Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Chaca

FACTION: Factionless

RANK: Unranked


AGE: He appears to be in early adolescence (13 or 14ish), though it is impossible to tell how long Chaca has actually existed. Some have pondered that Chaca may have existed much longer, though his unique nature makes his memory flighty at best

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5' 4" (1.6 meters)

WEIGHT: 109 lbs

EYES: Chaca's eyes are a stunning sapphire color.

HAIR: Chaca has soft black fur on top of his head, the beginning of a mane that presumably would thicken as he grows older

SKIN: Chaca has silky soft ivory fur that covers his entire body. The fur is fairly short, though it manages to provide fairly adequate insulation to the elements and sunshine.

FORCE SENSITIVE: Chaca is something of a mystery in the force. When first encountered, force sensitive beings tend to be very put-off by Chaca because he feels like a blank spot in the force. Not that he isn't there, but as though a section of space was missing, centered on his position. Chaca seems entirely unable to summon force abilities of any kind, and on top of that the force actually seems to "deaden" around him for others. Force abilities seem to faulter and fail within about 2 feet of him, and light sabers actually turn off if they get within his field. Force abilities involving the mind have been entirely unsuccessful in uncovering the mysteries of his existence as well, even with Chaca's cooperation. Want it or not, the force seems to deaden out with Chaca. There is one bit of evidence that shows Chaca's exceptionally deep rooted connection to the force - visions. Chaca receives visions, presumably from the force. Those who make physical contact with Chaca also sometimes receive visions of their own as well. Chaca is a mystery, as his memory is foggy and wavering. Its been presumed that his memory difficulties are tied to his unique place within the force, but no certain answers are known at this time/COLOR]




Agility: Chaca is fairly agile and fit, something he partially credits to his species, as well as training.

Force Nullification: The fact that force abilities are all-but-nullified in his presence could be considered an advantage in some unique situations, but more often than not it is a weakness and liability. Within 2 feet of Chaca, the force stops functioning. Even if he is trying to allow and cooperate, the force cannot function within his "field". Though not always fully nullified, other extrasensory nonforce abilities (such as telepathy) often have strange or unpredictable results when used on Chaca

Visions: Presumably because of his unique nature within the force, Chaca is sometimes able to feel the energy within people or objects with a strong force presence. Upon physical contact, his senses can occasionally pick up on these energies with even more clarity. With Chaca it would feel as though he were recalling a memory - as images, sensations or sounds would come to him like a vision. This unique characteristic of Chaca is certainly a double-edge sword. Though the visions or sensations would sometimes prove useful, it could also be distracting or even misleading to the boy (if he misunderstood what he received for example). This could also be considered a weakness, due to the effects this has on his mind and memory.

Animal Kinship: Because of Chaca's somewhat tribal and primal nature, animals often tend to align to him instinctively. The same goes for Chaca - he tends to empathize with nonsentients fairly easily


Hazardous! - Chaca can be a liability in the presence of force users; both light and dark side alike. Nullification of force abilities when one needs them most can be detrimental. Because it is not something Chaca can choose to activate or deactivate, it makes him dangerous to be around, and even more dangerous to try to protect.

Susseptible to Indirect Force Attacks: Though the force does not work directly on him, Chaca is still far from safe of its effects. Objects can still be hurled at/on him using the force, and his environment can still be manipulated by the force, as long as it isn't within his "field" (about 2 feet from him in all directions). A force user could certainly harm or kill Chaca with just a little creativity.

Visions: Though Chaca is sometimes able to feel energy from powerful people and objects, there are many problems that come hand-in-hand with this aspect of his existence. Chaca has a fleeting memory that leaves much of his life and past in complete mystery. He cannot remember is family, birth place, or anything else from his earlier life. Though he has no way of knowing for certain, he always suspects that his memory problems go along with his often problematic nature within the force


Chaca has a young leonine face and a thin small light body. He is lean & toned, and it could be guessed from his physique that he is fast and agile, but not likely very strong. Chaca has silky soft short ivory fur that covers his entire body. Upon his head is a thick black mane, his face accented with brilliant sapphire eyes. Upon his face is three vertical scars, crimson in hue. His tail is fairly long, and ends in a tuft of fur as onyx as his mane.


Chaca doesnt speak much of his past, what he can retain of it. His memory seems fleeting at times, likely due to the boy's strange presence within the force.

He has a knack for showing up in the strangest locations, especially ones of strong force-presence... dark or light.

SHIP: None

KILLS: Being fairly gentile natured and actually a little timid, Chaca has never killed. He hopes never to cross such a line


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