Chūichi Haasa
A Tool of Imperial Diplomacy
"Water shapes its course according to the nature of the ground over which it flows; the soldier works out his victory in relation to the foe whom he is facing."
Sun Tzu, 'The Art of War'

"Water shapes its course according to the nature of the ground over which it flows; the soldier works out his victory in relation to the foe whom he is facing."
Sun Tzu, 'The Art of War'
Name: Chūichi Haasa
Allegiances: Galactic Empire
Occupation: Imperial Navy officer
Rank/Title: Captain
Species: Human
Age: 38 GSY
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'11" (1.8m)
Weight: 150lbs (68kgs)
The Man
When he was still a young boy, his mother passed down words of wisdom a boy normally hears from his father.
The first was that a title worth having was never given, but earned. The second was that you always looked a man in the eye when you shook his hand. The third was to buy a suit before he was 30, and to make sure he never outgrew it. These lessons were taken to heart and would help to shape him into the man he is today.
Chūichi runs a tight, efficient ship and that can be seen in everything about how it operates. On his bridge or in his CIC there are no first names: each man and woman is addressed by their rank or rank and surname. Uniforms are worn strictly to code, and each person is expected to know the functions of their station to the smallest detail. This standard is due, not to his own pride, but to a desire to instill in each person a respect and appreciation for their achievements and abilities.
They are Imperial Navy sailors, and the Captain desires that they always be aware of it.
That said, the Captain knows that an air of formality has its place, and that there is a time for familiarity, even when in uniform. In the privacy of his quarters, in the officers' mess, and in certain private meetings he is markedly less formal and more approachable. The rank he wears is a symbol of authority and not a bludgeon used to flex his own ego. He can remember when he stepped aboard his first posting as a young Ensign, and he does not imagine that the new generation of officers are any less in need of counsel and advice than he was then.
His appearance is always measured and cared for: dressing in the morning is done with a certain measure of self-respect and confidence others might call excessive. His hair is regularly combed and styled in a 'younger' fashion, with that raven hair well-cared for. Those hazel eyes are seemingly always perceptive and curious about his surroundings when in a more casual environment, while clinical and hard at others.
Like any sailor: his closet seems to have more uniforms and accessories than any proper civilian clothes, but he still keeps a fairly decent collection. Primarily? He's a fan of suits: all well-tailored and a few even bespoke at his order. He tends for darker colors such as charcoals or deep blues, accented with dark brown or black shoes, and a Chase Wilderness Chronometer and Gunray-Bans are common accessories for his daily wear. In addition those who have known him more personally know that those suits and uniforms are hiding a well-muscled body and a myriad of ink he accrued over his youth.
The Story
Born on Dromund Kaas, Chūichi was the youngest of four siblings: born to a prostitute for a mother an an absent figure for a father. Yet they were citizens of the Galactic Empire and such beginnings did not always warn of a doomed future. In fact for the young boy he would come to grow far beyond anyhing his humble beginnings suggested.
When living on the streets a boy had to be tough. Though primary school he found himself in more than one scrap with older students, throwing himself into the fray. He had an elder brother and two older sisters who all merrily got into such trouble and Chūichi followed along with a desire to emulate his closest role-models. All of them could be said to be responsible for many of the gray hairs on their mother's head in later years.
Primary education saw Chūichi on the road to becoming the first of his siblings to actually graduate and go on to university. This combined with an affinity for boxing when he joined the school's team meant that his mother and siblings were hopeful to see him go on to university - yet as his senior year drew to a middle, a record of insubordination and fighting on school grounds meant very few schools were willing to entertain him as a student. None seemed to want the risk of the young man starting some sort of terrible fight on their campus.
Yet a young and athletic boy with a propensity for throwing himself into a fight didn't go amiss by his local Imperial Navy recruiter, who was kind enough to put him in touch with a representative of the Navy Officers' Academy. While his siblings and mother all might have been nervous at the prospect of their youngest going into the Imperial military in any capacity, they were ecstatic to see him go on to higher learning where none of them had yet gone. So, teary-eyed, they saw him off at the station where he left for the academy.
A sense of personal drive and desire for excellence mixed with the self-discipline and organization of the Navy. He found he put that focus into his academics and professional performance: rating near the top of his class after clawing his way into the position. He became an accomplished Fleet Warfare Officer, recommended strongly for command at earliest convenience, and even found his way onto the Imperial Navy boxing team.
He teased his siblings when he sent home word to his family that he had won the Inter-Service Welterweight Championship: proving quite obviously that he must have been the better fighter among the four children.
His coming to command was accelerated: given his first command as the officer of a single gunship as part of an overall defensive picket. There his reputation as a hyper-efficient officer, commanding as much respect as discipline from those appointed under his command, and meeting every challenge with a thin but fiery grin. In particular a posting on anti-piracy operations saw him leading his squadron in brutally efficient missions against enemy forces at the borders of the Galactic Imperium.
A promotion to Captain followed shortly after and he saw himself in charge of an even larger squadron.
The Squadron
In command of 4 Squadron, 7th Fleet: the Captain's hulls can change as demand and supply dictate.
However his fleet generally has a fairly reliable layout.
4th Squadron, 4th Fleet - "4th of the 4th" - The Red Javelin
INV 'Imperial Diplomacy'
○ - Vindicator IV-class escort cruiser
○ - 700 meters, total length
- ○ - 1x squadron, TIE/LN Mark IV starfighters
- ○ - Various non-combat/support craft
INV 'Nobleman'
○ - Vindicator II-class escort cruiser
○ - 600 meters, total length
- ○ - 1x squadron, Scimitar assault bombers
- ○ - 2x squadrons, TIE/IN Mark IV starfigthers
- ○ - 4x Sentinel transport shuttles
- ○ - Various non-combat/support craft
INV 'War Maiden'
○ - Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser
○ - 600 meters, total length
- ○ - 1x squadron, TIE/M starfighters
INV 'Moonbird'
○ - Imperial Pilum-class frigate
○ - 435 meters, total length
- ○ - 1x squadron, TIE/M starfighters
- ○ - 1x Sentinel transport shuttle
INV 'Picket Runner'
○ - Tempus-class frigate
○ - 375 meters, total length
INV 'Circuit Burner'
○ - Indictor II-class EWS frigate
○ - 262 meters, total length
INV 'Coyote'
○ - Velox-class Corvette-Gunship
○ - 150 meters, total length
INV 'Fleetfoot'
○ - Velox-class Corvette-Gunship
○ - 150 meters, total length
Service Jacket
The following is a summary of Chūichi's service and experience.
Invasion Threads |
Thread Title | Thread Summary | Thread Link | Thread Status |
Total War | The Confederacy attempted an invasion of Tatooine and surrounding space. Chūichi conducted fleet operations in orbit of the planet. | Complete |
Dominion Threads |
Thread Title | Thread Summary | Thread Link | Thread Status |
The Silver Lining | The might of the imperial military is turned to enforcing a dominion holding over the Lyran IV system. Chūichi conducts orbital operations and special operations support. | IC | In Progress |
Social Threads |
Thread Title | Thread Summary | Thread Link | Thread Status |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Commendations |
Commendation | Reason | Thread Link |
The Imperial Medallion of Service | Awarded for performing above and beyond the call of duty for almost single-handedly facing a Confederate armada in a single engagement. | IC |
The Gilded Sun | Awarded for the excellent strategy and coordination of Imperial forces in a single engagement. | IC |
Play-By: Lee Jung-jae
Voice: Lee Jung-jae
Speech: 2E8B57 - Seagreen