Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Important Note / Disclaimer:
In Centerra, various groups see the Force as connections or cosmic energies, echoing the Ewoks' mystical view. Considered magical, the Force significantly shapes the planet's cultures. Force anomalies reveal Centerra's close ties to the Force. Elements like the Stellar Convergence emphasize the balance between the Force and life, adding a distinct touch to this fictional setting.

I want to develop an engaging background to enhance custom content, with a micro faction I've created. This will make it easier for others to grasp and enjoy these ideas, and allow them to contribute if interested.
Image Credit: N/A

Canon: [N/A]

Permissions: [N/A]

Links: [N/A]


Planet Name: Centerra
Demonym: Centerrian
Region: Unknown Regions.
System Name: Luminaria
System Features: Centerra has one Sun known as Eos, and two satellite moons by the names of Oceanus, and Pilos. The Luminaria system resides within a treacherous nebula formed from an imploded star cluster, making typical navigation difficult and often can obscure the planet of Centerra and its moons.
Location: [Here]
Major Imports: Advanced technology, luxury goods, rare minerals
Major Exports:
Cannon Material Exports

Nova Crystals

Heart of Fire
Heart of the Universe
Power gem
Prismatic crystal
Quella stone
Rainbow gem
Rol Stone
Sun crystal


Common Materials:

Natural Gas
Paraiba Tourmaline
Pink Star Diamond
Blue Moon Diamond
Red Beryl

Custom Material Exports

Unique Materials:
Laurasil Trees

Lunar Pearls: Centerra's satellite moon, Oceanus, could be home to exquisite and luminescent lunar pearls. These pearls, formed within the moon's deep oceanic trenches, possess unique properties and are highly prized as rare jewelry or components in delicate and advanced technologies.

Aetherium Prism: The Aetherium Prism captures the essence of the prismatic gem used for memory storage and integration into starships. Its name invokes a sense of ethereal energy and the mystical properties associated with this powerful crystal. The Aetherium Prism symbolizes the bridge between the physical and metaphysical realms, where memories are stored and starships are imbued with intelligence. Its radiant, shifting colors reflect the vast knowledge and possibilities contained within, making it a pivotal component in advanced starship technology.

Medicinal Herbs:

Zephyrleaf: Zephyrleaf is a delicate herb with feathery, silver-green leaves that sway gently in the breeze. It possesses calming and soothing properties when brewed into a tea or used in aromatherapy. Zephyrleaf is known to alleviate anxiety, promote relaxation, and aid in sleep, making it a sought-after herb for stress relief and improving overall well-being.

Luminabloom: Luminabloom is a radiant flower that blooms in various vibrant colors, ranging from deep blues to shimmering golds. The petals of Luminabloom contain potent antioxidants and healing properties. When infused into an oil or salve, it can be applied topically to soothe and rejuvenate the skin, helping to reduce inflammation, heal wounds, and promote a healthy complexion.

Serenroot: Serenroot is a resilient herb that grows in the tranquil groves of Centerra's forests. Its roots, when dried and ground into a powder, possess natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Serenroot is often used to alleviate pain, treat minor injuries, and reduce swelling. It can be brewed into a tea or applied as a poultice to relieve discomfort and aid in the healing process.

Agricultural Exports:
Solaris Berries:
Solaris Berries are vibrant, sun-kissed fruits that thrive in Centerra's temperate climate and rich soil. These succulent berries are known for their sweet and tangy flavor, as well as their high antioxidant content. Solaris Berries are sought after for their health benefits and are often used in the production of juices, jams, and desserts.

Embergrain: Embergrain is a unique cereal grain cultivated on Centerra's fertile plains. It is characterized by its rich golden hue and robust flavor. Embergrain is highly nutritious and packed with essential vitamins and minerals. It can be milled into flour for baking bread, pastries, and other grain-based products.

