The Injustice sat silently along a branch of a common well used Hyperlane. The only object in the infinite black this side of anywhere. The ragtag crew watched the scanners and waited for orders from their Captain, a big man riddled with tattoos and by most standards the worst kind of scum.
He sat quietly in his chair as one of his paramours snorted giggledust from the chair arm. His stony grey-green eyes bore a hole in the view port as he waited for his gut to tell him it was time. The woman beside him began laughing and leaned over to kiss his cheek but was met by a huge hand that pushed her back into her own chair. She began to curse loudly but he stood as if not hearing a word.
"Activate the interdiction fields." He said as he began pacing the bridge like a caged Nexu.
"Aye, Sir." Came the reply from the crewman at the controls and the two gravity well projectors hummed to life.
The well was not as large as a bigger ship but it was large enough to suck ships out of hyperspace, and that's all he needed.
"First one to bring me a prize gets an extra ten percent in their cut." He said loudly and had it relayed over the intercom. Today would bring riches. He could feel it.
[member="Tryp West"]
He sat quietly in his chair as one of his paramours snorted giggledust from the chair arm. His stony grey-green eyes bore a hole in the view port as he waited for his gut to tell him it was time. The woman beside him began laughing and leaned over to kiss his cheek but was met by a huge hand that pushed her back into her own chair. She began to curse loudly but he stood as if not hearing a word.
"Activate the interdiction fields." He said as he began pacing the bridge like a caged Nexu.
"Aye, Sir." Came the reply from the crewman at the controls and the two gravity well projectors hummed to life.
The well was not as large as a bigger ship but it was large enough to suck ships out of hyperspace, and that's all he needed.
"First one to bring me a prize gets an extra ten percent in their cut." He said loudly and had it relayed over the intercom. Today would bring riches. He could feel it.
[member="Tryp West"]