Causstik Rahn
NAME: Causstik Rahn
FACTION: Mandalorian Clans
RANK: Warrior
SPECIES: Trandoshan
AGE: 24
SEX: Male
EYES: White
HAIR: None
SKIN: Green.
Cold Blooded
Left eye has been blinded
Extreme Strength
Limbs regenerate
Extremely agile
Causstik is tall and foreboding with a large amount of muscles even for a Trandoshan. He has pointed teeth. An eye patch with a puckered scar around it. His normal eye is yellow. His scales are black.
Slave Train
Trandoshan's Breath
NPC Armies:
Iron Scale Mercenaries
Dread Tooth Warband
Drouk War Beast
Rancor War Mount
Causstik was born on the Trandoshan home world Trandosha. As a young hatchling he proved himself time and again as a capable hunter and warrior. When the time came Causstik's father brought him to the game world Wassakah to complete his right of passage. Causstik was tracking a silver backed wookiee. He had harried the beast all the way to a dark cave. But, as he stood outside the entrance he heard it's horrible cries of anguish. Their was something inside the cave... Causstik treaded carefully as he made his entrance, but was attacked by an unseen assailant and knocked unconscious.
Causstik awoke chained to an alter. Blood pooled at his feat and his head was throbbing. He was approached by a man in dark robes. The man spoke a strange language that the T'dosch did not understand, but when the man did speak Causstik heard his voice ringing in his head. Images of blood and slaughter flooded his mind and Causstik perceived this man to be the Scorekeeper in disguise, but, in reality it was the Sith lord [member="Darth Abyss"]. The figure unchained the Trandoshan and Causstik stared down at his now enhanced body. His once skinny frame now rippled with muscle and his thoughts had become more in depth. More images assaulted Causstiks mind this time complemented with words he understood. He was to go to the Mandalorians and await further instructions. Causstik with his now extreme strength and height left the cave dazed and confused.
When he met with his father it was dark and the man held no questions for him. He thought his son's new appearance was a sign from the goddess that his son was chosen. Father and son went back to their tribe where Causstik challenged his chieftain. The duel was short and sweet with Causstik winning easily. He took command of the Tribe and led them to Mand'alor. Having established themselves among the clans Causstik and his people set out among the stars. It soon became rumored Causstik could speak to the Scorekeeper and he amassed a cult following. He and his followers began privateer work. Charging their services to the highest bidder. As Causstik amassed his wealth and fame he was soon plagued by the voice once more.
He was to search for an ancient planet plagued by death. It was only upon the verge of defeat that Causstik fulfilled his goal. Whilst battling a group of pirates for the FO they had been forced to retreat into the unknown Regions. Here it was that Causstik discovered the planet in his visions. He and his tribe landed here for refuge, but found only peril. They were relentlessly attacked by what they deemed the rot god. Eventually they overcame the creatures of death and built a settlement out of the graveyard of ships and bone that ringed the world. This city became known as Bone City and now acts as the headquarters of the slavers. Recently Causstik and his warband, with the help of Imperial forces, established a spice mine on Kessel
FACTION: Mandalorian Clans
RANK: Warrior
SPECIES: Trandoshan
AGE: 24
SEX: Male
EYES: White
HAIR: None
SKIN: Green.
Cold Blooded
Left eye has been blinded
Extreme Strength
Limbs regenerate
Extremely agile
Causstik is tall and foreboding with a large amount of muscles even for a Trandoshan. He has pointed teeth. An eye patch with a puckered scar around it. His normal eye is yellow. His scales are black.
Slave Train
Trandoshan's Breath
NPC Armies:
Iron Scale Mercenaries
Dread Tooth Warband
Drouk War Beast
Rancor War Mount
Causstik was born on the Trandoshan home world Trandosha. As a young hatchling he proved himself time and again as a capable hunter and warrior. When the time came Causstik's father brought him to the game world Wassakah to complete his right of passage. Causstik was tracking a silver backed wookiee. He had harried the beast all the way to a dark cave. But, as he stood outside the entrance he heard it's horrible cries of anguish. Their was something inside the cave... Causstik treaded carefully as he made his entrance, but was attacked by an unseen assailant and knocked unconscious.
Causstik awoke chained to an alter. Blood pooled at his feat and his head was throbbing. He was approached by a man in dark robes. The man spoke a strange language that the T'dosch did not understand, but when the man did speak Causstik heard his voice ringing in his head. Images of blood and slaughter flooded his mind and Causstik perceived this man to be the Scorekeeper in disguise, but, in reality it was the Sith lord [member="Darth Abyss"]. The figure unchained the Trandoshan and Causstik stared down at his now enhanced body. His once skinny frame now rippled with muscle and his thoughts had become more in depth. More images assaulted Causstiks mind this time complemented with words he understood. He was to go to the Mandalorians and await further instructions. Causstik with his now extreme strength and height left the cave dazed and confused.
When he met with his father it was dark and the man held no questions for him. He thought his son's new appearance was a sign from the goddess that his son was chosen. Father and son went back to their tribe where Causstik challenged his chieftain. The duel was short and sweet with Causstik winning easily. He took command of the Tribe and led them to Mand'alor. Having established themselves among the clans Causstik and his people set out among the stars. It soon became rumored Causstik could speak to the Scorekeeper and he amassed a cult following. He and his followers began privateer work. Charging their services to the highest bidder. As Causstik amassed his wealth and fame he was soon plagued by the voice once more.
He was to search for an ancient planet plagued by death. It was only upon the verge of defeat that Causstik fulfilled his goal. Whilst battling a group of pirates for the FO they had been forced to retreat into the unknown Regions. Here it was that Causstik discovered the planet in his visions. He and his tribe landed here for refuge, but found only peril. They were relentlessly attacked by what they deemed the rot god. Eventually they overcame the creatures of death and built a settlement out of the graveyard of ships and bone that ringed the world. This city became known as Bone City and now acts as the headquarters of the slavers. Recently Causstik and his warband, with the help of Imperial forces, established a spice mine on Kessel