Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cause he's back, back, back.

Well, ugh. It's been a few weeks and um, want me to explain? Basically i've been able to build computers for years, and I decided I was gonna play with water cooling. I basically cut a pipe wrong and after three days my PC wet herself and died. The pipe come out and burst, water soaked my harddrives, graphic cards and everything.

Lucky for me, we have a thing up where I live where you can send off broken PC's, and they'll take whatever they can from the old PC and put it in a new one, then upgrade the bits they couldn't salvage. Basically I got a better PC for nothing, I just had to wait a few weeks for it to get to me.

So yeah, if I owe you posts, lemme know or forever hold your peace. The only thing is that any invasions or dominions i'm in currently on any accounts i'm dropping from. I've been away a while and it'll take me forever to catch up and stuff so yeah, dropping from them.

In other news, if I owe you posts, post here or PM me please, Thanks.

[member="Xander Black"]
Most of my 500+ steam games, all of the RP's I had planned out for this thing... yeah. I also had a bunch more private stuff, such as youtube video's that'll never be seen now. Damn it, I was so close to launching my channel.


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