Mountain of Mando Muscle

C E R A R - V I Z S L A
"We are all brothers and sisters regardless of the shades of our skin, the colors of our flags, or the symbols we bear. We are Mandalorians, and the Mandalorians will endure as we always have."
"Hiding and reloading. Hiding and reloading. Sounds amazing; you all have fun. My fists don't need reloading."

Cerar Vizsla
The Enclave Si'kahya, Order of the Jorir
House Vizsla of Roon
210 lbs.

+ Strong as a Wookiee: Cerar, though not quite as strong as he used to be, is still very strong, able to don heavy beskar'gam and heft a blaster cannon with relative ease.
+ Durable: Cerar can take quite the beating before he drops, and his high pain tolerance ensures he stays in the fight for longer.
- Stubborn: Cerar, especially in his later years, is prone to digging his feet in once he's made a decision. The biggest example of this being his unwillingness to hang up the blaster and let younger Wardens take his place.
- Loud and Proud: Cerar's rather large stature and typical equipment of heavy armor and weapons better suited for armored vehicles mean that he is very poorly suited for stealth operations.
- Dented Iron: Cerar's age has begun to catch up with him, and has begun to rely more on implants and powersuit technology to keep up with younger combatants.
Cerar Vizsla is a rather large man, nearly six and a half feet tall, a well-muscled man in beskar. Cerar has short grey hair and blue eyes, though his face is often protected by his helmet. He dons a set of modified Jorir beskar'gam with a powered exoskeleton, painted in honor of the heroic Paz Vizsla. Beneath the shell Cerar's body tells a story of years of fighting, of innumerable scars earned fighting for his people. (Playby: Stephen Lang, Canderous Ordo)

Cerar Vizsla is a bruiser hailing from House Vizsla, a strong warrior who has devoted himself to being a Si'kahya Warden of the Enclave. He's never one to shy away from a fight, but he knows that the safety of the Mandalorian people is the most important objective, and safeguarding his people became his top priority. He has trained extensively in the art of personal warfare, favoring heavy weapons and explosives over more subtle weapons. After all, if the Si'kahya have been deployed, chances are the time for stealth has passed anyways. In addition to the use of heavy weapons, he is also trained in the Wookiee martial art Wrruushi, which is centered on the fighter's upper body strength with an emphasis on punches, jabs and throws.
Cerar is a gregarious man always happy to make a new friend, Mandalorian or otherwise. It is because of this friendly attitude that he chose to dedicate himself to the Wardens of the Enclave: the belief that we are all brothers and sisters regardless of the shades of our skin, the colors of our flags, or the symbols we bear. We are Mandalorians, and the Mandalorians will endure as we always have. The Enclave is his clan, and the Mandalorian people his loyalty. And he wouldn't have it any other way.
Decades have passed, empires have risen and fallen, but Cerar still stands unbroken. Though he is past his prime and the decades of fighting have begun to take their toll he refuses to hang up the blaster and retire, instead investing in implants and a powered exoskeleton for his beskar'gam.
- Si'kahya Beskar'gam Jorir Variant (w/powered exoskeleton)
- NLI Mirshe'bev Mk. I
- Universal D-package
- Mandalorian vambraces w/ mounted Whistling birds, projected energy shield, Mk II "Starfire" gauntlet plasma caster, knuckle plate vibro blade, grappling line, and sonic repulsor
- Advanced stabilizer glove crushgaunts
- Eriadu strength amplifier
- MS-01 "Meteor Shower" Rotary Blaster Cannon
- ENCL-43 Kayaur Heavy Blaster Cannon
- Clan Vizsla Dueling Beskad (Greatsword)
- Kal dagger
- Taak'tabi boots
ENCL-G12 Akaanir-class Medium Gunship

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