"Even though I don't go by the First Order's ideology, I'd like you to arrest me and give me to the bounty placer if you can. I'm planning something. Something big."
He breathed a second. Stormtroopers were tasked with shooting and killing, and of course arresting, but nothing else. He wanted to tell the Stormtrooper of the position he was in, and how he could use the trooper's help, and let the trooper get the rewards for it, but Cloudburner and the First Order shared no ideology that would let him help them. They fought for the Dark Side of the Force, the remains of the ancient Galactic Empire, and he fought for justice and peace.
"Do you know of the bounty on my head?"
He was ready to pull out his weapon if the trooper did, but his one seemed friendly, almost too good to be true.
"I can award you, the First Order, anybody you wish, with 1.1 Million credits, if you turn me in to the bounty placer, some Crime Lord named James Justice or something, and help me escape. I'll fight for your cause if you wan't me to. Listen, I'm a Jedi. Some of the most famous, powerful Sith Lords were former Jedi, so if you help me, I can do anything for you, even turn to the Dark Side of the Force. Understand?"
This would lead him to his destruction or his rule of the Galaxy, either way, he wanted to kill all of the bounty placers, all of the Mandalorians, unlike most Jedi, but like the First Order.