Crystalline Honey: Centerra is home to unique bee colonies that produce a remarkable honey known as Crystalline Honey. This honey derives its name from its distinct crystalline texture, which forms naturally within the honeycomb. Crystalline Honey is prized for its delicate and complex flavor profile, combining floral notes with a hint of sweetness. It is sought after for its therapeutic properties and is believed to possess immune-boosting and healing benefits. Crystalline Honey is used as a natural sweetener, a key ingredient in herbal remedies, and a gourmet addition to teas and culinary creations. Its exquisite taste and medicinal qualities make it a highly sought-after agricultural product for export from Centerra
Custom Unexploited Resources

Sylverite Crystals: Sylverite Crystals are special gems known for their ability to channel and amplify the Force. Centerra's Force energies and the planet's connection to the force could result in the existence of abundant Sylverite Crystal deposits, making them a valuable resource for the Force-sensitive inhabitants of the world.
Sub types of Slyverite Crystals:

Lumirite: Lumirite crystals are known for their vibrant luminescence, emitting a soft, soothing glow. They are often used in the creation of decorative and aesthetic items, such as jewelry or ornamental pieces.

Prismarite: Prismarite crystals possess a unique property of refracting and dispersing light into a stunning spectrum of colors. They are highly sought after by artists and designers for their ability to create captivating visual displays.

Solaceite: Solaceite crystals have a calming and soothing energy that promotes inner peace and tranquility. They are commonly used in meditation practices and healing therapies, helping individuals find solace and balance.

Zephyrite: Zephyrite crystals are associated with the element of air and are said to carry the essence of gentle breezes and uplifting winds. They are often used in spiritual rituals and ceremonies to invoke a sense of freedom and clarity.

Emberite: Emberite crystals possess a warm, fiery glow, reminiscent of flickering flames. They are utilized for their heat-absorbing properties, making them ideal for creating insulation materials or heat-resistant barriers.


80% Standard Gravity
Temperate & Greenhouse: Varied climate with diverse biomes ranging from lush forests to arid deserts
Primary Terrain:
Forests, mountains, grasslands, rivers.
Atmosphere: Type II, Atmospheric density is 20% higher than Standard. 30-50% more Oxygen than Standard.

(Those that breath Type I are going to have trouble in certain places if they do not have an oxygen regulator.
Things to look out for: Hyperoxia, Oxygen Toxicity , Oxygen is present in incendiary quantities-Little ones tend to have minor problems with breathing and adjust as they grow up depending on the density of oxygen in their local habitats. )


Capital City:

Solara City

Planetary Features:

Ancient ruins, interconnected cities, floating urban platforms

Major Locations:

Solara City (capital), Verdant Forest, Sunspire Mountains, Crystal Lake, Whispering Badlands, Temple of the Sun and Moon, Temple of Radiance, ( more to be added)

Force Nexus (Optional):


Native Species:


Relationships Between Races and Cultures on Centerra

Race/CultureFriendly WithConflicts WithGeneral AlignmentPolitical Dynamics
AelorianCelestella, CelestiriSanguiorianNeutral GoodAdvocate for peace, oppose aggression, support cultural exchange
CelestellaAelorian, Celestiri, DivinarieSanguiorianNeutral GoodMediate disputes, trade-focused, foster alliances
CelestiriAelorian, Celestella, DivinarieSanguiorianChaotic GoodPush for freedom, resist control, support rebellions
DivinarieCelestella, CelestiriSanguiorianNeutral GoodBalance traditions with diplomacy, promote education
DracelvarianSun Star Order (conditionally)Sanguiorian, MarbrecretianLawful NeutralStrategic, balance between order and autonomy, focus on military strength
LaminorianMarbrecretianVainaloriumChaotic NeutralOpportunistic, adapt to power shifts, engage in espionage
MarbrecretianLaminorianVainalorium, DracelvarianTrue NeutralNeutral mediators, focus on stability, act as economic hubs
SanguiorianNoneAelorian, Celestella, Celestiri, Divinarie, Dracelvarian, CatarriLawful EvilSeek control, use force and intimidation, enforce strict laws
VainaloriumNoneLaminorian, Marbrecretian, CatarriChaotic NeutralDisruptive, thrive on chaos, engage in piracy and raiding
CatarriCelestella, CelestiriSanguiorian, VainaloriumTrue NeutralIsolationist, avoid political entanglements, protect natural resources

Fauna / Flora :
Approved Species - Anchi'baburu - Invasive Species
Approved Species - Noctua - Native Species
Immigrated Species: Various alien species with insignificant populations


Demographics: A diverse population consisting of Centerran Humans and immigrants from various species

Primary Languages: Galactic Basic, Centerran dialects

Culture: Centerran culture is a blend of traditional values, appreciation for nature, and technological advancement. The arts, music, and craftsmanship are highly valued, and there is a strong sense of community and cooperation.


