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LFG Celestial Islands | B.L.I.S.S. Showcase




Courtesy of Krinemonen Hydraworks, esteemed guests of the civilized galaxy are invited to the outer orbit of Atollon within the Tingel Arm Coalition for the first public showcase of the Balthazar Long-term Interstellar Settlement Station, or B.L.I.S.S. One of three vessels constructed in a twenty-year time span, dubbed the St. Atollon, has opened its facilities to the wider intergalactic community. Once aboard, visitors will find themselves in a carefully crafted semi-autonomous society placed within the void of space with a beating industrial heart and a market for open trade. St. Atollon supports a population of over one-million beings through a self-sustaining ecosystem, internal resource fabrication, and specialized marketplaces. Generation ships travel between these titanic megaships, ferrying goods in and out of their biosphere within the void. Those who brave the journey to the Outer Rim will bear witness to the civilization of the St. Atollon first hand, partaking in the viewing of the first steps of Krinemonen Hydraworks' grand design. Pazarro Krinemon III stated the following in regards to this vision:

"The ultimate goal of the B.L.I.S.S. program is the expansion of civilization as we understand it. It sustains its own population, manages internal policy, brings trade through the intergalactic void to hostile lands. This, however, is only the beginning. B.L.I.S.S. will plant a seed into the dead celestial bodies of the galaxy. In fifty years there will be a hundred stations across the galaxy. In a hundred they'll be the platform to leap into total planetary reconstruction. In shorter time than that we'll be probing the extragalactic void, expanding the available living space for the civilized world. These stations will have no allegiances, true centralized and autonomous bodies which will prop up the intergalactic economy and lay out a blanket of prosperity."

Those with interest in the first B.L.I.S.S. showcase are expected to RSVP in advance so that facilities may be prepared in advance. The St. Atollon is open for business, not political lobbying. Neutral business ventures should be expected, and guests are encouraged to leave their grievances for other parties in attendance at home. Krinemonen Hydraworks eagerly awaits your arrival.

OOC: Hey all! This is a big business thread centered around a large civilian space station made to support an internalized population, fabricate goods and small starships, and transport resources to hostile planets for settlement. They're basically the beginnings of an intergalactic trade spaceport network that I wanna get rolling, and Krinemonen Hydraworks is going to make itself available for commission for people who are looking to get their hands on such an asset. Yes, that means I am open to make factory submissions for those willing to drop the necessary credits and sweeten the deal with some trade. This is a neutral alignment thread so all are welcome. I only ask that if you wanna show up please don't stab anyone. Thank you all in advance.
Pazarro Krimenon III Pazarro Krimenon III Is this an independent venture or connected to TAC? Answer will sway who I might bring.
It's independent, but note that Krinemonen Hydraworks operates out of TAC space and the current iteration of the B.L.I.S.S. is in use by the TAC. So it's more a matter of if your character would believe that association de-legitimizes the event. Could be fun drama so long as it doesn't result in physical altercation, I.E. there's suddenly a fleet. Even so, it is a neutral event first and foremost, so an imperial corporation is 100% free to send a rep. Business first and all.
It's independent, but note that Krinemonen Hydraworks operates out of TAC space and the current iteration of the B.L.I.S.S. is in use by the TAC. So it's more a matter of if your character would believe that association de-legitimizes the event. Could be fun drama so long as it doesn't result in physical altercation, I.E. there's suddenly a fleet. Even so, it is a neutral event first and foremost, so an imperial corporation is 100% free to send a rep. Business first and all.
Thanks never was considering overt hostile action, just fact finding Dextra Tane Dextra Tane will attend under a pseudonym since TAC involvement in the project can be implied.

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