Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Cato Au' Umbra

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    Name: Cato Au' Umbra
    Other name(s): Revelation
    Ranks and Titles: Overseer
    Species: Human
    Race: Caucasian
    Age: Unknown but appears to be in his late 80s to early 90s

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    Faction: Eternal Empire
    Birthworld: Kalidan
    Homeworld: Kalidan
    Occupation: Overseer
    Allegiance: Eternal Empire

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    Sex: Male
    Height: 5'5
    Weight: 145 lbs
    Eye color: Gold
    Hair color: White
    Skin color: Caucasian
    Voice sample: Death
    Force Sensitive: Yes

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    Family: [REDACTED]

    Close relationships outside the family: [REDACTED]

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    Cato Au' Umbra looks like a fragile old man that could be blown away by the wind. Standing at a little under 5'5 the small diminutive old man has long unkempt white hair that flows past his shoulders, sparkling golden eyes and a sharp nosed face. He is often wearing hooded robes and heavy iron chains around his neck. If it wasn't for the large golden eagle headed staff many would mistake him for being an old homeless man. This is look is inspired by his life as he does not want to stand out and draw attention to himself. Many within the intelligence division of the Eternal Empire do not know who they are speaking to when he appears. He prefers to speak in riddles and half truths to influence the outcomes of events. Only those within the highest ranks of the Empire know of his purpose and existence.

    Little is known of Cato's personality, but if there was one word to describe it it would be Machiavellian. He is the definition of a sociopath who believes that the ends justifys the means and he is more than happy to lie, cheat, steal and manipulate anyone and anything to get his way. He will often play both sides of a conflict or even manipulate those that report to him in order to achieve his goals, or even for his own entertainment. He prefers the subtle acts of bending people to his will rather than using pure brute force. However he will not hesitate to do so if this is justified.

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    • Powerful force user
    • Form V master
    • Intelligent and tactical
    • Has access to a large number of informants
    • Expert in stealth and disguises
    • Cunning and manipulative

    • Sadistic
    • Sociopath

    • Old and unable to fight without assistance from the force to enhance his physical capabilities
    • Spiteful and will go out of his way to seek revenge
    • Distaste for combat
    • Overestimates his opponents and projects his own logical thinking onto other's which can lead to him miscalculating their strategic moves
    • Rely's on others to complete tasks
    • Useless in ranged combat with blasters

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    • Force Push
    • Force Blinding
    • Battle Meditation
    • Jedi Mind Trick
    • Force Heal/Revitalize
    • Truth Sense
    • Force Barrier
    • Force Lightening
    • Force Speed
    • Drain Knowledge
    • Force Drain
    • Force Destruction
    • Force Maelstrom

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    Cato began life as a part of the lowest class of Eternal Empire society. At a young age he was sought out by [REDACTED], due to his force sensitivity and his natural ability with it. During his time with [REDACTED] Cato developed an ability to bend the force to his will, violently. As a result his force abilities lean far more heavily into the dark side rather than that of the light. As a trainee of [REDACTED] Cato stayed to the shadows and quietly excelled. Allowing other members to be loud and boastful about their achievements. He also actively despised combat. He believed that resolutions to such issues could be done via manipulation, negotiation, or using the force. He practiced and learned to use a lightsaber despite his disgust for combat and viewing it as a last resort when you couldn't outmaneuver your enemy. He became a master in Form V and upon finishing his training and becoming a [REDACTED] he made sure to keep his skills with a saber finely tuned as he knew his position made him a target of assassination.

    After completing his training Cato worked as a [REDACTED] for the Blackwatch. This was seen as something below his abilities and was not a position that many coveted within the Eternal Empire or the [REDACTED]. He went on many missions, often working alone and this fine tuned his abilities as a [REDACTED]. He slowly worked his way up the organization as well as remaining a steadfast member of [REDACTED]. How Cato managed to weasel his way into becoming Overseer of the Intelligence wing of the Eternal Empire no one really knows. But it can be said that the former Overseer had a very unfortunate accident along with many of his lieutenants. Ever since that moment the old man has occupied this position and refused to let go.

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    Force skills


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    WIP / Nothing yet

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    Nothing yet.

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