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Approved Species Chónggāo Fēngbào Lóng | Exalted Storm Dragon

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Power of Dreams.

  • Name: Chónggāo Fēngbào Lóng | Exalted Storm Dragon
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Woden [Sky God of War]
  • Average Lifespan: 1,000 to 6,000 years
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description:
    • The Exalted Storm Dragons are the result of a forceful transformation of the Duinuogwuin Species. Woden the Sky God of War crafted them to serve as the personification of war and conflict itself from the base genetics of the Star Dragons otherwise known as the Duinuogwuin. Although having to evolve them differently through the force than their host species to turn them into a more recognizable species and true expressions of war. Coming in a variety of different colors ; due to interbreeding and various other biological factors.

      The Exalted Storm Dragons have many differences from their core genetics, such as having only 4 legs. Although they lack wings, they can still fly much like the duinuogwuin can do due to having natural repulsorlift organs within them. In terms of general appearance, they have a strong set of legs upon their bodies that end in sharp clawed feet, long whiskers that protrude from their mouths with a mane around their heads, with two horns sticking up out of them. Ending in their long body is a flat like tail that helps them to fly through the air using it as a min propulsion system along with their legs.
  • Breathes:
    • Type 1 [Human Form] Type II and III [Dragon Form]
  • Average Height of Adults:
    • 3.05 [10 Feet Tall] - 4.05 [13 Feet Tall]
  • Average Length of Adults:
    • 10-110 meters
  • Skin color:
    • Gold, Black, Green, Red, Brown. [Various in Human Form]
  • Hair color:
    • Gold, Black, Green, Red, Brown [Various in Human Form]
  • Distinctions:
    • They have long serpentine bodies with four strong well developed legs ended in extremely sharp claws. They have long whiskers that protrude out from their noises with long manes around their form, strong and deadly horns spring out from the top of their heads. They have many armored scales that run the length of their form on the top, with strong armored skin on the bottom. The Females of the Species generally have shorter horns and whiskers, with the males having medium sized horns and whiskers. An elder who has lived for a considerable long time will develop horns that begin to curve like a ram, and typically will be larger and more powerful than regular adults.

      It is easiest to spot an elder by the shape of their snout, having grown considerably longer than the others of the species. The rare young of the species generally don't have horns and develop them as they grow older, they are considered weaker than adults and can be killed quite easy. Other than these traits, they generally have the same outline and look and it would be hard to tell the difference between a male and female from far away.
  • Races:
    • They are exactly the same with no distinctions due to being made by Woden.
  • Force Sensitivity:
    • High
  • Human Form-
    • The Exalted Storm Dragons have the power to shapeshift into a human form, to better allow them to interact with people. They can change anything about that human form, be it weight, eye color, skin color, height and still retain much of their immense power but in a lesser form. Although they do lose abilities that can't be accomplished with human biology such as breathing fire. They will also retain this form even if knocked out or otherwise unconscious.
  • Fire-Breathing-
    • Much like their Star Dragon Cousins, the Exalted Storm Dragons have the ability to exhale superheated gases in the form of intense flames or sometimes frost. These gases are twenty to thirty times more powerful than the average turbolaser. They can also change the makeup of the flames or frost to make it shoot farther or longer, and putting more power behind the projectile to deal maximum damage to an opponent or stationary target. When released from the mouth, they sound like a raging storm which is where they get their name from.
  • Force Learner-
    • The Exalted Storm Dragons are quick learners of the force both due to their long life spans and considerable intelligence. They are able to pick up on new force powers within a matter of weeks and attain some level of mastery over that power in a short period of time, when it may take other species years to even decades to accomplish this. As such most of the species are generally considerable force adepts, as they aren't trained by the jedi or sith to harness those powers for either of their orders.
  • Enhanced Abilities:
    • The Exalted Storm Dragons have several abilities to them that make them considerable warriors on the battlefield and a force to be reckoned with. Such has having immense durability, quicker reflexes, super strength, faster speed, higher pain tolerance. And come equipped with slow regeneration over time which can help them survive on the battlefield. These abilities only grow as they grow older, as they increase in size and power until they reach maximum length and height. These abilities are also retained within human form.
  • Natural Flight-
    • Much like the Star Dragon, the Exalted Storm Dragon has natural repulsorlift organs within their bodies that help them fly through the air since they lack wings to lift them up into the atmosphere. This repulsorlift system makes them glide through the air like they weighed nothing at all, which helps them to quickly maneuver within the air to protect against enemy projectiles and engage with targets faster.
  • Armored Form-
    • The Exalted Storm Dragon have been enhanced by Woden with extremely armored forms to better serve as weapons of destruction, able to tank huge amounts of pressure and damage to protect themselves. As such they are extremely hard to take down by an opponent because their scales and skin are thick enough to withstand most weaponry that hasn't been imbued with the force or other mystical enhancements.

