NAME: Cavris Lyran
Aliases: Alpha-Weasel
FACTION: Galactic Empire
RANK: Imperial Spy/Hacker
AGE: 19/20
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'10
WEIGHT: 12st
EYES: Black
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Light tan
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
High level Hacker
Easily blends into his environment
Decent shot
High IQ
PTSD from traumatic childhood
Not very good in big battles
Few social skills
Has OCD tendacies.
Cavris is a human male of average height and weight. His naturally tanned face is often hidden behind a large hood, his hair is of a deep black colour, similar to his eyes which can give intense stares. His face and upper body are littered with self made scars through repeated self-harm. He normally wears casual clothes with a hood, allowing him to bend seamlessly into the environment. His voice is monotone and few people actually know his real identity.
Cavris was born in Imperial space, his parents noted that from a young age he showed signs of high intelligence and were able to send him to elite Imperial school for training. This meant that he spent many years away from his parents. He was shown to be especially proficient in hacking and completing assassination missions. His hacking ability was so high that he very easily discovered that his parents were sending coded messages to a rebel cell unit with the Empire. They were quickly captured and tortured with Cavris forced to watch. When they finally revealed all the information that they knew of the rebel cell, Cavris then was told to execute his parents. To which he did as instructed.
This was all within the year he turned 10, after this traumatic experience, Cavris adopted a pseudonym of Alpha-Weasel. Also from then on, he developed twitches and triggers. These affected his personality and alienated him from his peers. It also meant that he lacked the usual social skills that were normally developed in teen years. His PTSD also developed after his parents passed, this means that in large combat situations he often avoids getting in the middle of the fight. Otherwise he will freeze and likely get himself killed and others. So instead he prefers to hack and use his sniper rifle.
Datapad for hacking
Computer spikes
N-500 Elite Marksman Ripper
Light Durasteel armour with Armourweave underlay
Stress ball