Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Celtus 'Celty' Ikon

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
NAME: Celtus Ikon
RANK: Bringer of Hammertime.
SPECIES: Hapan/Zeltron
AGE: 18
SEX: You asking me, or telling me?
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 160 lbs
EYES: Gray-Green
SKIN: Dark-ish Caucasian.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+) Attractive - He's got his great-granddad's looks, for sure.
(+) Pheromones - While not as strong as a full-blooded Zeltron, or even a half-blood, Celty packs enough scent to make them Dantooine girls swoon.
(+) Strong - He's been swinging that giant hammer of his for a long time. That sort of builds one up a lot.
(-) Missing an eye - His right eye is his blind side, since he was slashed by a preybird while hunting.
(-) PTSD - From the day his parents died.

An extremely attractive, tall, redheaded guy who keeps his long-ish hair up with a bandanna. He normally wears a long scarf around his neck, no matter what the weather, and is always seen carrying his hammer around.

Along with his cousins [member='Nixius Ikon'], [member='Sirus Ikon'], and [member='Tril Ikon'], Celty was born and raised on Zeltros for most of his younger years. When he was a little kid, his dad (The Ikon half) gave him a large metal hammer. He told his son, "Practice, and you'll wield this like a toy."



Since Mit made it clear he didn't want me to be his Ikon sister.... ;~;

you also need to post on Cow


Could be, you old cow :p and I'll make it on Monday


Watch out, the original is smelly and old xD

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
[member="Nomad Crimson"]

Yus. And we'll make [member='The Shadow King'] buy something extremely expensive. And [member='Solan Charr'] can get something frilly to wear, because he knows he wants to. And...

More ideas later :p


Lok Maxus

Need moar non-Force-using female Zabraks!
[member="Celty Ikon"] [member="Morrigan"]

*cries because none of her other characters have a reason to go except to crash the wedding or burn the place down*

btw Maka, meet Celty's new sister *devil grin*

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