  • Human Form-
    • While the Exalted Storm Dragons can shapeshift into a human form, they can't switch back to their original form for years or even decades later. As the amount of power required for transformation is focused on crafting themselves a humanoid figure, they lose the power to transform back once the ritual has been completed. As the recharge rate can take a considerable amount of time. They must remain in human form until that energy is recharged fully.
  • Regeneration Overload-
    • While the Exalted Storm Dragons do have slow regeneration abilities this system can still be overwhelmed with an immense amount of damage from an opponent or enemy force that they are fighting against on the battlefield. With such an immense amount of damage to them, they will become extremely weak and become susceptible to being killed or taken prisoner. Or more than likely kill them outright due to them overloading the regenerative cells within their bodies.
  • Force Connection-
    • While the Exalted Storm Dragons do possess a relative quick learning and mastery of various force skills. If pressed into a space devoid of the force or having their connection to the force severed by an extremely powerful foe. They will lose access to the force and will be unable to fight using those abilities, relying only on their natural abilities that aren't connected to the force. Which while powerful in their own right, will not do as much damage as having the force would allow.
  • Reproduction Problems-
    • While the Exalted Storm Dragons do possess both female and male counterparts and they do interexchange with each other. There production rate is extremely low and most of the offspring that are born turnout as ravenous monsters that can't control their powers and a strong desire to lay waste to entire civilizations. Parents will often kill their own offspring at that stage, and that considerably lowers there already slow production rate. Meaning that they will eventually go extinct in the future unless they can get there population numbers up.
  • Force Imbued Weapons-

    • While the Exalted Storm Dragons do possess a strong and durable armored form, they are considerably more vulnerable to force imbued weapons such as blades, and other melee weaponries. While a regular sword or blaster will not cause them serious harm, these imbued weapons can break through and puncture their armor in far fewer strikes than a regular weapon to land a killing or crippling blow but it will take some time due to the armor overlapping in some areas. Meaning that a storm dragon mus tbe careful to avoid engaging an opponent with this king of weapon due to the risk of being killed.
  • Detectable Aura-
    • The Exalted Storm Dragons have a unique aura to them that can't be hidden or dampened in any way. Meaning that while in their human form or elsewhere in dragon form, they can still be detected and located without much difficulty. Meaning that stealth missions or going undercover is almost impossible for them to accomplish due to this, the aura is generally a faint feeling of unease and power to normal people but once detected by a force user, they will feel a more intense aura and more powerful force users will feel the presence almost immediately as they arrive in a location even if that location is on the other side of the planet.
  • Diet:

    • The Exalted Storm Dragons are considered Omnivores. This is due to their personal beliefs that by eating more of one thing or another, you will lose your abilities overtime. By being omnivores in their minds, it allows them to feel in balance with the ecosystem. They mainly focus on eating meat, while leaving plants for the times of the season when animals are scarce and their are other predators lurking about for their prey.

