Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Celendis Astraia


Celendis Astraia


Faith , Should I Take A Leap ?

General Information

" See what the eyes cannot. "
| Name | Celendis Astraia
| Aliases | Ice Queen
| Title(s) | Jedi Knight
| Allegiance | The Foundation
| Age | 38
| Species | Human
| Homeworld | Alderaan
| Gender | Female
| Vocal Sample | Jing Liu
| Force Sensitivity | Force Sensitive
| Status | Alive and Active
Physical Information
| Hair Color | Coal Black
| Eye Color | White
| Height | 180 cm
| Weight | 63.5 kg
| Build | Slim, Athletic
| Notable Features |
Celendis lacks any notable features beyond the fact that she is blind, though she walks and interacts with her surroundings just as well as anyone who can see. Apart from the fact that she walks everywhere with her eyes closed, she seems as normal as normal allows.
Psychological Information
| Sexuality | Asexual
| Relationship Status | N/A
| Personality |
Empathetic | Distant | Calm | Soft-Hearted | Peaceful
Celendis is a woman who retains a calm and collected aura around her, and much like an aura, seems to extend it to those who are in her presence. Rarely will Celendis show any form of emotional outburst so as to not let her emotions compromise her, though this results in many who do not know her believing she is a cold and heartless individual. She is quite the opposite and is a very empathetic individual who tries her best to help those around her in whatever way she can. Though she tries her best to be as open of an individual as possible, some may be intimidated to approach her.

Abilities & Traits
Celendis is a practitioner of Jar'kai, utilizing her two lightsabers to great effectiveness along with her acrobatic ability. She utilizes her twin lightsabers in a fluid yet spontaneous manner, often switching from the standard grip to a reverse grip. Many of Celendis' teachers in the past have commented on how quickly she moves and how she utilizes her acrobatics to great effect, constantly keeping her opponent on their toes by making them guess where she will strike from. She utilizes a combination of Ataru and defensive forms for her preferred style. Another notable ability that Celendis uses to a great deal is Cryokinesis. While it has been attributed with that of a Dark Side Force Power, Celendis has altered it to incapacitate her opponents by freezing the moisture around her opponent's limbs to immobilize them rather than sap the heat from their body and cause them to die from freezing up from the inside.

In addition to her skills with a lightsaber, Celendis is skilled in the use of Teras Kasi, an unarmed martial arts form designed to incapacitate her opponents without inflicting lethal or permanent (most of the time) damage upon them. She uses it to great effect in combination with her agile and acrobatic movements, often utilizing her opponent's own momentum against them. A few Force Powers to note for exceptional practice and usage are Force Sight, Force Cloak, and Cryokinesis. Force Sight she has learned to use to the extent of a Miralukan thanks to her master, allowing her to see beyond what the naked eye can perceive. Force Cloak is an ability that Celendis has practiced as it allows her to slip past any armed foes without needing to engage them. Cryokinesis she learned and altered to incapacitate or immobilize her opponents by using moisture in the air to freeze limbs. It could also be used in a pinch to make a wall of ice to provide cover, though it does not prove to be great at prolonged defense.

Strengths & Weaknesses
| Serene Storm |
One of Celendis' most notable attributes is her impressive acrobatic prowess and speed. Those who see her in action often comment on the fluidity of her movements like that of water, flowing from one stance into the next with little wasted momentum or actions. This also applies to her expertise in Teras Kasi, being able to move with speed and fluidity to disarm her opponents with nothing more than her bare hands.
| Blind |
When Celendis was a young Padawan, an encounter with a Sith left her permanently scarred. While they were able to heal the injury, the encounter left her without her eyesight. She also cannot perceive Force Dead individuals, but can roughly estimate their position with Force Sight.
| Attuned with the Force |
Over the years after Celendis was made permanently blind, she trained in the use of Force Sight. Her physical eyes may be long gone, but in its place, a much more comprehensive grasp of the Force as it permeates through everything and everyone around her has left her with a stronger grasp on the Force overall. Her connection to it is particularly strong as is seen with her understanding and usage of it.
| Pacifist |
Celendis possesses a certain level of naivety when it comes to the Galaxy at large. She is always far too quick to assume that people will choose the path of least resistance and not resort to senseless violence, constantly expecting that a shred of humanity or reasoning will prevail over even the vilest of individuals. If anything, the farthest Celendis will go is to disarm her opponent or knock them out, never wishing to take another life.
  • | Discipline and Guidance - Lightsabers | Celendis as a practitioner of Jar'kai, wields a pair of lightsabers that glow with a light blue hue almost appearing white. Their design is relatively simple, consisting of a curved design with black grips. One is shorter than the other.
  • | Shell Spider Silk Robes | Celendis typically wears a dark set of clothes with gilded accents. There is nothing too remarkable about her clothing apart from the fact that they are woven from shell spider silk that makes it shimmer slightly in the light. She also carries around a pure white length of fabric that she has wrapped around her upper arms.
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Celendis Astraia is a female Human born on the planet Alderaan, her mother being Atrisian and her father being Alderaani. Celendis did not have much of a childhood, but her parents loved her nonetheless and for the early years of her life, she lived a rather plain and simple infancy. Though she was young, her connection to the Force was strong, which was what inevitably led a Jedi Master to her home, and what eventually convinced her parents to relinquish Celendis into the care and tutelage of the Jedi Order. From a young age, Celendis was a bright and lively individual, full of spirit and eager to learn the ways of the Jedi.

