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Approved Tech CC-C/S23 Enhanced Tracking Package

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Manufacturer: Captain's Choice
Type: Communication
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Light
Size: Small
Make the right choice, make it Captain's Choice!

art by Nikita Konopatov
CC-C/S23 Enhanced Tracking Package
  • Efficient Eavesdropper: The C/S23 is able to trade a broad range of common subspace and hyperspace transmissions, with the ability to triangulate and identify the source of said transmissions.
  • Decoder Ring: The C/S23 package does come with programs designed to unscramble communications and access ship identifying data such as IFF signals and signatures.
  • Range Boost: Since the C/S23 taps into a ship's comm-scan system for its range and sensitivity, stronger equipment can result in better coverage and efficiency on tracing and decoding.
  • Gone Without A Trace: Some forms of communication like comm lasers, flashers, or PTP links are simply untraceable, so the C/S23 is useless against them.
  • Comm-Tower of Babel: The decoding systems in the C/S23 are pretty basic and won't crack anything sophisticated or military-grade, all you'll get is encoded gibberish.
  • System Limits: Since the C/S23 partially runs through a ship's comm-scan array, if the array is taken down or is low-performance to begin with, it can hamper the effectiveness of the program.
The Captain's Choice CC-C/S23 Enhanced Tracking Package is, officially, an expanded signal tracing and decoding program designed for military and law enforcement use. Unofficially, the C/S23 has ended up in plenty of hands outside official military and law enforcement circles. The package works by providing a comprehensive signal tracing program designed to intercept and triangulate transmissions through both subspace and hyperspace. It can also be used to decode intercepted transmissions, and to tap the IFF transponders of broadcasting starships. The C/S23 also relays through the comm-scan array on any ship it's connected to, piggybacking off it to increase the effective range and efficiency of the system.

While the tracing program is extensive, there are some transmission types that simply can't be tracked, like PTP or laser communicators. The decoding program is also fairly basic and the IFF interrogator can be fooled with false signals and signatures. Likewise, if the ship's communications or scanner array is compromised, or substandard, in any way this can impact the effectiveness of the tracking package. Yet against many common forms of anonymous communication, the C/S23 is a formidable counter provided by Captain's Choice.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a signal tracking and decoding system for all the signal encoding programs out there.
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Captain's Choice and its customers
Model: CC-C/S23
Modular: Yes
Material: Duraplast, Carbo-Plas, Polyplast, Ultrachrome, Fiber-Optics, Electronics.
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