      Considering that dragons do need a lot of substances to survive each day because of their mass they feast on many varieties of plants and animals, and many will selectively choose a hunting ground and eat the resources within that, these hunting grounds will be far away from civilization because the populace believe that they are dragon gods. Once these resources are considered scarce, they will enter into a deep sleep and feed of the energy of the food that is within their bodies very slowly and at a reduced rate of breaking down of molecules within the body until there hunting ground resources are filled back up again for them to feast on.

      Generally nothing can be considered extremely poisonous but they can get extremely sick from eating food outside of their natural environment or from things that they have never seen before, but will eventually overcome this sickness after being exposed to and slowly digesting it after a long period of time to develop immunity.
  • Communication:
    • The Exalted Star Dragons have developed the ability to speak in Galactic Standard Basic. They will communicate in that language to all strangers that they come across as they have understood that it is the main language of the galaxy at large. While speaking among themselves or on their adopted homeworld, they will speak a variant of Rei Ginxa [The Local Language] which takes the galactic standard basic alphabet and transforms it into words that can be understood by them but not by others from outside their adopted homeworld. So they will be speaking the same language, but will require a translator or a person to know regular galactic basic to convey their message across to another person.
  • Technology level:
    • While within their dragon forms they don't use technology. Within their human form their technology level is comparable to Galactic Standard as they can operate starships and blasters without much difficulty.
  • Religion/Beliefs:
    • The Exalted Storm Dragons were created as servants and weapons for Woden, The Sky God of War. In the beginning they were loyalty to only him and were expected to obey and follow his orders for conquest without delay. Being used to challenge rival gods and deities of the force, they would begin to get worshipped themselves by primitive cultures they encountered. Woden disappeared one day and eventually becoming a forgotten deity, leaving his creations behind.

      Having no proper homeworld due to being created as weapons of war, they traveled through the stars until they touched down on the developing world of Lóng Xīngzuò, and slowly over time guiding the people to develop their world through self proclaimed heralds and priestesses. They were elevated to godhood by the people of Lóng Xīngzuò, and as such they eventually stopped recalling their original creator and believed themselves to have developed naturally through evolution. They now have the free will to do whatever it is they desire.
  • General behavior:
    • The Exalted Storm Dragons behave as any dragon might, living alone in isolation and being fiercely independent. Every member of the species does there own thing with generally few rules for behavior, although they do acknowledge almost begrudgingly that the Heavenly Emperor is the overall ruler of their species as a whole since he is the mightiest and strongest of the Exalted Storm Dragons and revered as the main god of the planet.

      Although in recent decades have taken on the appearance of a humanoid to better rule over his subjects as one of them. The one thing that is not acceptable is going on a rampage that might cause massive damage and disasters, and they know that as the viewed dragon gods that the worship of their subjects is better than fear of them. With there low reproduction rates, they will be parried with a mate and attempt to procreate, but have little success generally as majority of the time the child will only be a savage monster that needs to be destroyed.

      The offspring that do have intelligence within them will spend time with both parents, learning to control their powers and how to survive as a dragon. There are times, when a dragon will transform into a humanoid form and have a child with a human woman, this child is generally referred to as Dragon-Blooded. These dragon-blooded possess the abilities of dragons that are within human form, making them demi-gods in the eyes of the populace of their adopted homeworld due to the exalted storm dragons being their gods. Many of these dragon-blooded are either infamous warriors or live a life of luxury. Although they lack of the power to transform into a dragon like true offspring would have and thus will never reach their true destructive potential and power that they could achieve as a pure.

