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Approved Species Cerevessians

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  • Name: Cerevessian
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Homeworld: Confracta
  • Language: The Old Tongue [Limited] | Confractan [Majority] | Basic [Limited]
  • Average Lifespan: 120 GSY
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: Cerevessians are a tall, fair and ultimately famously steadfast people. They each in themselves exude an aura of bravado, stoicism, and confidence making them easy to pick out in a room if their noticeably unique fashion sense did not do so already. Cerevessians upon a first inspection appear no different than a standard human, if quite literally a bit shiny, and perhaps covered in runic tattoos.
  • Breathes: Type I/II
  • Average height of adults: Male Cerevessians boast an average height of 1.9 meters, females are on average somewhat shorter at 1.85 meters.
  • Average length of adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Varying shades of paler whites and tans, eggshell colors are most common.
  • Hair color: Blonde pigmentation dominates hair coloring, from Pale to Dirty and all in between.
  • Distinctions: Cerevessians are for all purposes hard to distinguish from humans outside of a few key factors. In order from least to most noticeable: Cerevessians are generally paler, and taller. Their skin seems to appear as if it was polished, revealing itself on closer inspection as a skin-like lattice of pseudo scales. At times they can appear as if steaming, and if touched have a noticeably higher internal body temperature.
  • Races: There are two primary varieties of the Cerevessian species, those who are more passable as humans, and the few who through a series of mutations to their already existing adaptations, appear more reptilian upon inspection, with harder and more prominent scale structure.
  • Strengths:
    Hot-Blooded: Quite literally, this species has a much higher body temperature than the average, resting at around 52C. Under certain conditions they can ever appear to literally steam, the obvious benefit is allowing them to normally function in higher temperatures than possible for a species.
  • Artists In All: This species perceives everything as an art or an expression of it as a concept. This ranges from the obvious things like writing and painting to the less obvious, like mathematics, construct, starship production and farming. If Cerevessians do it, they do it to the furthest extent of expressions. Everything is a trade to be mastered, and everyone wants to be the best

  • Is It Cold In Here?: The species in contrast to their higher resting body temperature are quite vulnerable to colder temperatures, where most species are perfectly comfortable they often bundle themselves up, rarely seen without heavy layers of excessive clothing.
  • Perfectionists: Artists are rarely satisfied with their work, and when an entire species sees everything as an art, you can expect a lot of complaints. Things take longer to do and are often filled with frivolous or completely useless additions for simply the matter of the original creator adding them as a means of artistic expression, things are more expensive, slower to produce and often times entirely a departure from the expected.

  • Diet: Omnivorous | If it’s biological and not overtly toxic, it can be consumed, the exception is fungal life, which often proves very toxic to the species.
  • Communication: Verbal Communication, Hand Gestures, Written communication, the standard fare.
  • Technology level: Galactic Standard
  • Religion/Beliefs: Cerevessians like the rest of the Confractan species follows the Labyrinthian as both a Force and Religious institution, however Cerevessian faith is semi-unique in that it also reveres the stars, as well as reincarnation.
  • General behavior: Two things are placed above all others in this society, respect, and art. Respect is always due and everything is art. One must always be polite. One must always be respectful. One must always seek their glory. One must revere the family and the ancestors and the stars. First respect unto all, it is due and shall be due to you, Cerevessians expect and demand it, lest one be impolite - there is nothing worse to a Cerevessian than being impolite. Secondly, art is in all things and all things are art. This society treats everything as if it is of the utmost concern of expression and pomp so every action is analyzed for meaning or innuendo and often times extraneous or useless things take place simply as a means of expression, even in times where it is otherwise unfeasible. This makes them extraordinary craftsmen, but slow and fickle ones. To Seek glory is the final examination of this school of thought, to gain glory one must become the best at what they do, to reach a level of skill and perfection that only a lifetime of single-minded dedication can achieve, no matter what that pursuit is. The best sculptor is as revered as the best warrior. Thirdly the family is key, those you choose and those you do not, Cerevessians form and protect bonds with ferocity. It is plainly, as simple as that.

-The Ancestors have looked upon the stars longingly for time immemorial since the first people walked the face of the world. The children of Confracta have a different reason for their love affair, their flirtation with the cosmos, for they came from it - life here began out there. Twenty thousand years before the Battle of Yavin a transport ship lost in a hyperspace accident crashed on a world beyond what was thought to be the edge of the galaxy. Trapped and with no hope of escape, these ancient humans would make their home here, it would be tamed before them. They grew and expanded across the island chain they called home, and there was no name more appropriate than the Golden Isles. Boasting fertile coasts of soft rolling hills and fierce inland volcanoes all dotted in striking bio-luminescence, this warm strange almost toxic world shaped them. They are no longer humans, but distant cousins, now as distinct as they are forgotten.

-When the dust had settled and the pen once more touched the book of history, their prison had become their home, and they had built a mighty empire in the form of an Aristocratic Republic - One bearing the name of the vessel that had delivered them to this world in the old myths and legends. Many Noble houses controlled great cities across the Home Islands and the Colonies, each answering to an elected council of the people. One Noble Patriarch or Matriarch at any time was to be elected High Count, and in theory, so should it remain, in an ever-shifting but an equal balance of power, of the Noble and Common. The reality was very different. House Valeport dominated the Cerevessian societies, regardless of design, and due to influence from Ifradel, was able to cement its position in perpetuity, though other noble lines persist onwards, the Republic functioned now more like a Kingdom. It was here the people of The Golden Isles found themselves bound to the Ifradeli, and like all family, they should be one. So they did, and the First Triumvirate was born.

-The society grew in isolation and peace, technology was developed and with the first Hyperdrives, the Children of Cerevessia returned to their home, to the stars. A warm blanket was the reality of Isolation, one which slowed and stagnated the growth, and is responsible for Cerevessians only truly emerging now alongside the other Triumvirate species, rather than far sooner, but it did spare them wars. The Jedi, The Sith, Republics, Empires, so many wars; isolation proved to be a nice, warm blanket. Several species in the unknown regions however frequently interacted with the Cerevessian people, who were now famed traders, primarily the Chiss, who unknowingly or perhaps purposefully spread the Gulag plague to the Triumvirate, through the Ifradeli. The result was devastating and caused not only the Collapse of the First Triumvirate but a period of centuries of suffering. The children of Cerevessia, of Confracta secluded themselves to their ancestral Homeland the Golden Isles and sealed away the world and history.

-What happened during the Darkness is a haze of legends, of sickness and death, but when they emerged they had changed. A small flower known as 'Maze' had acquired importance paramount, as a religious symbol and as a tool of expansion and growth. A society already obsessed with glory and mastery of a craft emerged again from the collapse with nothing other than it, schools and other such things were trivial and frivolous, one could only truly become great by dedicating an entire lifetime to a thing, and so apprenticeships replaced them. People did not survive but families did, and so families became all. When all seemed well and the strong reigned again, isolation was broken, and the Triumvirate born again a Phoenix from ash into flame. Now finally the people have truly finally recovered into a new golden age.
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