Subject 37
The Cracked Mirror

RANK: Bounty Hunter
AGE: 28
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.8m
WEIGHT: 82kg
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale White

Confidence is Key: Ceran has what many people in the galaxy are lacking, an overabundance of confidence. He thinks of himself as gods gift to the universe, capable of doing anything...and anyone he wants. There is a certain hint of arrogance to him, though not overbearingly so. Ceran simply thinks that he is capable of most tasks. This false sense of self has actually led to many acquired somewhat decent skill and has molded Ceran into not only an excellent Bounty Hunter, but also Pilot and tinkerer, albeit neither is not without its dangers.
I Can Hit That Can: Over the years Ceran has learned to be a crackshot. Though he is by no means the best in the galaxy, Ceran has shown that he's quite the sniper and quickshot. His most often used weapons is a pair of heavy WESTAR-43 pistols along with a B-201 Particle Beam Rifle which he has used to hunt Jedi and other Force users.
Good At Sowing: Due to his Icarii physiology Ceran has a habit of losing limbs. This habit is perfectly acceptable with him as long as he recovers said limbs as they are easily replaceable. Indeed it is all but impossible to kill Ceran as long as his brain remains in tact. Due to these circumstances Ceran's body is a miss match of stitches and sowing thread. Noticeably, his right and left big toe are switched which happened after one particularly nasty bout with a Nexu.
That Boy Ain't Right: Due to his nature as a clone, and a somewhat unstable one. Ceran has certain interesting attributes that many don't share. For starters his brain chemistry is somewhat altered, many of the chemicals that make up a functioning humanoid and not present in his system and thus his reaction to many things are quite altered. A subset of this altered state is the fact that although a clone, Ceran shares none of the attributes of his progenitor. Because of this Ceran has a constant feeling of being misidentified, he does not see his face as his own and doesn't recognize his own name. Ceran in the strangest sense does not know who he is.
Stab Magnet: For some strange reason Ceran seems to be universally called for when its for someone to get stabbed. Oddly enough this doesn't effect him greatly since he cannot die this way, but seemingly every time and edged weapon is broken out Ceran ends up with it inside of him at some point or another. Of course this debilitates him quite a bit since getting stabbed is never really pleasant, though again for Ceran it is not deadly.
Bacta Is Water: Strangely enough through years of experimentation Ceran has lost the ability to actually utilize Bacta. The healing material that seems to fix people in a matter of days seems to have absolutely no effect on Ceran what so ever. Why this is, or how long ago it started is impossible to say since Ceran himself forgot, but it seems that at this point Bacta has about the same healing effect as Water. He hasn't tried Kolto yet.
Lightweight: About three years ago Ceran noted an odd phenomenon in his system, for some strange reason it seemed that chemicals, stims, gases, alcohol, deathsticks, etc.. all worked far more viciously on his system. This means poison gases, knock out gases, and all other nasty agent have a peculiarly strong effect on Ceran. This is part of the reason he always wears a helmet.

Ceran resembles many others in his species, or rather those very few that are actually left. He is of average near human height, standing at six feet tall, his eyes are an icy blue, his hair is stark black and his skin is the palest white one could imagine.
Many who have seen him without his mask often mistake Ceran for an Umbaran, or at least a mix of the species, and he does absolutely nothing to correct this notion. Icarii are incredibly rare and don't look very differently, due to the unique benefits of his species physiology he often uses his not so unique appearance to surprise people when he is dealt what would normally be a fatal wound. This cheap tactic has won Ceran many battles.
The one distinguishing mark that Ceran carries is a black tattoo on the back of his hand that resembles three growing horns coming from a central location, though this is mostly hidden by gloves.

Cerans background like those of most Bounty Hunters is sad, dejected, and filled with lustful women chasing danger.
The truth of his beginning is the fact that Ceran is actually a clone. Not create in a Spaarti facility of fast grown by the Kaminoans Ceran is simply a normal grown, fully whole copy of a long dead Icarii Bounty Hunter who operated some time around the fall of the Republic. Tissue samples taken from the inside of a mask were harvested, and then used to grow Ceran. Because of his origin Ceran cares nothing for what the Empire did to his “people” nor does he care about their plight or what happened in the passed.
After growing into the tender age of 14 the scientists in charge of the project declared their experiment a success. They rallied around Ceran and began to show him off as proof that an entire species could be regenerated if the funding was provided. Unfortunately for the scientists the Gulag Plague had just ended and most people weren't really looking for even more competition in resettling a galaxy coming back into its own. As a result, the experiment was terminated and Ceran was set to be executed.
Somehow, perhaps on purpose, the Scientists forgot how difficult it was to actually kill Icarii and although they shot and dismembered him Ceran managed to survive. Those parts of him that remained whole eventually patched themselves together using a rudimentary piece of metal and some string.
Oddly enough, the very young Ceran didn't really care that the scientists had attempted to kill him, instead he found a better use of his time being a way off of his homeworld of Coruscant. After only a week or so of poking around Ceran managed to find himself work on a smugglers vessel. It was here that he worked for nearly a half a decade, toiling away as a bodyguard and laborer for his smuggler Captain. Though he enjoyed the work, Ceran never really felt fullfilled, though he did pick up the skill necessary for his later career.
After nearly six years aboard the Smuggler vessel known as The Twi'leks Third Tail Ceran had saved enough money to break out on his own. Purchasing a pair of blasters along with a neat little mask in a flea market Ceran took up the age old profession of Bounty Hunting.
At first his trials were an abysmal failure. Time after time he would encounter a Bounty, tail them, fight them, and then subsequently either kill the bounty, or lose the fight and get beat up. Still, for some strange reason even with his arms coming off every other day Ceran felt compelled to continue and over the next decade or so of his life the young Icarii gradually improved his skill as a Bounty Hunter. Eventually his reputation grew to that of mild success.
He managed to capture a few noteworthy bounties that allowed him to get more broad work. This lead Ceran to fight several errant Jedi who had stood against the Sith Empire. These encounters honed Ceran to a new level and in his own little circle he became famed for slapping a Padawan to death with his own detached arm. After the fall of the Sith Empire Ceran sought work in the outer rim, chasing down bail jumpers and other minor targets.
Oddly enough, when the One Sith assaulted Coruscant Ceran found himself almost drawn back to his own homeworld. It is this part of Cerans life that is a complete blank to the public, when asked Ceran simply eyes the questioner and makes a joke about their mother.
When he returned, Ceran was ready for the Hunt.

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