      With this in mind they are still a force to be reckoned with, having half of the power of a true dragon. The Heavenly Emperor is known to have several children who are dragon-blooded because he himself is an exalted storm dragon in human form and mates with many of his concubines, passing on his abilities as a dragon in humanoid form but none of the actual perks of transforming into a full dragon.
      Dragon-Blooded can reproduce with each other, but the children themselves will possess no supernatural abilities due to the power being severely diluted after passing from a true dragon, to a dragon-blooded and finally their children known as dragon-kin. This means that while they can give birth to children, they will not actually be dragon-blooded in any way and will be normal.
      Beyond reproduction, the Exalted Storm Dragons generally hunt within a hunting ground that is set within an area away from populated areas, and will defend their hunting grounds from another one of their species like any predatory beast but will not actually kill them, with the strongest and mightiest of the two fighting with each other until they are injured enough to admit defeat. Beyond eating to sustain themselves, they generally sleep during the night and wake up during the day, returning back to their lair after a successful day of hunting. They interact with the populace in a friendly and wise way, as keeping up their appearances as deity like beings protecting the planet from invaders and harm.

To the populace of Lóng Xīngzuò the reason as to why there dragon deities were created is irrelevant, only that they have arrived and are the guardian protectors of the planet. Known only to the Exalted Storm Dragons is that they were created by Woden, the Sky God of War. A mostly forgotten force being of the galaxy who saw themselves as the embodiment of war and conflict itself. Looking towards the Duinuogwuin for inspiration, a species of dragons which had been around for a considerable long time and had survived for countless generations even with their slow reproduction rates. Channeling his power within the force, Woden would begin to transform some of the duinuogwuin into a new breed of war dragons that would serve him and him alone.

Having to corrupt the base genes into something that would suit his purposes, the result was something that was far different from a duinuogwuin but had several of the same core qualities. The resulting breed of this abomination of force experimentation, they would be used against defenseless worlds that refused to worship him. Having destroyed and ravaged many worlds underneath the banner of woden, they would eventually come into contact with their original gene creators, the Duinuogwuin. At first trying to intermingle with each other to solve their slow reproduction rates, but the result mostly failed due to the fact that the base genes had been altered too much for them to be compatible. Woden knowing that his species were doomed to extinction because they couldn't reproduce face enough like the original genes.

After making people within the galaxy recall who he was with his terrifying force, Woden wouldn't have the need for the Exalted Storm Dragons and promptly disappeared without a trace to conduct other experimentations and plans that deities' of war often had. The Exalted Storm Dragons having no master to command them and no homeworld to call their own, they traveled throughout the stars in the search of a new world to call their own. Discovering the heaven system and understanding that it was underneath the Holy-Mother, another deity. The dragons selected the system nearby of it, that being the recovering world of Lóng Xīngzuò which had just been in a war period known as the "War of the Three Emperors". Landing on the planet with advanced technology that they had taken from others as they were still considered war beasts, they helped with the rebuilding process of the planet and united the populace into worshipping them as heavenly sky emperors. Although being war beasts and dragons as they were, the following Reign of the Dragons quickly collapsed as the exalted storm dragons bickered amongst themselves about who assisted the most and deserved to be the main deity of the dragon religion.

Quickly waging war with each other, the battle sounding like intense thunderstorms, gave them the name of storm dragons over their previous title of heavily sky emperors. The populace seeing their gods engage in war with another, the populace was split into 7 separate kingdoms spread out over the transformed landscape. Each kingdom supported a storm dragon and waged war with the others in their name. The following period was bloody and destructive, that was until one storm dragon overcame the rest and reunited the planet underneath their rule, and now rules over the planet in his humanoid form as the Heavenly Emperor.

With the planet back together and the storm dragons accepting but hating defeat by the mightiest and strongest of their race. They eventually developed into what they are today and have forgotten about their original origins, as the war beasts of Woden. They now believe that they were a separate subspecies of the Duinuogwuin. The 80th Dragon Emperor which is actually the first heavenly emperor from before, whom still rules over the exalted storm dragons and the planet itself with a mostly iron hand. The Exalted Storm Dragons still carry on surviving until this day although their population numbers are slowly dwindling due to their slow reproductive rates hampering their expansion.
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