Centerra operates under an Oligarchy led by the Council of Elders, with elected representatives ensuring balanced governance. Key roles include the Lord Protector, Chancellor, High Counselor, and others overseeing different aspects of governance, defense, and diplomacy.
Wealth: High,
Stability: High, with a well-functioning government and low crime rates
Freedom & Oppression: Centerra is a planet that values freedom and individual rights. The government upholds the rule of law and ensures equal opportunities for all citizens.

Centerra maintains a moderate-sized defense force for planetary security and peacekeeping operations.
In Centerra, technology varies widely. Some places have high-tech because of their wealth or focus on science, while others use simple tools, valuing tradition or spirituality more. The size and power of a community can also affect its tech level, with bigger governments investing in research and smaller ones focusing on basic needs. This mix allows for different cultures to learn from each other and grow.


Every 100 years, the "Stellar Convergence" occurs, aligning celestial bodies, creating vivid skies, tidal waves, and temporary portals. This event is awe-inspiring but can be dangerous, offering great power or causing chaos. The Sun Star Order plays a key role in guiding and protecting Centerra during this time, reinforcing the planet's deep cosmic connections and the importance of balance.

Centerra was found by explorers during the Expansion Era and became home to different groups seeking a new start. Conflicts between these groups led to instability. The Sunstar Order helped bring peace, and the Oligarchy, with representatives from all groups, was set up to govern and keep peace. The Council of Elders aids in decision-making, with the Lord Protector leading. Despite ups and downs, Centerra stands as a symbol of unity.
  • You are here.

  • Comprehensive Cultural and Religious Elements Index for Centerra

    Religions and Beliefs
    AstralismCentral to Divinarie culture, emphasizes interconnectedness of all beings and cosmic unity. Involves meditation, rituals, and ceremonies to strengthen cosmic connections.
    Sanguiorian Spirit WorshipSanguiorians revere large, fierce creatures and mix shamanistic beliefs with spirit worship, believing in gods of natural elements.
    The Great Spirit (Laminorians)An ancient and revered deity central to Laminorian spirituality, representing the overarching spiritual essence and influencing natural and mystical aspects of life.
    The Old Ones (Sanguiorians)Ancient spirits focused on by Sanguiorian cults, associated with older, more traditional beliefs and practices, often considered guardians or forebears.
    Marbrecretian Militaristic ReligionBelieves in a paradise for warriors who die in battle, emphasizing honor, strength, and the importance of military prowess in their culture.
    Celestiri BeliefsCentered around the divine realm of Tyrryn Nah Nogg, akin to Force Ghosts or anomalies, reflecting their belief in the mystical forces of nature and the cosmos.
    Dracelvarian Eternal DanceCelebrates spontaneity and interconnectedness, emphasizing joy, laughter, and the dynamic beauty of nature through vibrant celebrations and rituals.
    Cultural Events and Rites
    Celestial Convergence (Divinarie)A rite of passage marking adulthood with symbolic rituals and communal celebrations that connect deeply with celestial forces.
    Stellar ConvergenceA significant celestial event affecting all cultures on Centerra, highlighting the balance between the Force and life, influencing religious and cultural observances.
    Marbrecretian Warrior CelebrationsEvents idolizing war and confrontation, celebrated through combat and ceremonies that honor the dead and victorious.
    Historical and Mythical Figures
    Aelar the Peacebringer (Divinarie)Unified the Divinarie during internal strife and established peace with the Sanguiorians through the Accord of Celestial Unity.
    Additional Entities and Concepts
    Force AnomaliesManifestations of Centerra's strong connection to 'cosmic energies' or Force Energies, influencing the planet's cultures and beliefs.
    MarbrecretiansA warrior race with a feudal society that values military strength and honor, living in the harsh desert of the Whispering Badlands.
    Ancestral Afterlife (Celestiri)Influenced by Force Ghosts, where spirits guide or interact with the living, integrating the Force into cultural spirituality.
    Dark Magic (Celestiri)Equated with the dark side of the Force, representing a significant threat to their spirituality and balance.
    DracelvariansKnown for their sharp wit, agility, and a unique shifter ability allowing transformation into dragon forms. Their society combines feudal and industrial elements with a vibrant spiritual life centered on the "Eternal Dance."


