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Approved Ranged Weapon CC-B10 Pump-Action Scatteblaster (1.1)

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Manufacturer: Captain's Choice
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Heavy
Size: Small
Make the right choice, make it Captain's Choice!

art by Sergey Kolesnik
CC-B10 Pump-Action Scatteblaster
  • Packs A Wallop!: Thanks to Captain's Choice's patented CC-SC6 cartridge technology, the B10 delivers a considerable punch, even for a scatterblaster.
  • Scatter or Shatter: The CC-B10 can toggle between a cone-shaped scatter shot or a solid bolt, letting the user choose between crowd control or focused firepower depending on the situation at hand.
  • Compact Cannon: The CC-B10 is similar in size and weight to a heavy blaster pistol, making it easy to handle in tight conditions or conceal under large clothing.
  • Packs a Wallop...: The B10 doesn't kick so much as try to jump out of your hands if you're not careful, so a steely grip and firm shoulder is recommended. That or a good set of magno-gloves...
  • Low Output: The B10's low ammo capacity and pump-action cycler means that you won't be getting off many shots with this weapon in a firefight, so make every blast count.
  • For Close Encounters: No matter how you slice it the B10 is not designed for precision or long-range shooting, even in solid-bolt mode, meaning you need to pick your fights and targets carefully.
Marketed as a premier self-defense weapon by Captain's Choice, the CC-B10 scatter blaster is a compact, pump action blaster designed to deliver maximum damage with each shot. Its uniquely handy design makes the B10 ideally suited for close-range engagements in tight quarters, such as in back alleys or in the halls of starships, and can be concealed relatively easily under long, heavy clothing. Because of this the B10 has found its niche with many spacers across all trades and walks of life, not to mention those looking for a discreet way to carry some serious firepower around. At the same time, users have to be wary of the weapon's low capacity and rate of fire, not to mention its sharp kick, which makes it less than ideal for sustained fighting.

There are rumors the original design was semi-automatic, but Captain's Choice opted for a pump-action mechanism to encourage users to keep both hands safely on the blaster and moderate their rate of fire. However, as Captain's Choice has never advocated for blaster safety or moderation, this story is highly unlikely.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a versatile, portable pump-action scatterblaster with some kick. Updated for 7.0!
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Discerning Captain's Choice customers!
Model: CC-B10
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Personal
Rate of Fire: Pump-Action
Material: Durasteel, Dallorian Alloy, Manganese-Plastoid Composite, Brylark Wood, Prismatic Crystal, Blaster Electronics
Ammunition Capacity: Very Small
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: Very High
Ranged Class: Shotgun
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