Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Cellebiat

FACTION: None yet

RANK: None

SPECIES: Unknown

AGE: Unknown, thought to be millennia old

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6" 4'

WEIGHT: 150 lbs

EYES: Black

HAIR: None

SKIN: White



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Powerful: Cellebiat is extremely powerful in the force, strong, and smarter than the average being.

+ Knowledge: Cellebiat, although laying low for thousands of years, is very wise and remembers much about the galaxy.
- Boring: Cellebiat is extremely boring, as all jokes pass by him, he doesn't sympathize: he basically doesn't feel emotion.
- Language Barrier: Cellebiat has spoken is native language, which he doesn't recall, for thousands and possibly millions of years, which makes it hard to retain and understand galactic basic and some of it's rules and figures of speech.

Cellebiat is a tall hulking figure, that sort of looks like a statue of an alien god.

Cellebiat was once the mighty conqueror of a forgotten civilization. Now, the last of his species, stuck in a slumber, waits to be uncovered and unleashed upon the galaxy once again.


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