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Matthew of Valendale Matthew of Valendale

While I can appreciate a preamble before a submission I did remove the discord link. Submissions are for Lore and Storytelling - Not for advertising. You can make an actual advertisement on the forum or an LFG for those that might be interested in your idea.

Region: [Far flung from beyond the Unknown Regions. The Planet rests and resides in a neighboring galaxy known as the Nyx Nebula- which is a very dark and dim galaxy.
Location: Far-flung from beyond the Unknown Regions. The Planet rests and resides in a neighboring galaxy known as the Nyx Nebula- which is a very dark and dim galaxy.
1.) Please see the Planet Creation Rules:
  • Extra-galactic/Companion Galaxy Planets cannot be submitted to the Codex.
  • We may eventually expand on the maps that we have but at the moment we only have the main galaxy map. Any planets submitted must be on this map, not, in another galaxy. The Region and Location will need to be fixed. Please see the template to fill it out accordingly.

Major Imports: Advanced technology, luxury goods, rare minerals
Unexploited Resources: Deep underground mineral deposits, undiscovered flora and fauna with potential medicinal properties
2.) Per the template "Common materials and ores should just be listed (Ex. Durasteel ore), while anything special or rare should be linked." - So you will need to specify and link any rare materials. This is true for Major Imports, Major Exports, AND Unexploited Resouces. Please update them accordingly.

Atmosphere: Type I, Atmospheric density is 20% higher than Standard. 30-50% more Oxygen than Standard. (Oxygen is present in incendiary quantities)
3.) Not a requirement but you might want to revisit this section. If you have any humanoids that typically breathe Type I they're going to have trouble in this atmosphere. Especially, immigrated species. Too much oxygen can result in several things: Hyperoxia, Oxygen Toxicity, and increased combustion potential...But on the flip lots of oxygen does keep the brain active, happy, and fresh. So...It sounds a little more like Type II to me.

Native Species:
[Centerra Races] (Pre codex link: will add codex links soon)
4.) You can list any races you like, even if they aren't finished, but you can't link to the Pre-Codex. That area is just a sandbox so you'll need to remove it. If you want to modify the planet afterward to add species as you make them you can use the Codex Modification section to do that. If any of those species are canon, please link them, as none are common. I also see that you've subbed a GREAT MANY species that look like they should link back here. Please link them accordingly.

Affiliation: Neutral and open to trade with various factions and organizations
5.) I know you mentioned a micro-faction, but have you created it yet? If so - Please link it here. Otherwise carry on.

6.) Celestial Energies: What are you referring to? This is Star Wars so the only "mystical" energy out there is the Force. Cultures may refer to it by different things, for example, on Dathomir they call it "magic". But...It's still the Force in the end.

Can you please clarify?
While I can appreciate a preamble before a submission I did remove the discord link. Submissions are for Lore and Storytelling - Not for advertising. You can make an actual advertisement on the forum or an LFG for those that might be interested in your idea.
Understandable! I was more or less putting all the info together and providing it as a link to encourage discussion on creation. I see your point however, and thank you for the explanation of where it should go.

I do want to commend you for reading through all the submissions and text I scrapped together. I know it is an arduous and tedious task and I greatly appreciate the feed back to better fit it to the Starwars setting; Thank you.

I would like to get a few more details clarified and think I have some questions that can help me better understand- Please allow me to ask them before I go in and make all the changes, so that way I can steam line it and hopefully make all the changes to bring everything up to Codex Par.
1.) Please see the Planet Creation Rules:
  • Extra-galactic/Companion Galaxy Planets cannot be submitted to the Codex.
  • We may eventually expand on the maps that we have but at the moment we only have the main galaxy map. Any planets submitted must be on this map, not, in another galaxy. The Region and Location will need to be fixed. Please see the template to fill it out accordingly.
I would like to look for clarification and I apologize if it feels like you are repeating yourself or I'm just not getting it.
Let me preface my questions with some contextual explanation:

I don't mind adding it to the Galaxy of the main setting for ease of access or to be more congruent with everything else. I initially chose to make it separate to give more depth of reason(s) to why it has existed for so long un disturbed.

