Alkor Centaris
Son of Liberty
Here, you can place your orders for Custom Weapons and Armor.
Please don't take it personally if you're turned away.
Services available to Confederates and their Allies only.
Speciality Products:
Centaris Type Reactive Shielding -Limited production.
Examples of Alkor's work:
Ciryc'kar'ta - a sinister blade that causes nerve damage and tissue death when it comes into contact.
Kaliki'ad - a wild spin on the traditional beskad that is lighter weight and provides close combat superiority.
"Masamune" - A commission for Ursula Viszla, this sword carries a volatile electrical current and is capable of superheating to cut through a vast number of materials quickly.
Ursula's Last Resort - A suicide vest in Bodyglove form, this piece provides minimal security against airborne agents and bacteria, but makes a really big bang.