Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cecile Miraxus

Talon Vosra


NAME: Cecile Destronomeda Miraxus

RANK: Mistress, Nobility of some kind

SPECIES: Echani (Father's side), Hapan (Mother's side)

AGE: 23

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5'6"

WEIGHT: 115lbs

EYES: Pale Blue

HAIR: White Blonde

SKIN: Cream



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Echani Martial arts
+ Lightsaber Combat: Niman, Tràkata
+ Wealthy
+ Encyclopedic Memory
+ Analytic Mind

- Solipsistic Personality
- Blaster Biased: Views blasters as barbaric
- Claustrophobia; Extreme panic over takes her when she feels confined
- Slim build: Despite her training she is less physically powerful than larger opponents.


Employer(s): Self employed
Master(s): Multuple
Successful Student(s):
Associate(s): [member="Charlie"]


Significant Other: Single
Parents: Deceased
Siblings: None
Offspring: None
Extended Family: None

Cecile has the silver blonde hair and pale skin common to Echani persons and often wears dark colors to contrast her hair and complexion. Her eyes are a pale blue. She spends an ample amount of time on her hair arangements, jewelry and make up to the point of ovious vanity.

Cecile was born from the odd pairing of an Echani man and a Hapan merchant woman. Her father and mother were both prominent nobles who met by chance at a bazaar and annual auction held by the Arceneau trade company.

The two did not plan a lasting union and came together with no intent of anything more than a simple trade agreement. However, their intentions had little say in the result, a child. The child was not what either of them wanted but Cecile's mother decided an heir was worth its weight in credits so she kept the child and spared no expense in her education.

A healthy trust fund was put in place by both parents to ensure the future of their daughter and the companies merged with the intent of leaving the business to their daughter.

The child was cared for by a small host of servants and lacked nothing through early childhood. At age 4 it was discovered during a temper tantrum that the child was force sensitive she was given into the hands of various tutors for her education in the force. The education may have been enough to create a well rounded woman had she had only one master but that was not the case.

The many masters began teaching her various forms of control, expanded her senses, and taught her to alter her environment with the force. More came to train her in physical protection as well as lightsaber combat. Through it all however she developed an odd delusion that the galaxy not only revolved around her but that everyrhing in it was simply an extension of her own psyche. The good in the galaxy was due to her own benevolence and the bad was there to either test her or as a result of her displeasure.

As she grew older the delusion evolved to the point where she believed all things existed due to her forbearance or for her pleasure and that she is not just the main character of her own story but the author of existence itself. She views her successes and failures both as the result of her whims as creator of all things and there is little if anything that can dispel her belief. The universe is hers whether you agree or not.






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