Do planets have to be submitted to Codex to be played out in RP?

I don't mind it not being on the map; but for it to be in Codex it needs to on the map is what I'm understanding.
I thought submitting it to Codex would just make it easier to reference for rp. What I'm gathering is it would be easier over all to place it some where on the existing map and to put it in Codex.
2.) Per the template "Common materials and ores should just be listed (Ex. Durasteel ore), while anything special or rare should be linked." - So you will need to specify and link any rare materials. This is true for Major Imports, Major Exports, AND Unexploited Resouces. Please update them accordingly.
I hadn't put thought in to specifics other than a few minor ideas that have not been formalized just yet.
I under stand you want this to be an itemized list with links to reference of such things correct?
If I wanted to create a new kind of material(s) I should make other submissions for those things first?

3.) Not a requirement but you might want to revisit this section. If you have any humanoids that typically breathe Type I they're going to have trouble in this atmosphere. Especially, immigrated species. Too much oxygen can result in several things: Hyperoxia, Oxygen Toxicity, and increased combustion potential...But on the flip lots of oxygen does keep the brain active, happy, and fresh. So...It sounds a little more like Type II to me.
These are all excellent points. The attempted idea is to mimic something similar to the Earth's Cretaceous period where the atmosphere was more conducive for giantisim. I imagine the fauna to be large beast, and wanted to provide some form of reason why the majority of peoples are also rather big in comparison to normal humans.

Would an explanation of parts of the world being more volatile and others tending to be more mild be acceptable or should I just detail it as Type 2?
4.) You can list any races you like, even if they aren't finished, but you can't link to the Pre-Codex. That area is just a sandbox so you'll need to remove it. If you want to modify the planet afterward to add species as you make them you can use the Codex Modification section to do that. If any of those species are canon, please link them, as none are common. I also see that you've subbed a GREAT MANY species that look like they should link back here. Please link them accordingly.
My apologies, I had thought I removed all the links when I moved my text over. I made a quick nav link section in my precodex for ease of looking at things and jumping around. It seems I missed a few. when removing that here,

I will fix this. I will update the links accordingly before I give you a nudge to look at everything once more.
5.) I know you mentioned a micro-faction, but have you created it yet? If so - Please link it here. Otherwise carry on.
Yes. I made a faction group- Do you want a link to the faction Page added? Or would you like both the link to that and my precodex text? I am uncertain if I should submit the Faction text to Codex under religion or if that's something that can be done? Can you give me some advice and clarification on how it should be done, if that should be done?

6.) Celestial Energies: What are you referring to? This is Star Wars so the only "mystical" energy out there is the Force. Cultures may refer to it by different things, for example, on Dathomir they call it "magic". But...It's still the Force in the end.

Can you please clarify?
Yes I can. Apologies for it not being clear. Anything that refers to interconnections, celestial energies, and so on in the various races and micro cultures/religions is all really just the Force. They use these terms in a way that correlates it to their belief systems. Most of them see or view the force as 'magical' or 'mystical'- thematically I think it could be compared in similar ways the kinda vibe you get from the Ewoks culture and region, just some what different.

This is just the Force wrapped up in a way to make it feel 'magical'. It's a some what culturally warped perception of what the Force is to better suit the micro theme. If there's anything you think I could do to make it more cohesively fit Starwars I'd like to do that. I'm trying to make it feel like a rich blend of ideals but it should still fit in the over arching idea of what Starwars is. It's more for rp flavor than anything.

Would you like me to add a note that explains this in clear simple detail for players ?
Matthew of Valendale Matthew of Valendale

It's fine to ask questions when you need clarification. Don't worry about it - I never mind.

