Fiolette couldn't tell you the last time she saw her niece, all she could tell you was that the last time she saw her - the First Order was practically going up in flames. A traitor to all that the Galidraani noble class- the upper lip of society and all that they held dear. Fiolette was a renegade, a ruinous rebel to her family and the class of society they came from. A heart made of stone, cold as ice - Fiolette didn't give two flying kriffs. It showed. It showed as she walked down the streets of one of Galidraan's many cities. She had a meeting with
Natasi Fortan
but not anywhere where either of them had an advantage. No, Fiolette insisted that they meet at a seaside cottage - rented, borrowed for the moment, located off the North Caernarvon Sea sometimes called the Black Caernarvon Sea.
![Natasi Fortan](/data/avatars/s/0/18.jpg?1696042236)
Far away from Herevan, far away from Thames, far from where either preferred to roam on Galidraan. Fiolette reached inside her jacket and withdrew the cigarra case and took one out. Redhair mixed with a sweet silver and a bit of white that made up ol' Iron Lady's hair. Body built up from almost nothing, Fiolette lifted, fought and sparred these days anything to feel alive. Feel something, her two kids were close by, very close, Iaacen in a hot sling snug against his mother while his sister walked beside their mother. Sunglasses with the aviator look. Black shirt, henley in style fitted loosely over her belt and slacks.
Her jacket hung over her henley as she looked at her son and then the cigarra.
The old Fortan would wait for her niece at the cottage, the cottage that now became visible from the horizon.
Roundabout fifteen minutes later, and Fiolette had entered the cottage, a quick four-bedroom little spot, two baths. She worked to get Aerys settled, and Iaacen down for a nap and then took her seat in the living room. The cottage was out of the way, personal security knew the location and set up their patrols. A fleet at her beck and call, paramilitary to boot she settled into the recliner, leather from the feel of it. And took the opportunity to light up her cigarra, scarred up hands from the Battle of Kintan, scarred up arms from the ol' Dubrillion battle. Scars on her face from Omega, azure eyes settled their gaze on the door as she took in drag and felt the burn of the chemicals... She exhaled the smoke and waited.