Darth Banshee
Exiled Queen of Serenno
Sabrina and Mikhail Shorn as well as Darth Kentarch, marched into the forest, with their legion of infantry . Some where in this forest, their was a garrison used to control the region. The information they received put it near the forest edge, in a set bunkers, which had under ground tunnels link them up. If they could take it, it would make an excellent hq, to start their campaign for the rest of the planet. Though their first job, was to take the base, without that they had nothing.
The three of them, moved as silently as possible, through the forest. Then they stopped, and so did their legion, scouts had come back with reports, and a map of the base. It had low walls, so the walker unit could, deploy over it with ease, and yet still protect it`s garrison. It also had three bunkers, used as hard point`s. The base it self, was triangular in shape, formed round these bunkers. No doubt they had tunnels underneath, to link them to what seemed an central barracks. On each the bunkers they search light`s, to try and see for oncoming forces. These moved in an unpredictable manner, to try and catch people off guard.
Sabrina looked at the map, with the other two and suggested, Our troops should crawl forward, as slowly so not to be seen or heard, from this side. She pointed to side closest to the forest, she continued While a smaller force, makes an attack from here. Though I think they should like the larger force, so they should use smoke grenades, and have the majority of our heavy weapons. She pointed to the map as she did this, the group would be attacking one of the bunkers, furthest from the main thrust, to attract as many as possible. Coupled with the fact this group, would have all most of heavy weapons, they could deal with the war walkers, they think are stationed here. She looked at the other two, for their thoughts on the battle plan.
The three of them, moved as silently as possible, through the forest. Then they stopped, and so did their legion, scouts had come back with reports, and a map of the base. It had low walls, so the walker unit could, deploy over it with ease, and yet still protect it`s garrison. It also had three bunkers, used as hard point`s. The base it self, was triangular in shape, formed round these bunkers. No doubt they had tunnels underneath, to link them to what seemed an central barracks. On each the bunkers they search light`s, to try and see for oncoming forces. These moved in an unpredictable manner, to try and catch people off guard.
Sabrina looked at the map, with the other two and suggested, Our troops should crawl forward, as slowly so not to be seen or heard, from this side. She pointed to side closest to the forest, she continued While a smaller force, makes an attack from here. Though I think they should like the larger force, so they should use smoke grenades, and have the majority of our heavy weapons. She pointed to the map as she did this, the group would be attacking one of the bunkers, furthest from the main thrust, to attract as many as possible. Coupled with the fact this group, would have all most of heavy weapons, they could deal with the war walkers, they think are stationed here. She looked at the other two, for their thoughts on the battle plan.