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Approved Starship CC-F1400 Charter-Class Light Freighter

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Manufacturer: Captain's Choice
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Average
Make the right choice, make it Captain's Choice!
art by Craftranship
CC-F1400 Charter-Class Light Freighter
  • Classification: Light Freighter
  • Length: 32 meters
  • Width: 19 meters
  • Height: 15 meters
  • Armament: Low
  • Defenses: Low
  • Squadron Count: None (1)
  • Maneuverability Rating: High
  • Speed Rating: High
  • Hyperdrive: Class 2.0 (Primary), Class 10.0 (Backup)
  • High Performance, Low Maintenance: The F1400 Charter-Class offers a wide range of advanced features including the reactor, engine, and comm/scan array while still being easy to purchase or maintain and reliable to fly.
  • Reliable and Modular: Charter-Class freighters are dependable workhorse ships for cargo transportation and can be easily modified in a number of ways to suit the captain's needs.
  • Exterior Hardpoints: The Charter-Class line comes with two modular magnetic hardpoints on the port and starboard side which can be used to hold extra cargo or mount starship upgrades.
  • Don't Fly Distracted: Without dedicated support crew, the Charter-Class requires a lot of attention from the pilot to ensure its more advanced systems are running efficiently and safely.
  • Toothless In A Fight: Charter-Class freighters are low on general weapons and defenses, only having two oddly positioned turrets, a thin shield generator, and a few basic countermeasures.
  • Exposed Cargo: Depending on what is mounted to the exterior magnetic clamps, a shot to the side can result in anything from losing your cargo to having an explosion just off the side of your ship.
The premier light freighter of Captain's Choice, the CC-F1400 Charter-Class is designed to be a reliable and affordable workhorse transport. The Charter-class is built around a large, central cargo hold with the personal quarters being located above, and a central ramp area connecting these two areas to the forward cockpit. The ship comes with the stock range of high-end Captain's Choice equipment, including the standard reactor, comm/scan, and engine array, all of which are designed to provide higher performance over comparable market products. The Charter-class also features two magnetic exterior mounts for extra cargo or equipment, and two interior cargo-moving tractor beam projectors to make loading and unloading faster. This, combined with the high modularity of the ship makes it ideally suited for freelance cargo pilots looking for a reliable and efficient cargo jumper.

The Charter-class does have a few minor setbacks, however, the primary being it lacks any heavy defenses or firepower making escape the best option in a dogfight. The Charter-class can also be difficult for a single operator to manage, since all of the advanced and adjustable systems can be difficult to handle safely without some support crew. Still, the Charter-class is a well-regarded workhouse around the Outer Rim and one of the more popular starships from Captain's Choice.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a basic light freighter for Captain's Choice using its products.
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Captain's Choice and its customers.
Model: CC-F1400 Charter-Class
Starship Class: Small Craft (1-50m)
Starship Role: Freighter
Modular: Yes
Material: Durasteel, Alusteel, Titanium, Plasteel, Glasteel. Starship Materials
Armaments: 2x CC-L44 Binary Laser Cannons (one forward dorsal, one ventral)
Defense Rating: Low
Speed Rating: High
Maneuverability Rating:: High
Energy Resist: Low
Kinetic Resist: Low
Radiation Resist: Low
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 3
Passenger Capacity: 5
Cargo Capacity: Large
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