We were conquers.
Kaas City had been an unusual location in the Colonel’s mind, at the heart of the Sith dominated planets she did not expect to find the Lord General; let alone his personal residence. Yet there again, it was a metropolis and not some backwater planet they haunted in the early years of their deployments. It’s wealth and importance left it attractive enough, if one could stand the nigh infinite storms that plagued it. In her approach, Lyra was struck by how heavily the air space was patrolled and the landing protocol had threatened to draw out until they processed the Imperial codes attached to the Excursor. The channel had been tight-lipped and Lyra slipped through the atmosphere into the storm circling the Capitol, leaving it a dreary sight at night. Dromund Kaas was another Sith world, with a single glance one could describe the traffic and towering cityscape as..busy. Yet in her descent she felt a greater pull, on that stretched past the neon highrise. It was all too eerily similar to that of Korriban.
The matter at hand carried greater importance, and to deviate was not even a thought; Force be damned.
Streaks of rain painted the cockpit, a chill radiating off the transparisteel. Lyra merged into the stream of ships as she referenced the coordinates sent to her by Irveric. She had considered the private comm link with a great deal of resentment; he already knew she was on the way and what did it matter. Their reunion of sorts was long overdue, weeks had bled in to overall months since their brief sighting. She missed the man, repulsed, and enraged within a short few minutes despite the warnings that crept around in the recesses of her mind; then there was the guilt. Lyra expected new orders half past midnight to cut their meeting short. Traversing the city through the ship lines, the address took her far past the lower dockyards into the upper city districts. When the ramp had hit the concrete, it was only then did she stsrt to consider relenting, landing in the private dock yard.
The air carried electricity here, and lacked the smog she had come to associate with the city. Lyra had stood there admiring the rain, soaking in the feeling before she was spurred to join the mob that was out in force, the city was breathing but she was holding her’s. All walks of life enjoyed the night life despite the weather. Tucked under an umbrella and heavy coat, the cold didn’t bother her much here. An odd mix of hot bodies and the geographic setting left the weather almost tolerable. Lyra heaved to herself as she navigated the streets, the click of her boot steady almost reassuring. The apartments were not far and Lyra could stew all she wanted but sent Irveric a short message;warning him of her imminent arrival. She knew he wasn’t okay, and selfishness was beneath her. Arriving at his doorstep within minutes of the transmission, fleeting nerves danced under her skin when she hit the buzzer.
Irveric Tavlar
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