
Name: Ceqi'zer'ari
Core Name: Izera
Age: 48
Gender: Female
Race: Chiss
Planet of Origin: Nar'Shadaa
Current Residence: Eadu
- Physical Information -
Skin Color: Medium Blue
Hair Color: Dark Blue, Graying
Eye Color: Red
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 143 lbs
- Psycological Information -
Warm - Overbearing - Determined - Perfectionist - Fearless
Having started from humble origins, Izera has had to work to earn her place in life. She's ambitious and driven, though at the same time she's also proven to be somewhat pushy and nitpicky. Izera has lived through her fair share of trauma and trouble, and as a result is particularly unphased in the face of danger. This has lead to her acting rashly or impulsively, consequentially. She cares deeply for those close to her, and while her ambitions can sometimes get in the way of her relationships, Izera does strive to act with kindness.
Sexuality: HeterosexualRelationship Status: Widowed
- History -
[wip. coming tonight]