Zahori Denko
Name: Cavinash LokAlias: The Bloodhound
Age: 34 GSY
Species: Shistavanen
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 215 lbs
Eye Color: Icy Blue
Hair Color: Dark Grey/White
Body Type: Muscular
Force Sensitive: No
Occupation: Mercenary
Allegiance: TBA
Personality: A dangerous and vicious being, Cavinash is a cold, brutal creature of the shistavanen species, one to not be karked with. Trained by a man who's name was lost with time, Cavinash earns respect through fear. It's as if all emotions that show fear were ripped from him, and all the others were strengthened. He cares not for anyone's morals or rules. Only his own.
- Enhanced strength, senses, speed
- Healing ability
- Melee weapon expert
- Mental Instability
- Luna-weed addiction
Biography: Born on the beautiful world of Uvena Prime, Cavinash Lok, was the first and only child of his parents. Raised to be a hunter, like his father, Cavinash honed his tracking and killing skills at a young age. In his father's eyes, Cavinash would prove to be a proud and true warrior. And so he did. Receiving training from multiple teachers in multiple forms of combat, Cavinash is a versatile warrior and dangerous foe. When he reached adulthood, Cavinash went into mercenary work to make ends meet.
Ship: Widow-class Frigate
Bounties Collected
Body Count