The Parliament
- Intent: A standard personal weapon for
Beltran Rarr

- Image Source:,_spada_nair,_xviii_secolo_01.jpg#
- Canon Link: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Primary Source: Sith Sword
- Manufacturer:
- Affiliation:
- Model: N/A
- Modularity: No
- Production: Unique
- Material: Alchemized durasteel
- Classification: Sword
- Size: Average
- Weight: Heavy
Force Embued Blade created by working Stygium into the metal, dampening the sound to nearly inaudible levels
Remaining still while channeling stealth related Force Powers costs almost no strain to use mentally, and all stealth powers have improved effects
Capable of grinding lightning due to alchemized nature
Extreme Lightsaber Resistance
Magical Sharpness
Shadow Strike: At the users will, the sword dampens light levels to near pitch black conditions (With the user perfectly able to see) in a ten meter radius
Grinder: Grinds lightning extremely well
Stay Still: As long as the user remains perfectly still, Force Powers with stealth applications require less focus and have improved effects.
Magic Sharpness: Its so sharp it is capable cut through common energy resistant metals and cortosis weave durasteel (But not Phrik or Beskar) with immense ease
Force Voids: Will not function in Force Voids
Ion: Ion weapons shut down its effects for two minutes
Weight: You'll need skill, but more importantly, muscle
One of many Relics Laertia collected over the years, this Ceremonial Sword was won after being driven into a cave by a Mandalorian Assassin, who used this sword, claimed from his own acts of dungeon crawling, to battle a wounded Laertia to a standstill, His Force Sensitivity making their duel a terrible one that inflicted grievous Injuries on each other. Unfortunately it was the weight of the sword that ended up dooming him, as while he was just as skilled at swordplay as Laertia, the weight of swinging it inevitably tired his arm out and Laertia killed him in an epic beheading move by drawing on the Lightsaber's ability to activate and deactivate and penetrated his guard when his arm was raising the sword too slowly. This was the duel that caused Ursula Sandraven, secretly The Amalgam, to award Laertia her Crime Hunter Pistol.
A deadly tool, Laertia gave it to Beltran, her part time apprentice as both a training and practical weapon to build his strength, block heavier attacks, and learning how to judge when to swing and with how much force. Shadows dance on the blade and Laertia had it dated back to the Jedi Civil War, and belonged to a special group of them that hunted SithSpawn.
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