From a young age, Celendis exhibited potential as a Jedi as a child. Her aptitude for lightsaber combat was impressive, showing the potential to be a great bladeswoman in the future should she continue her training. As the years went by, so grew Celendis and her eagerness to learn more and more about the Order that she was a part of. She would eventually grow old enough to become a Padawan learner under the tutelage of a Miralukan Jedi Master.

Since becoming a Padawan, Celendis has spent much of her time traveling the Galaxy with her master, learning about the vast space and all of its creatures and inhabitants. It was a peaceful time for her to grow and learn at a leisurely pace. Much of the time she spent training was focused around controlling the Force, as her lightsaber skills were already well-honed.

As she continued to explore the Galaxy with her master, she would encounter all manner of individuals, from good to bad. Her encounters led her to meet more bad than good, but it was an opportunity for her to offer help. Though her experiences with each varied greatly, she learned to empathize with the feelings and experiences of those she met, doing her best to understand what led each to where they are now, and if they were on a dark path, how best to set them straight and return them to a better path. She never forced her ideals on those she encountered, but merely provided them an option or chance at redemption.

Celendis spent a number of years continuing to learn whatever her master had to offer, coming to respect all life regardless of their origins or home. She was naive in the sense that she believed that everyone and everything was capable of redemption and proving themselves to be a good-hearted being. She eventually picked up Teras Kasi and becoming proficient in it, preferring it over lightsaber combat as she had come to believe in the philosophy that a Jedi should never draw their lightsaber unless they were prepared to take a life, a concept which she holds fairly close to the chest as something she would dedicate herself to. Her pacifistic nature, however, would eventually lead her to one day face a problem that she would face the consequences for the rest of her life that she would bear to this day.

Celendis' travels with her master would one day have her first encounter with a Sith, an individual she could not reach no matter how hard she tried. A battle between the Sith Lord and Celendis and her master would soon follow. The Sith was much stronger than she had expected, as she had no prior experience with any before. Unknown to Celendis, her master had done their best to keep her sheltered from battle. While her skills with a lightsaber were enough to keep pace with the Sith, she would eventually have a lapse in judgment that made her vulnerable and resulted in her receiving permanent damage to her eyes.

This battle would continue between her master and the Sith as Celendis had been left blinded and unable to focus on anything at all, making her useless. Eventually, her master would succeed and defeat the Sith, forcing them to retreat. Celendis would spend the next year recovering, though her life was made significantly harder due to her physical blindness. To atone for their failure, Celendis' master would spend the next several years sharpening her understanding and use of Force Sight. Despite the traumatic experience, Celendis would grow to overcome it and move past it, able to 'see' far better than she had before.

Celendis would eventually become a Jedi Knight after overcoming her disability. Soon after departing from the tutelage of her master, she would continue her travel amongst the stars. From there she drifted from one Jedi order to the next, having become disillusioned with the path that most Jedi seemed to take. She was firmly of the belief that they were meant to be true peacekeepers, but everywhere she went, Jedi seemed to prove her wrong.
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| Location | TBA
| Objective | TBA
| Tags | TBA
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer malesuada mi id feugiat bibendum. Nam sed vestibulum lectus, sit amet pulvinar lectus. In vitae rutrum diam, sed sagittis velit. Proin sagittis erat id dignissim finibus. Sed eget massa sit amet quam suscipit tempor non sed diam. Ut fermentum vehicula feugiat. Proin et tortor a urna consectetur molestie. Curabitur quis pellentesque orci. Integer cursus vehicula sem, sed hendrerit tellus pharetra sed. Mauris auctor ex quis massa congue, at ullamcorper nisl facilisis. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse porttitor quam turpis, ut venenatis erat feugiat et.
Nunc placerat, dui eget dictum pretium, felis erat auctor magna, ac molestie risus elit nec orci. Nulla efficitur neque et orci lacinia cursus. Cras nec venenatis ligula, vel hendrerit odio. Proin varius sodales dignissim. Quisque faucibus pellentesque ante, ut aliquam libero dapibus vitae. Nam in nisi malesuada, hendrerit leo mollis, viverra mi. Sed euismod aliquam ultricies. Vivamus sit amet dolor in diam sodales lacinia aliquet et lorem.
Aliquam mi nulla, tincidunt id maximus eu, luctus sed felis. Etiam vitae augue ultricies, tristique tortor nec, maximus augue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed faucibus eros id neque elementum iaculis. Nulla feugiat augue eget nibh pulvinar, sed viverra felis faucibus. Praesent pulvinar augue vitae lacus rhoncus, vel ultricies quam rutrum. Nulla a laoreet ligula. Ut vestibulum rhoncus ligula in sodales. Vestibulum nec cursus turpis, a sodales nisi. Nullam at imperdiet ipsum. Donec iaculis lectus et elit sagittis, quis vestibulum lectus rhoncus.

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