1.) Planets
  • All Planets subbed to the Codex must currently be located somewhere on the Galaxy Map. You may not have plans to add it the map, which is fine, but we have to treat every submission as if it could be.
  • The Codex and the Factory are 100% optional but the moment you try to codify something through any medium it should be here. This is taken from Roleplay Rules: "8. The Codex and Factory are optional for your participation on this board. However, if you wish to codify non-canon content you must use the Codex or Factory to submit it for approval. Blogs and faction discussions are not to be used for this purpose." There are tons of people that write here that never use the Codex or Factory.
  • I would note that the Unknown Regions are literally called "Unknown" for a reason. Much of it is fairly undiscovered and the sheer vastness of space could easily allow some sort of nebula for the system to be hidden in. We just can't have extra-galactic planets.
2.) Materials/Resources
  • Anything "rare" (Ex. Nyix) should be listed and linked, but if it's common (Ex. Gold, Iron Ore), you can just list it.
  • If you're drawing a blank may I suggest this whole listing from the Wookie? (Metals/General Substances)
3.) Atmosphere
  • In the end, it's up to you. Whatever vision in this regard suits your submission best is the one you can 100% choose but it definitely sounds like Type 2 for me. Which, may be fine for some species (especially the custom ones you've made), but some of the more "humanoid" ones would definitely have some sort of issues. You could say that your Centerran humans have just adapted to Type 2 while those new to the planet might need breathing masks. It could even be a cool weakness...Maybe some younglings have difficulty adapting to it still?

  • [Ex: Earth O2 Levels Now = About 21%, but, in the Jurassic and Cretaceous period oxygen levels fluctuated fairly rapidly from between 21% and 30%. The cool point of this is that at 30% O2 even wet plants will burn.]

    So yeah, totally doable however you want to swing it. You can have your cake and eat it too, here. If it were me I'd make it Type 2 and just say that natives/those born on the planet have adapted to it and are mostly fine. But, off-worlders might need a breathing apparatus.
4.) Races/Species
  • It's okay - Planets are crazy endeavors. That's why we take a look :)
5.) Faction/Micro-Faction
  • All you would need to do would be to link the faction/group you've made under the "Affiliation" area. A link to the main faction page is fine. The reason I suggest linking things as much as possible that you've created is so writers can find them easily. If the species aren't linked they might not think those submissions exist. It'd be a shame for people to miss out on what you worked on.
6.) Celestial Energies
  • As long as it's the Force and not some new mystical energy source it's perfectly fine how the populace chooses to portray and or believe in it. I think a disclaimer would be a GREAT idea to help bring it back toward Star Wars. Perhaps, even integrating some of the fundamental languages of it. For any of your submissions that lean toward this "fantasy" element, I would suggest specifying that it really is the Force. They just culturally refer to it differently.

Let me know if you need more clarification, otherwise, feel, free to tag me when you're ready. Thanks!
[Far flung from beyond the Unknown Regions. The Planet rests and resides in a neighboring galaxy known as the Nyx Nebula- which is a very dark and dim galaxy.]
Changed to

Far-flung from beyond the Unknown Regions. The Planet rests and resides in a neighboring galaxy known as the Nyx Nebula- which is a very dark and dim galaxy.
Changed to
Screen shot from map for location [[Here]

Type I, Atmospheric density is 20% higher than Standard. 30-50% more Oxygen than Standard. (Oxygen is present in incendiary quantities)
Changed to
Type II, Atmospheric density is 20% higher than Standard. 30-50% more Oxygen than Standard.
(Those that breath Type I are going to have trouble in certain places if they do not have an oxygen regulator.
Things to look out for: Hyperoxia, Oxygen Toxicity , Oxygen is present in incendiary quantities - Little ones tend to have minor problems with breathing and adjust as they grow up depending on the density of oxygen in their local habitats. )

Fixed Links to Planet and Races

Added Link to Micro Faction
- Order of the Sunstar

Added Disclaimer-
Important Note / Disclaimer:

The world of Centerra, as presented in this setting, explores the concept of the Force. Within Centerra, the various races and micro cultures/religions use terms like interconnections and celestial energies to refer to the Force. These terms are interchangeable with 'The Force,' and their usage is intended to align with the cultural beliefs and identity of each group. It is important to understand that in Centerra, the Force is often perceived as magical or mystical, similar in thematic nature to the culture and region of the Ewoks. The terms employed in this context serve as a representation of the cultural portrayal and belief in the Force within Centerra.

The world of Centerra, within this setting, is deeply influenced by the Force, and Force anomalies occur frequently. These anomalies are manifestations of the planet's strong connection to 'cosmic energies' or Force Energies. The Stellar Convergence shapes the cultures and beliefs of Centerra, as it highlights the delicate balance between the Force and mortal existence. Please note that the portrayal of these Force-related anomalies is for imaginative purposes within this fictional world.

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