Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ceres Cluvius


  • Name: Cerces Cluvius
  • Noble Rank: Regent of the One, Viceroy of Duldor
  • Homeworld: Doldur
  • Species: Epicanthix
  • Relatives: Libera Cluvius (Daughter), Liber Cluvius
  • Languages Known: Epicant (native), Galactic Basic, Sith (fluent), High Basic
  • ​Age: mid fifties

++Skilled with people: Ceres has a natural charm in dealing everything that breaths. There is something that just draws people in to trusting Ceres. He is adept at making allies and leading people. His skills in diplomacy are far from amateur. There are few deal makers or deal closers than Ceres.
++Mentalist: Ceres has a natural affinity to the mentalist side of the Force, which he has cultivated with training and skills.
++Wealth: The sources of Ceres' fabulous wealth are unknown. Some say he was a pirate or mercenary, some say he was a gambler without parallel. There are certainly rumors, but what is known is none of the classic wealthy family names claim him. All that is known is he puts great use to it to fulfill his goals.
+/-Ambitious: Ceres knows what he wants, he knows how to get it, and woe to those who stand in his way. He would never be so uncouth to physically assault an opponent or have them murdered. Some fates are worse than death. Instead, shame and scandal would follow them till the day they died. Or they could find themselves rid of massive swaths of their own funds piratically over night.
--Control and Alter Force skills: Ceres hasn't devoted much time to studying Control or Alter skills. These are subpar for his training level and age.
--Age: Ceres' age is beginning to take its toll on him. He is in good health, but as he ages, Ceres' body doesn't move as quickly as it did twenty years ago...
--Opulence: Ceres has gotten accsustomed to a certain level of refinary. He is unwilling to put away his fine linen and fine wine.

Shrouded in mystery, if ten people asked Ceres his past they would hear ten different stories. The aged man's years are certainly filled with stories, adventure and wisdom, even if a third of what he said took place. No one is entirely sure where Ceres comes from exactly. There appears to be no older family that he is connected to, no parents, no grandparents, no brothers, sisters, and so on. His family appears to only consist of his twin children that he is so deeply invested in.

What is known for certain of his past is Ceres and his twin children, Liber and Libera Cluvius, have traveled the galaxy for quite a few years. He wanted to expose them to a variety of cultures, experiences, and training. He poured himself into their own education, providing them with hands on experience and learning. He showed Libera first hand how to do amazing trade deals, by brokering them as a third-party dealer for her to watch. He placed Liber in places to learn how to crush those who stood in his way. Through all the years, Ceres was sure to make sure that his children learned, and no matter how things happened, they somehow always came away wealthier and more powerful than ever before with more allies and political capital than before.

Patiently, bit by bit, he exposed them to thousands of planets, languages, cultures, and people before their ship reverted from hyper space before a war-torn planet known simply as "Doldur." It was here that fate would strike, and a new phase of their life would begin.

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