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Approved Ranged Weapon CBC-25 Compact Blaster Carbine

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Manufacturer: House Mecetti Nationalized Industries
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Average
Size: Small

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  • Blaster can be folded into compact rectangular form no larger than a pistol, or unfolded to become a shoulder-braced carbine.
  • Compact
  • High Power
  • Has Stun Setting
  • Needs to be unfolded and shouldered to be fired accurately
The CBC-25 is a new release from Tampson Consolidated, a wholly owned subsidiary of the House Mecetti Nationalized Industries. The weapon is designed to provide security forces and covert operatives with a capable battlefield carbine that can be folded and stowed under a jacket or coat. The Compact Blaster Carbine model 25 delivers powerful semiautomatic discharges to ensure that security forces can handle armored assailants and even lightly armored vehicles. However, this potency comes at a price, reducing the capacity of the weapon to just 25 shots. Operators of the weapon frequently practice quick energy-cell changes to compensate.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create an offering from the Mecetti Nationalized Industries for a compact carbine
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: House Mecetti Nationalized Industries
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic
Material: Standard Blaster Components
Ammunition Type: Power cell
Ammunition Capacity: Small
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: Average
Ranged Class: Carbine
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