus (Guy)
Relationship Status: It's Complicated

Location: Cantina
Wearing: xxx
Tag: Redd Redd | Rylan Kordel Rylan Kordel | Darth Metus Darth Metus | Vanir Eris Vanir Eris | Fury of Aerðs Fury of Aerðs | Arro Peradun | Open

Some needed to hunt, to earn their keep, others needed to relax. Gerwald knew that after the events of Ryloth and Siskeen that there were those who had earned a day off, and Gerwald was intent of giving them that. Why was he on Trendivar? Simply because a change of scenery was needed. While he was not sure how many would be at the cantina one thing was certain, the tower of a man was determined to do something about the fact that one of his squires had never had anything alcoholic touch her lips. That had to be remedied.​
Gerwald was not a heavy drinker by any stretch of the imagination, but when he did drink, when the mead was flowing, Gerwald could put it away. It was not lost on him that many of his mistakes in life had been made while he was under the influence of alcohol. It did not matter. Gerwald was going to let his hair down, but he was more there to see what would happen with Redd. She had become something of a sister to him, something the larger male had been missing for some time.​
Alwine had left without a word, though she had told him she felt as though she did not fit among the Confederates. He had been surprised to hear she had been part of the Agents of Chaos, but the surprise had not lasted that long. Her behavior and personality since leaving Stewjon seemed to fit better with them. Gerwald had a brother whom no one had heard from in a long time. It had been a hard truth to admit once all of them had earned their freedom and left Stewjon, but they were not as close as they had thought. In his adult years it seemed anyone who was supposed to love him did so for what they could get from it. Maybe his perspective on that was wrong, but the only person who truly had offered him love for who he was without asking for him to become something else was Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath .​
Redd had not asked for anything in return either, though Gerwald had. He asked her to embrace her humanity as much as she had the wolf. He cared for her well being, even liked her personality despite the fact she was struggling to adjust. Those struggles meant she was growing however, and Gerwald wanted to help her become everything she could be. Part of that meant teaching her to relax. Maybe it was mean, but Gerwald fully intended to see the lupine get drunk.​
Gerwald arrived at the table with two large mugs of mead in one hand, and a massive pitcher in the other. The contents sloshed on the wood surface as the mugs hit the top of the table with a thud. Gerwald grinned.​
"I cannot promise the mead is anything like Stewjon, but I can tell you unless you want to drink something harder, this is great stuff to start with! Now let's see how well you can handle your liquor!"


Outfit: XXX
Tags: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Rylan Kordel Rylan Kordel | Darth Metus Darth Metus | Fury of Aerðs Fury of Aerðs | Vanir Eris Vanir Eris | Arro Peradun

Redd wasn’t at all sure as to why she was upon this planet if she wasn’t hunting or killing anyone. In fact, she felt frustrated that she hadn’t killed anything in a while and begrudgingly followed Gerwald into what she could only describe was the fifth level of hell that was being thrusted upon her sense of smell. There were so many smells that it was overwhelming at first and she wondered as to how they lived like this. Like… Animals and that was saying something considering she was a wolf and she was far cleaner than this. At least she had a bath and kept herself at least somewhat tidy. These people smelled as if they hadn’t bathed in weeks and had rolled around in a pig pen before coming back to do… What was it that they came here to do?

Her nose scrunched up as she felt repulsed by what she smelled, even felt the need to recoil at it, but restrained herself just barely. Golden green eyes looked to Gerwald then with an appalled expression paired with shock which was written all over her face. Her lips had even parted in disturbance that this was even a place where someone could go to relax. For her, relaxing meant napping under a large tree in a meadow, but Gerwald was determined to see that she also embraced her human side even if the world of the two leggers shocked and appalled her to a great extent. How was any of this supposed to relax her when all she could think about were the scents, sounds and sights. This was worse than being stuck in an arena and made to fight.

The lupine sat at a table and rested her elbow upon the table top while she firmly placed her palm against her face. All the while she groaned inwardly and flung curses at the other lupine with complete disdain for the current situation that she found herself in.

When the male returned with a pitcher and two mugs that sloshed with what appeared to be a golden liquid, she lifted her head to listen to Gerwald as both hands reached out to take one of the mugs from the man. Leaning forwards, Redd sniffed at the beverage with what she could only describe as caution. Was it a poison? A potion that made humans lose all sense of cleanliness and wade around in their own filth? Instead, it smelled like honey and… She paused for a moment as she lifted the mug off of the table and sniffed again. Grapes?

Her nose scrunched up slightly as she slowly lifted the mug to her lips to take a sip of the golden liquid and as she did she looked to Gerwald with utter confusion. It tasted sweet, but slightly on the dry side. Redd took a bigger sip this time as she licked her lips and tried to discern the ingredients within. It didn’t satisfy her thirst like water did, instead the sweet taste only made her want to drink more of the liquid. ”I don’t understand. Shouldn’t drinking a beverage be thirst quenching? I mean, this only makes me want to drink more, because it tastes sweet.” She finally said as she looked to Gerwald and shook her head. ”This is some strange magic.” Redd continued before she lifted the mug to her lips to take a mouthful instead of a sip.

The drink made her feel funny, tingly even and she put the mug down to make a fist with her hand only to release it. In fact, the smells that had bothered her before, didn’t bother her too much anymore because she just didn’t care so much about them. It was as if the magic potion was giving her the ability to ignore the scents and sounds without having to work at blocking them out. The mead even made her feel warmer in body temperature than she normally would. Quietly, she placed her hands flat upon the table top and felt the rough texture under her pale hands, ”Ger, this is some weird magic. I feel like my senses are dull, but at the same time heightened. Like this table…” Golden green eyes, shifted to the colour of pure green as she looked to her male companion. It was almost disorientating that her movements were not as sharp as they were and her hands returned to that of the mug. ”I don’t understand.” She finally said as a frown descended upon her brow. ”Humans like feeling like this all of the time? They like feeling slow? The tingling feels… Oddly pleasing?”

Redd took another gulp of the sweet honey liquid and smiled before asking the other lupine, ”Gerwald. What’s wrong with me? Even in human form most people don’t seem to think I’m their pack member. I look human, but is it because I’m lupine that no one seems to want to talk to me but other lupines?” Waaaait, this conversation wasn’t pleasing not at all, but this drink was. She lifted the mug to her lips to drink a couple more mouthfuls only to put the mug back down upon the table and shifted the conversation. ”What’ss handle yourr liq-liquor mean?”


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